VMware Cloud Community

Help with a simple script to shut a bunch of VM's, it works but I need it to exit if there is no confirmation a VM shut down successfully.

I have cobbled together a automated shutdown script below which reads a text file and shuts a list of specific VM's down.  It sort of works however if in the event the script was unable able to gracefully shut a VM down (i.e VMtools was not running/installed) I need the script to provide a exit code and send an email alert.  I think I have found a bit of suitable code (highlighted in red below) which can achieve this however I'm not 100% about how to implement it.  I wondered if someone could kindly show me an example so I can try to learn from it.

# ==============================================================================================

# Parameters

param (



# ================================================================================================

# ==============================================================================================

# Varibles

$waittime= 60 #Seconds

#Email varibles

$From = "vCenter@blah.net"

$To = "luke@blah.net"

$Cc = "luke@blah.net"

#$Attachment = "C:\temp\Some random file.txt"

$Subject = "!! TEST DMAT Report TEST !!"

$BodySuccess = "Valid VM parameters have been supplied by ControlM and the Shutdown command has been executed"

$BodyFailure1 = "Control M has supplied an invalid VM name Parameter or the VM does not exist within the infrastructure"

$SMTPServer = ""

$SMTPPort = "25"

# Add the vmware snapin for powershell

Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

# Establish Connection

Connect-VIServer -Server -User administrator@blah -Password blah

# ----- Check if the passed parameters are empty or not




Write-Output "You havent supplied the name of a VM that exists within the infrastructure"

Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Cc $Cc -Subject $Subject `

  -Body $BodyFailure1 -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort





# ----- Split the passed parameters and for each value perform task


$VMsToShutDownUp.Split(',') | ForEach {

Get-VM $_ | Shutdown-VMGuest -Confirm:$false

Write-host "Pausing for $waittime seconds to allow VMs to shutdown cleanly.  VMware tools must be installed and running for this to work"


do {

      #Check the power status

      $MyVM = Get-VM -Name myvirtualmachinename

      $status = $MyVM.PowerState

  }until($status -eq "PoweredOff")


Exit 1

Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Cc $Cc -Subject $Subject `

  -Body $BodySuccess -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort



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1 Reply

Give this a shot (two choices)

#If you want to create an array of failed vm's

#before the loop create an empty array

$FailedList = @()

if (! (Get-VM $_ | Shutdown-VMGuest -Confirm:$false)) {

  Write-Output "The VM did not shutdown"

  $FailedList += $MyVM


#or if you just want to send an email per VM

if (! (Get-VM $_ | Shutdown-VMGuest -Confirm:$false)) {

  Write-Output "The VM did not shutdown"

  #Put your Send-MailMessage code here


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