VMware Cloud Community

Email 30 day or older Snapshots


Trying to modifiy a script to email snapshots say older than 15 days.

Example code is Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Where { $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} | select Name, Created

need to write this into the script but cant get it right? Any advice would be great please.



Title: Get-VmwareSnaphots.ps1

Description: List snapshots on all VMWARE ESX/ESXi servers as well as VM's managed by Virtual Center.

Requirements: Windows Powershell and the VI Toolkit

Usage: .\Get-VmwareSnaphots.ps1

Author: Modded



#Global Functions

#This function generates a nice HTML output that uses CSS for style formatting.

function Generate-Report {

Write-Output "<html><head><title></title><style type=""text/css"">.Error {color:#FF0000;font-weight: bold;}.Title .Normal {}</style></head><body><table><trTitle""><td colspan=""5"">VMware Snaphot Report</td></tr><tr class="Title"><td>VM Name </td><td>Snapshot Name </td><td>Date Created </td><td>Description </td><td>Host </td></tr>"

Foreach ($snapshot in $report){

Write-Output "<td>$($snapshot.vm)</td><td>$($snapshot.name)</td><td>$($snapshot.created)</td><td>$($snapshot.description)</td><td>$($snapshot.host)</td></tr> "


Write-Output "</table></body></html>"


#Login details for standalone ESXi servers

$username = 'root'

$password = 'password' #Change to the root password you set for you ESXi server

#List of servers including Virtual Center Server. The account this script will run as will need at least Read-Only access to Cirtual Center

$ServerList = "esx01" #Chance to DNS Names/IP addresses of your ESXi servers or Virtual Center Server

#Initialise Array

$Report = @()

#Get snapshots from all servers

foreach ($server in $serverlist){

  1. Check is server is a Virtual Center Server and connect with current user

if ($server -eq "VCServer"){Connect-VIServer $server}

  1. Use specific login details for the rest of servers in $serverlist

else {Connect-VIServer $server -user $username -password $password}

    1. example Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Where { $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} | select Name, Created*

get-vm | get-snapshot | %{

$Snap = {} | Select VM,Name,Created,Description,Host

$Snap.VM = $_.vm.name

$Snap.Name = $_.name

$Snap.Created = $_.created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)

$Snap.Description = $_.description

$Snap.Host = $_.vm.host.name

$Report += $Snap



  1. Generate the report and email it as a HTML body of an email

Generate-Report > "VmwareSnapshots.html"

IF ($Report -ne ""){

$SmtpClient = New-Object system.net.mail.smtpClient

$SmtpClient.host = "mail.local.com" #Change to a SMTP server in your environment

$MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage

$MailMessage.from = "nobody@site2.com" #Change to email address you want emails to be coming from

$MailMessage.To.add("nobody@site.com") #Change to email address you would like to receive emails.

$MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = 1

$MailMessage.Subject = "Vmware Snapshots"

$MailMessage.Body = Generate-Report


0 Kudos
7 Replies

Since you didn't say where you had a problem, I can give you this minimal script that sends the report (not as HTML) in the body of the email.

$report = Get-VM  | Get-Snapshot | where { $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)} | select VM, Name, Created
$emailFrom = <from-email-addr>
$emailTo = <to-email-addr>
$subject = "Snapshots older then 15 days"
$body = $report | Out-String
$smtpServer = <smtp-server>
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos

Thanks for your response

Issue is need to the top bold portion to the lower bold portion but this doesnt work? Returns columu Date Created is @{Name=; Created=} hence the code I added is not correct.

    1. example Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Where { $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} | select Name, Created*

get-vm | get-snapshot | %{

$Snap = {} | Select VM,Name,Created,Description,Host

$Snap.VM = $_.vm.name

$Snap.Name = $_.name

#$Snap.Created = $_.Created

$Snap.Created = { $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} | select Name, Created

$Snap.Description = $_.description

$Snap.Host = $_.vm.host.name

$Report += $Snap



0 Kudos

This should do the trick.

Try this one, if you get errors include the error messages in you reply.

Title: Get-VmwareSnaphots.ps1
Description: List snapshots on all VMWARE ESX/ESXi servers as well as VM's managed by Virtual Center.
Requirements: Windows Powershell and the VI Toolkit
Usage: .\Get-VmwareSnaphots.ps1
Author: Modded


#Global Functions
#This function generates a nice HTML output that uses CSS for style formatting.
function Generate-Report {
Write-Output "<html><head><title></title><style type=""text/css"">.Error {color:#FF0000;font-weight: bold;}.Title {background: #4A8AC6;color: #FFFFFF;text-align:center;font-weight: bold;}.Normal {}</style></head><body><table><trTitle""><td colspan=""5"">VMware Snaphot Report</td></tr><tr class="Title"><td>VM Name </td><td>Snapshot Name </td><td>Date Created </td><td>Description </td><td>Host </td></tr>"

foreach ($snapshot in $report){
Write-Output "<td>$($snapshot.vm)</td><td>$($snapshot.name)</td><td>$($snapshot.created)</td><td>$($snapshot.description)</td><td>$($snapshot.host)</td></tr> "
Write-Output "</table></body></html>"

#Login details for standalone ESXi servers
$username = 'root'
$password = 'password' #Change to the root password you set for you ESXi server

#List of servers including Virtual Center Server. The account this script will run as will need at least Read-Only access to Cirtual Center
$ServerList = "esx1","esx2"
#Change to DNS Names/IP addresses of your ESXi servers or Virtual Center Server

#Initialise Array
$Report = @()

#Get snapshots from all servers
foreach ($server in $serverlist){

# Check is server is a Virtual Center Server and connect with current user
if ($server -eq "myVC"){Connect-VIServer $server}

# Use specific login details for the rest of servers in $serverlist
else {Connect-VIServer $server -user $username -password $password}

Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | where { $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)} | %{
$Snap = {} | Select VM,Name,Created,Description,Host
$Snap.VM = $_.vm.name
$Snap.Name = $_.name
$Snap.Created = $_.created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)
$Snap.Description = $_.description
$Snap.Host = $_.vm.host.name
$Report += $Snap

#   1. Generate the report and email it as a HTML body of an email

Generate-Report > "VmwareSnapshots.html"
if ($Report -ne ""){
$SmtpClient = New-Object system.net.mail.smtpClient
$SmtpClient.host = "smtp.server" #Change to a SMTP server in your environment
$MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$MailMessage.from = "nobody@site2.com" #Change to email address you want emails to be coming from
$MailMessage.To.add("nobody@site2.com") #Change to email address you would like to receive emails.
$MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = 1
$MailMessage.Subject = "Vmware Snapshots"
$MailMessage.Body = Generate-Report

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos

99% there....(thanks)

Only issue is the Date Created returns True rather than a creation date?

VMware Snaphot Report

VM Name Snapshot Name Date Created Description Host

SVRHOMGMT Created by vReplicator (do NOT modify or delete!) True Application: vReplicator; Version: 3.0.0 (build 13184); Time: 16/12/2009 12:34:05 a.m.; Machine: SVRDC; User: SYSTEM; esx01

0 Kudos

I see, didn't check that part of the code. Smiley Sad

Change this line

$Snap.Created = $_.created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)

by this line

$Snap.Created = $_.created

and you should see the actual date of the snapshot.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos

Fantastic it now works well.

Reson for this is to ensure we have no old snapshots from vReplicator running.

0 Kudos

I'm having a problem searching isolated esxi hosts for snapshots in this script. I can scan any hosts that are connected to the vcenter, but I have a couple of esxi hosts that are not managed by vcenter. The root credentials are the same in both enviroments, but when I list the isolated host in this script, it only authenicates to the vcenter, which just duplicates the same results. Any suggestions?


CL 06232010 SRV-EMPIRE12V before bes install 06172010 06/16/2010 13:11:37 requested Luke Bragg jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

CL 06232010 SRV-EMPIRE12V BES install complete 06/16/2010 21:45:48 After BES 5.0.1 maintenance release 3 install jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE19V 05182010 Prior to Roger's tool upgrades 05/18/2010 15:49:58 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE19V 06142010 Roger requested to save work to this point 06/15/2010 19:06:48 Scott also requested this jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

EDE-90003 06042010 on network, before psoft install 06/04/2010 16:02:07 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE12V Post MS updates, Luke will start BES migration 06/24/2010 09:56:17 06/24/2010 jpofitesx05.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE17V Fresh server Handing over to Kristi 04232010 04/23/2010 16:14:44 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE74V Base Install 06/04/2010 15:57:17 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

CL 06232010 SRV-EMPIRE12V before bes install 06172010 06/16/2010 13:11:37 requested Luke Bragg jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

CL 06232010 SRV-EMPIRE12V BES install complete 06/16/2010 21:45:48 After BES 5.0.1 maintenance release 3 install jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE19V 05182010 Prior to Roger's tool upgrades 05/18/2010 15:49:58 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE19V 06142010 Roger requested to save work to this point 06/15/2010 19:06:48 Scott also requested this jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

EDE-90003 06042010 on network, before psoft install 06/04/2010 16:02:07 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE12V Post MS updates, Luke will start BES migration 06/24/2010 09:56:17 06/24/2010 jpofitesx05.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE17V Fresh server Handing over to Kristi 04232010 04/23/2010 16:14:44 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

SRV-EMPIRE74V Base Install 06/04/2010 15:57:17 jpofitesx02.empiredistrict.com

0 Kudos