VMware Cloud Community

Downgrade VM Hardware version

Hey Guys,

Hope you're all doing well, I have been having issues with downgrading the hardware version of the VM from 13 to 10 through powercli,  although I can upgrade the HW version by using

"Set-VM "name of the VM" -Version v13 -confirm:$false"

However when doing the same for downgrading to v10 powercli doesn't like it.

I have ensured that when making this change the VM is powered off but still no luck.

Do you guys know any solution for this problem?

Any help will be appreciated!


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2 Replies

There are a couple of options, but none through a single PowerCLI cmdlet I'm afraid.

In KB1028019 you find the 3 supported methods (revert to snapshot, Converter Standalone, new VM & attach disks).

There is a fourth, but unsupported, method.

Edit the VMX file, and change the virtualHW.version value.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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replying to a old post but I was searching for the same thing so incase anyone goes searching heres a script I wrote 

vms have to be shut down


$mylist = @"
servers here

mkdir c:\vmx
mkdir c:\vmx\newvmx

($mylist -split "`n").trimend() | % {

if(test-path fromds:){remove-psdrive fromds -Force}
$vm = (get-vm $_ ).extensiondata
$VMPathName = $vm.Config.Files.VmPathName
$dsname= $VMPathName.split(" ")[0].TrimStart("[").TrimEnd("]")
$vmfolder= $VMPathName.split(']')[1].TrimStart(' ')
new-psdrive -name fromds -location (get-datastore $dsname) -psprovider vimdatastore -root '/' |out-null
copy-datastoreitem fromds:\$vmfolder c:\vmx
$myvmx = get-content "c:\vmx\$($vmpathname.split("/")[1])"
$myvmx.replace('virtualHW.version = "14"','virtualHW.version = "13"') | set-content "c:\vmx\newvmx\$($vmpathname.split("/")[1])"
rename-item "fromds:\$($vmfolder.split('/')[0])\$($vmfolder.split('/')[1])" "$($vmfolder.split('/')[1]).old"
Copy-DatastoreItem "c:\vmx\newvmx\$($vmfolder.split("/")[1])" "fromds:\$($vmfolder.split('/')[0])"



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