VMware NSX

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  • 1.  PowerNSX NSX Manager deployment on VSAN datastore fail

    Posted Mar 08, 2018 09:56 AM


    I try to deploy NSX Manager onto VSAN datastore using PowerNSX but it fails.


    + NSX Manager deployment via web client is successful

         -> vCenter, NSX Manager ova, VSAN datastore and the other prameters are same.

    + PowerCLI connection to vCenter is fine.

         -> using connect-ViServer.....

    + PowerNSX NSX Manager deployment onto non-VSAN datastore is successful.

         -> Although it's not the same vCenter because the VSAN environment only has VSAN datastore,

              The Poweshell script (only params are swapped) and ova are same.

    [PowerNSX command to fail]

    *The parameters are listed in the bottom of this post.

    New-NsxManager -NsxManagerOVF $NsxManagerOVF -Name $NsxManagerName -ClusterName $MgmtClusterName -ManagementPortGroupName $ManagementNetworkPortGroupName -DatastoreName $ManagementDatastoreName -CliPassword $NsxManagerPassword -CliEnablePassword $NsxManagerPassword -Hostname $NsxManagerName -IpAddress $NsxManagerIpAddress -Netmask $ManagementNetworkSubnetMask -Gateway $ManagementNetworkGateway -DnsServer $DnsServer1 -DnsDomain $DnsSuffix -NtpServer $NtpServer -EnableSsh -StartVM -Wait -FolderName vm | out-null


    Import-vApp : 2018/03/08 16:02:43 Import-VApp An error occurred while sending the request.

    Location C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerNSX\3.0.1088\PowerNSX.psm1:5883 Charactor:15

    + ...       $VM = Import-vApp -Source $NsxManagerOvf -OvfConfiguration $Ovf ...

    +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Import-VApp], ViError

        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_NfcLease_RunNfcTask_Error,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.ImportVApp

    [Exact Command to fail]

    C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerNSX\3.0.1088\PowerNSX.psm1:5883

    $VM = Import-vApp -Source $NsxManagerOvf -OvfConfiguration $OvfConfiguration -Name $Name -Location $ClusterName -VMHost $TargetVMHost -Datastore $DatastoreName -DiskStorageFormat $DiskStorageFormat

    -> I checked the parameters by adding "Write-Host $<each param>" before the command in the PowerNSX.psm1 for debugging purpose.

         They are all right.  *$DiskStorageFormat is set "Thick" by default

    [The parameters]

    All the params referencing the VMware objects are tested by Get-*** commands -Name $....

    $NsxManagerOVF = "E:\NSX\VMware-NSX-Manager-6.3.4-7087695.ova"

    $NsxManagerName = "nsxmgr01a"

    $NsxManagerPassword = "*****"

    $NsxManagerIpAddress = ""

    $VcenterServer = ""

    $vCenterUserName = "administrator@vsphere.local"

    $vCenterPassword = "*****"

    $MgmtClusterName = "vSAN-Cluster"

    $ManagementDatastoreName = "vsanDatastore"

    $ManagementNetworkPortGroupName = "nsxMgmt"

    $ManagementNetworkSubnetMask = ""

    $ManagementNetworkSubnetPrefixLength = "16"

    $ManagementNetworkGateway = ""

    $NtpServer = ""

    $DnsServer1 = ""

    $DnsSuffix = "vsan"


    To me it sounds that selecting VSAN datastore in the PowerNSX fails the command.

    Many thanks,

    Seiji Matsuda

  • 2.  RE: PowerNSX NSX Manager deployment on VSAN datastore fail

    Posted Mar 15, 2018 03:55 AM

    Let me add some additional information.

    My environment versions are..

    ESXi:          6.5u1

    vCenter:     6.5u1

    NSX:           6.3.4、, 6.3.5

    VSAN         6.6.1

    Powershell:     5.1 14409  1005  

    PowerCLI:      10.0.0 build 7895300

    PowerNSX:     3.0.1088

    After manual NSX Manager installation via web client, installing NSX controllers and Edges via PowerNSX failed. But I think it has nothing to do with the failure in the NSX Manager case this is just due to disabled DRS as there is no switch(cmd-flag) to specify an ESXi host in New-NsxController and New-NsxEdge.

    Many thanks,
