VMware Cloud Community

Help understanding the PowerCLI script process - One liner vs. Full page script

I am working on a script to help get us a few things for capacity plannings as much as just weekly status of our VM's.  I feel kinda comfortable when I just have to do a quick one liner for some basic information and there are actually a lot of one liners I have come across.  However i'm stuck on when it comes to trying to build a report that I can push to a CSV format to get all the data I'm looking for and seem to be having a hard time understanding how the build process works for getting a concise capacity report.

The other day some one asked for all of the associated drives for our cluster.  Well I know I can use "Get-cluster" to get all of our different clusters, the use "Get-Cluster clusterName | Get-VMHost" to get all of the associated ESX host of the cluster.  But what I wanted to try to do was break it out a bit more:

Cluster Name:

     ESX Host Nmae -

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

            Totals     cpu     memory                                    Total Disk Usage

ESX Host Nmae - 

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

            Totals     cpu     memory                                    Total Disk Usage

ESX Host Nmae - 

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

               VM     cpu     memory     Disk C:     Disk 😧     Sub-Total Disk Usage

            Totals     cpu     memory                                    Total Disk Usage

What I had to do was a bunch of one liners because I could not create a full report/script to get what I was after.

get-cluster clusterName | Get-VMHost - got me my ESX Host

$report = get-vmhost vmhostESXHost | get-vm - listed my VM's

I found a one liner to get me total HD utilitation:

$report = get-vmhost fsaptcpesx007.fsa.mrd | get-vm

$report | Select Name,@{N="HD Used (GB)";E={[math]::Round(($_.Guest.Disks | %{      $_.CapacityGB - $_.FreeSpaceGB} | Measure-Object -Sum |

Select -ExpandProperty Sum),1)}}

Then I would use:

$vm = get-vm vmGuest


and this would give me the break down of the drives.

My first hope is to get a report to get this info but my biggest request is to figure out how this gets done in a report/script.  I just got a subscription to a sight to help and I did see a book i'm hoping to purchase.  I do have some experience with HTML and PHP but it's not really translating easily to Powershell/PowerCLI.  I'll keep at it for sure, but just know there has to be a good reference to help put it together.

Any suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated.


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Well, I'm getting closer.  I kept trying different ways to get the VM Name along with the associated drives and came across this script:

$(foreach ( $cluster in "Linux_NonProd_Cluster", "Linux_Production_Cluster") { get-view -SearchRoot (get-cluster $cluster).id -viewtype VirtualMachine -Filter @{"Summary.Runtime.PowerState"="poweredOn";"Config.Template"="False"}  | % {$esxhost=(get-view ($_.Summary.Runtime.Host)).name;$vmname=$_.Name;$_.Guest.Disk | select @{N="VMName";E={$vmname}},DiskPath,@{N="CapacityGB"; E={[Math]::Round($_.Capacity/1GB,2)} },@{N="FeeSpaceGB";E={[Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace/1GB,2)}},@{N="Cluster";E={$cluster} },@{N="Host";E={$esxhost} } }  })  | Export-Csv "c:\scripts\schtasks\ReportVMsDiskUsageLinux.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Script credit to - Grzegorz Kulikowski

This has given me a great starting point, bad part is I don't understand the process yet.  but I did want to share this in case someone else needs to find the VM name with associated drives with Path /CapacityGB and FreeSpaceGB.

Unfortunately they have asked that I also acquire this information for our Physical servers and hoping to find a similar powershell to create the same data.

I'll keep plugging along and updating thread with my updates.

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