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Create Multiple VMs across multiple Vsphere using spreadsheet V2

After much tinkering with orginal VM deployment script, I made many improvements over the old one.  I'm still learning my way around powercli... It is not a pretty looking code but it does the job...  I hope it helps

The script is designed for a windows template that has two disk drives and two network connection.  VMs are configured after they are deployed to fit customer needs.  You should be able to modify the script to fit your needs.

Attached is the script and sample xls file.


1. Deploys VMs from template and comstomization file using spreadsheet

2. VM customization after VM deployment

3. Multi-threaded

4. Deploys VM across vSphere servers.

5. Creates Log file

6. Create VM notes, date, and the user that deployed the VM

Spreadsheet columns: (the script is design to start from row 6.  You can change this in the script)

VM name | Host name | CPU | RAM(GB) | DISK2 (GB) | DISK3 (GB) | Nic1 Connection | Template name | DataStore | Notes

#VM Deployment script by David Chung 8/12/2011
#This script is multithreaded VM deployment script using spreadsheet across multiple vsphere servers.
#It will log the result in C:\scripts\log\ folder
#Copy autobuildv2.xls to C:\scripts folder.

# --- Note that our windows standard template has two hard drives and two network (lan and backup) ---
# --- Depending on customer requirement, CPU, RAM, Disk size, and Network VLAN connection changes. ---

# Spreadsheet file should be:
# VM name | Host name | CPU | RAM (GB) | DISK 2 (GB) | DISK 3 (GB) | NIC1 Connection | Template name | DataStore | Notes

#Use following command to launch the script
#./autobuild [spreadsheetname]

param( [string] $file)

#Update User ID and Password
$user = 'username'
$password = 'password'

if ($file -eq ""){
    Write-Host "Please specify spreadsheet file name eg...."
    Write-Host "./autobuildv2.ps1 spreadsheetname.xls" -ForegroundColor yellow
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host ""
# Replace with your virtual center name
$v1 = 'labvirutalcenter'
$v2 = 'testvirtualcenter'
$v3 = 'productionvirtualcenter'
$v4 = 'drvirtualcenter'

$dt = Get-Date -Format d

#Connect to VI server using saved credentials

#$credlb = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $v1 -File C:\labcredential.xml
#Connect-VIServer $credlb.Host -User $credlb.User -Password $credlb.Password

#$credpd = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $v3 -File C:\pdcredential.xml
#Connect-VIServer $credpd.Host -User $credpd.User -Password $credpd.Password

#$credts = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $v2 -File C:\tscredential.xml
#Connect-VIServer $credts.Host -User $credts.User -Password $credts.Password

#$creddn = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $v4 -File C:\dncredential.xml
#Connect-VIServer $creddn.Host -User $creddn.User -Password $creddn.Password

#open excel and read values
$xls = new-object -com Excel.Application
$path = "C:\scripts\" + $file
$xls.Workbooks.Open($path) | Out-Null

# Removes any existing jobs
Remove-Job *

# Starts from Row 6 on the spreadsheet
$Row = 6

# Loop starts
for ($name -ne $null)
    $name = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,1).Value()
    $vhost = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,2).Value()
    $cpu = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,3).Value()
    $memgb = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,4).Value()
    $dgb = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,5).Value()
    $dgb2 = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,6).Value()
    $net = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,7).Value()
    $temp = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,8).Value()
    $nfs = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,9).Value()
    $desc = $xls.Cells.Item($Row,10).Value()
    $vmdisk = $dgb * 1048576
    $vmdisk2 = $dgb2 * 1048576
    $memmb = $memgb * 1024
    $cp = $Row - 6

# End of the loop when there is no data in the row.
    if ($name -eq $null) 
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "(" $cp ") VM Build in progress.  Please check virtual center for detail." -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host "The script will end when ALL VMs are completed." -ForegroundColor Magenta
        # Waits until all jobs are finished
        while ((Get-Job | where {$_.State -eq "Running"}).getType -ne $null)     
        Sleep -Seconds 10     
        # Stops Excel process
        Stop-Process -Name "Excel"
        Write-Host ""
        # Writes Jobs in to log file
        $Date = Get-Date
        $logfile = "C:\scripts\log\autobuild" + "_" + $Date.Day + "-" + $Date.Month + "-" + $Date.Year + ".txt"
        if (-not (test-path c:\scripts\log\))
            MD c:\scripts\log | Out-Null
        Receive-Job * | Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath $logfile -Append
        Remove-Job *
        Write-Host "Automated VM build is completed." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host ""
        Invoke-Item $logfile
    # Select the correct customization script
    if ($temp -eq "Win2K3-32")
    # Customization script name
        $cust = "Win2003_32bit"
    elseif ($temp -eq "Win2K3-64")
    # Customization script name
        $cust = "Win2003_64bit"
    elseif ($temp -eq "Win2K8R2")
    # Customization script name
        $cust = "Win2008"
    #if no customization script is selected, break out of the script
        write "Your Guest Customizations are wrong"
#Select Vsphere server name based on ESX host name provided
    if ($vhost -like "ESXLAB*")
        $v = $v1
    elseif ($vhost -like "ESXTST*")
        $v = $v2
    elseif ($vhost -like "ESXPRD*")
        $v = $v3
    elseif ($vhost -like "ESXDR*")
        $v = $v4
    #if incorrect host names are selected
        write "Please input correct host name"
    # Launch Multi-threaded job (VM build and configure)
    $job = 
    $in = $input.'<>4__this'.read(); 
    Add-PSSnapin 'vmware.vimautomation.core'
    $vmdisk = $in[5] * 1048576
    $vmdisk2 = $in[6] * 1048576
    $memmb = $in[4]* 1024
    #VM note (description, deployed by: username, and build date)
    $onwer = Get-Acl
    $deployed = $onwer.owner
    $note = $in[10] + '  |  Deployed by:' + $deployed + '  |  Created:' + $in[13]
    #Connect to VI server
    Connect-VIServer $in[11] -User $in[14] -Password $in[15]
    #Build VM and configure
    New-VM -Server $in[11] -vmhost $in[2] -Name $in[1] -Template $in[8] -Datastore $in[9] -DiskStorageFormat thin -OSCustomizationSpec $in[12] -Location "Discovered virtual machine" -Description $note
    Set-VM -Server $in[11] -vm $in[1] -Numcpu $in[3] -MemoryMB $memmb -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
    $disk = Get-VM $in[1] | Get-HardDisk | ? {$_.Name -eq "Hard disk 2"}
    Set-HardDisk -harddisk $disk -CapacityKB $vmdisk -Confirm:$false
    if ($in[6] -gt 0)
        New-HardDisk -Server $in[11] -VM $in[1] -CapacityKB $vmdisk2 -Confirm:$false
    $vmnet = Get-VM $in[1] | Get-NetworkAdapter | where { $_.Name -eq "Network Adapter 1" } 
    $vmnet | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $in[7] -StartConnected:$true -Confirm:$false
    # pass variables in to jobs
    $jobSpec += $job
    $jobspec += $name
    $jobspec += $vhost 
    $jobspec += $cpu 
    $jobspec += $memgb
    $jobspec += $dgb 
    $jobspec += $dgb2
    $jobspec += $net 
    $jobspec += $temp
    $jobspec += $nfs
    $jobspec += $desc
    $jobspec += $v
    $jobspec += $cust
    $jobspec += $dt
    $jobspec += $user
    $jobspec += $password
    #start the job    
    Start-Job -InputObject $jobspec -ScriptBlock $jobspec[0]
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host $name " VM is being deployed on " $v -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black
    Write-host ""


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Great script, lots of interesting features in there.

Thanks for sharing.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Great script, lots of interesting features in there.

Thanks for sharing.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Thank you Luc.  You helped me pushing for more and improved the script.  Now... where can I get a copy of that PowerCLI book?  Smiley Happy

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Is there a way to add a colunm to assign an IP address?

Hansel P. Minor
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what's this ; How to work this line ?



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