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  • 1.  How to create a eagerZeroedThick disk with Powershell

    Posted May 12, 2009 09:25 AM

    Hi all,

    I would like to create a eagerZeroedThick disk with power (This is required for shared MSCS cluster disks) with powershell...

    looks like this is not available as part of the VIPowershell cmdlet

    I have the following code... but it fails during the CreateVirtualDisk. Please can you help me ?

    Write-Host "Retreive: Service Instance..."

    $svcRef = new-object VMWare.Vim.ManagedObjectReference

    $svcRef.Type = "ServiceInstance"

    $svcRef.Value = "ServiceInstance"

    $serviceInstance = get-view $svcRef


    Write-Host "Retreive: Virtual Disk Manager

    $vdm = Get-View $serviceInstance.Content.VirtualDiskManager


    Write-Host "Retreive: New virtual HDD Spec"

    $vHddSpec = new-Object VMWare.Vim.FileBackedVirtualDiskSpec

    $vHddSpec.CapaciptyKB = 102400

    $vHddSpec.DiskType = "eagerZeroedThick" # mandatory for Shared Cluster disk

    $vHddSpec.AdapterType = "lsiLogic" # mandatory for Shared Cluster disk


    Write-Host "Create cluster disk"

    $FilePath ="[HQESXU0021_Local] /Test1.vmdk"

    $ds = Get-datastore HQESXU0021_Local

    $vdm.CreateVirtualDisk ($FilePath, $ds, $vHddSpec)

  • 2.  RE: How to create a eagerZeroedThick disk with Powershell
    Best Answer

    Posted May 12, 2009 12:54 PM

    Note1: the trick when you want to use the VirtualDiskManager methods you need to connect to the ESX server not the VC!

    Note2: the name of the disk needs to be a valid datastore path.

    That means you have to use the following notation: \[

    Note that there has to eb a space between the closing square bracket and the name of the folder.

    An example: \[myds\] vm1/vm1-quorum.vmdk

    Note3: when you connect to the ESX server there is only 1 datacenter with the default name "ha-datacenter"

    Note4: the CreateVirtualDisk method doesn't connect the new disk to any virtual machine.

    The script then becomes something like this

    Connect-VIServer -Server <ESX-servername> -User <ESX-account> -Password <ESX-password>
    Write-Host "Retreive: Service Instance..."
    $serviceInstance = get-view ServiceInstance
    Write-Host "Retrieve: Virtual Disk Manager"
    $vdm = Get-View $serviceInstance.Content.VirtualDiskManager
    Write-Host "Retrieve: New virtual HDD Spec"
    $vHddSpec = new-Object VMWare.Vim.FileBackedVirtualDiskSpec
    $vHddSpec.CapacityKB = 102400
    $vHddSpec.DiskType = "eagerZeroedThick"      # mandatory for Shared Cluster disk
    $vHddSpec.AdapterType = "lsiLogic"           # mandatory for Shared Cluster disk
    Write-Host "Create cluster disk"
    $FilePath ="[myds] Cluster/cluster-quorum.vmdk"
    $dc = Get-datacenter "ha-datacenter" | Get-View
    $vdm.CreateVirtualDisk($FilePath, $dc.moref, $vHddSpec)

  • 3.  RE: How to create a eagerZeroedThick disk with Powershell

    Posted May 12, 2009 02:31 PM

    Hi LucD

    you completly answer my question. Thks a lot

    The missing part was

    $dc = Get-datacenter "ha-datacenter" | Get-View