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If I have my own cloud, what setup will I need to do for VMware Learning Platform to be able to connect?

There are a few setup items you will have to complete prior to connecting to VMware's Learning Platform (VLP):

  1. Ensure that the address and port 443 of your API interface is on the public wire. This will probably require some coordination from your network team. The best way to test is to go to the following address from *outside* of the network:

https://<your_cloud_host>/api/versions. If you get back a long XML document that starts with this line then you’re good: <SupportedVersions xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/versions" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/versions http://<some_ip>/api/versions/schema/versions.xsd”> If you get an error or page not found or some other network error then the API interface is not properly exposed to the Internet. 

  1. Add the following 2 lines to the configuration file on each of the vCloud Director cells.

consoleproxy.websockets.enabled = trueconsoleproxy.securenio.buffer.size = 17000 The full path to the file is $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/global.properties

  1. Restart the vCloud Director cell. Your vCloud Director should be ready to accept a connection from NEE.

Note these other considerations: You have setup a vApp and put it in the catalog as a template.

  • You have setup a vApp and put it in the catalog as a template.
  • Access to credentials for an organization administrator. This will be used in VLP when you configure.
  • Capacity to run the number of vApps or labs you want launched from VLP.
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