VMware Cloud Community

vm failed to start which image adaptertype type is lsiLogic

Hi all,

I followed by OpenStack Configuration reference[1], download the cloud image and convert to vmdk:

$ qemu-img convert -f qcow2 trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img -O vmdk ubuntu.vmdk

and then use glance image-create command to upload image:

# glance image-create --name "ubuntu-thick-scsi" --is-public True --disk-format vmdk --container-format bare --property vmware_adaptertype="lsiLogic"  \

   --property vmware_disktype="preallocated" --property vmware_ostype="ubuntu64Guest" < ubuntu.vmdk


| Property                      | Value                                |


| Property 'vmware_adaptertype' | lsiLogic                             |

| Property 'vmware_disktype'    | preallocated                         |

| Property 'vmware_ostype'      | ubuntu64Guest                        |

| checksum                      | 676e7fc58d2314db6a264c11804b2d4c     |

| container_format              | bare                                 |

| created_at                    | 2015-06-26T23:55:36                  |

| deleted                       | False                                |

| deleted_at                    | None                                 |

| disk_format                   | vmdk                                 |

| id                            | e79d4815-932b-4be6-b90c-0515f826c615 |

| is_public                     | True                                 |

| min_disk                      | 0                                    |

| min_ram                       | 0                                    |

| name                          | ubuntu-thick-scsi                    |

| owner                         | 93a022fd03d94b649d0127498e6149cf     |

| protected                     | False                                |

| size                          | 852230144                            |

| status                        | active                               |

| updated_at                    | 2015-06-26T23:56:39                  |

| virtual_size                  | None                                 |


I created a vm in OpenStack dashboard successful,  But it failed to enter guest os.

I doubt the adaptertype type, when using ide , vm runs well.

[1]VMware vSphere - OpenStack Configuration Reference  - kilo

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1 Reply

By default qemu-img will use adapter_type=ide

In your case you are interested in changing this to lsiLogic, so the syntax will look like:

qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O vmdk -o adapter_type=lsilogic -p input.qcow2 output.vmdk

If you want a complete list of available adapter options, you can run:

$ qemu-img convert -O vmdk -o ?

Supported options:

size             Virtual disk size

adapter_type     Virtual adapter type, can be one of ide (default), lsilogic, buslogic or legacyESX

backing_file     File name of a base image

compat6          VMDK version 6 image

subformat        VMDK flat extent format, can be one of {monolithicSparse (default) | monolithicFlat | twoGbMaxExtentSparse | twoGbMaxExtentFlat | streamOptimized}

zeroed_grain     Enable efficient zero writes using the zeroed-grain GTE feature

Hope this helps!

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