VMware Cloud Community

Collecting PreReq info for VC 6.0


I'm trying to collect some basic info on VM's that's needed before a planned upgrade from VC5.5 to VC6.0

I have the majority of the info that I need (for now) but am struggling to get VMFS Version and Blocksize info for each VM.

For each VM, I would like to report the VMFS Version and Blocksize.

If a VM has multiple Datastores, I want to report report unique Version and Blocksize info (I thought I could do this using Group-Object)

Below is the code that I have come up with so far (the VMFS piece is not working)

For testing on a single VM, I've #'ed out the Cluster info in the first few lines

#$cluster = Get-Cluster (Read-Host "Enter Target Cluster name: ")

$outputfile = "C:\Temp\Report-" + (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MMM-dd-HHmm) + ".csv"


$test = Get-VM yourVMname

foreach($item in $test){

#foreach($item in (Get-VM -Location $cluster)){




        'VMware Tools'=$item.Guest.ToolsVersion;

        'Num CPU'=$item.NumCpu;

        'Memory GB'=$item.MemoryGB;



        'Host Build #'=$item.VMHost.Build;




   $view = $item | Get-View

        $GeneralProp.Add("Guest O/S", $view.Guest.GuestFullName)

        $GeneralProp.Add("Guest O/S State", $view.Guest.GuestState)

        $GeneralProp.Add("Tools Status", $view.Guest.ToolsStatus)

        $GeneralProp.Add("H/W Ver", $view.Config.Version.split("-")[1])

        $GeneralProp.Add("Notes", $view.config.Annotation)

        $GeneralProp.Add("F/T", $view.Runtime.FaultToleranceState)

        $GeneralProp.Add("Snapshot", $view.snapshot)

   $BlueFolder = Get-View $view.Parent

   $BF_Path = $view.Name

       do {

            $parent = $BlueFolder

            if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$BF_Path =  $parent.Name + "\" + $BF_Path}

            $BlueFolder = Get-View $BlueFolder.Parent

          } while ($BlueFolder.Parent -ne $null)

       $generalProp.Add("Blue Folder",$BF_Path)


    $DS_View = $item | Get-Datastore | Get-View | select @{N="VMFS Version";E={$_.Info.Vmfs.MajorVersion}},@{N="VMFS Block Size";E={$_.Info.Vmfs.BlockSizeMB}}

        $VMFS_Version = $DS_View.Info.Vmfs.MajorVersion | Group-Object -Property name

        $VMFS_BlockSize = $DS_View.Info.Vmfs.BlockSizeMB | Group-Object -Property name

        $GeneralProp.Add("VMFS Version",$VMFS_Version)

        $GeneralProp.Add("VMFS Block Size",$VMFS_BlockSize)


   $nic = 1

   $item | Get-VirtualPortGroup | foreach {

        $GeneralProp.Add("NIC$($nic) vSwitch",$_.VirtualSwitch)

        $GeneralProp.Add("NIC$($nic) PortGroup",$_.Name)

        $GeneralProp.Add("NIC$($nic) VLAN ID",$_.VlanID)

        $GeneralProp.Add("NIC$($nic) IP", $item.Guest.IPAddress[$nic-1])



    $ClusterReport += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $GeneralProp


# Create the .csv file

$ClusterReport |

    Sort-Object -Property {($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Count } -Descending |

    Export-Csv $outputfile -NoTypeInformation

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