VMware Cloud Community

Get size of file in datastore from full path


I have the full path to a file in a datastore and I need to get the file size.

I've seen that this can be done using datastore.SearchDatastoreSubFolders to search the parent folder but this seems like a difficult way to get the file size of a single file.

Thanks for any help,


2 Replies

You can use the vmstores drive. Like the next example. vito is the name of our vCenter server. 501 is the returned length.

Z:\vmware\scripts> (dir "vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\vito_vmfs02\scompxx64\scompxx64.vmdk").length


Z:\vmware\scripts> get-datastore | % { $_.datastorebrowserpath}

vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\vito_vmfs02

vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\vito_vmfs01

vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\vito_vmfs03

vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\scomp0407_boot (1)

vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\scomp0408_boot (1)

vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\vito_vmfs04_nfs

Z:\vmware\scripts> dir "vmstores:\vito@443\VMware Infrastructure Test Omgeving\vito_vmfs02"

Datastore path:

LastWriteTime Type Length Name





22-9-2009 10:47 Folder RDPtest

11-3-2009 11:23 Folder vcomp000x

28-7-2009 14:05 Folder templ_w2k3x64R2_tst

28-7-2009 15:11 Folder proefkonijn

21-9-2009 14:49 Folder templ_w2k3x64R2

15-2-2010 11:38 Folder proefkonijn2

1-10-2009 12:24 Folder scompxx64

4-11-2009 13:45 Folder scomp0065tst

Blog: https://rvdnieuwendijk.com/ | Twitter: @rvdnieuwendijk | Author of: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/learning-powercli-second-edition

You also use the datastore provider that comes with PowerCLI.

Something like this

$datastore = "dsName"
$path = "Folder\filename.filetype"

ls ((Get-Datastore -Name $datastore).DatastoreBrowserPath + "\" + $path)

Where Folder is normally the name of the guest.

For example for a guest named PC1 on datastore DS1 where you want to see the size of the VMDK file this would become

$datastore = "DS1"
$path = "PC1\PC1.vmdk"

ls ((Get-Datastore -Name $datastore).DatastoreBrowserPath + "\" + $path)

The length property will contain the size of the file.

Note that the datastore provider is not too fast and it's not 100% production ready yet.


Blog: LucD notes

Twitter: lucd22

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference