VMware Networking Community

Need json sample to add ssl vpn plus authentication using vshield rest api.

Need json sample to add ssl vpn plus authentication using vshiled rest api. I already tried below json and it returns 204 response code but still nothing is happened at vcd ui side.

My sample json is...


   "passwordAuthentication": {

      "authenticationTimeout": "1",

      "primaryAuthServers": {

         "com.vmware.vshield.edge.sslvpn.dto.LocalAuthServerDto": {

            "enabled": "true",

            "passwordPolicy": {

               "minLength": "1",

               "maxLength": "50",

               "minAlphabets": "1",

               "minDigits": "1",

               "minSpecialChar": "1",

               "allowUserIdWithinPassword": "false",

               "passwordLifeTime": "30",

               "expiryNotification": "20"


            "accountLockoutPolicy": {

               "retryCount": "3",

               "retryDuration": "3",

               "lockoutDuration": "3"






Your help is appreciated.

Thank you in advance

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