VMware Communities

"Failed to create disk error" while importing a 3 TB thin OVF image in Fusion


I have exported a VM from ESX 6.7 which has a 3TB thin HDD. The OVF bundle size is ~7GB. When I try to import that OVF into Fusion using following command, I get following error


./ovftool somefolder/ABC.ovf somefolder




2020-11-07T23:01:29.515-08:00 verbose OVFTool[1108D3DC0] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Creating disk /Users/abhay/Virtual Machines.localized/ABC.vmwarevm//ABC-disk1.vmdk, 6442450944 sectors, lsilogic
2020-11-07T23:01:29.521-08:00 verbose OVFTool[1108D3DC0] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Exception thrown: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorI16OvfToolExceptionEEEE(Failed to create disk: /Users/abhay/Virtual Machines.localized/ABC.vmwarevm//ABC-disk1.vmdk. Reason: One of the parameters supplied is invalid)
--> [context]zKq7AVQGAQAAAHxHeQAOT1ZGVG9vbAAAub8gbGlidm1hY29yZS5keWxpYgAApb0FAA9qAQHouAJvdmZ0b29sAAFb6RUBnIkLAZ+rGQH5lQQB9YMEActwBAFmTgwBK2EMAsmsAWxpYmR5bGQuZHlsaWIAggXgfY4=[/context]
2020-11-07T23:01:29.521-08:00 verbose OVFTool[1108D3DC0] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Backtrace: 
--> [backtrace begin] product: VMware Fusion, version: e.x.p, build: build-7948156, tag: OVFTool, cpu: x86_64, os: macosx, buildType: release
--> backtrace[00] libvmacore.dylib[0x0020BFB9]
--> backtrace[01] libvmacore.dylib[0x0005BDA5]
--> backtrace[02] libvmacore.dylib[0x00016A0F]
--> backtrace[03] ovftool[0x0002B8E8]
--> backtrace[04] ovftool[0x0015E95B]
--> backtrace[05] ovftool[0x000B899C]
--> backtrace[06] ovftool[0x0019AB9F]
--> backtrace[07] ovftool[0x000495F9]
--> backtrace[08] ovftool[0x000483F5]
--> backtrace[09] ovftool[0x000470CB]
--> backtrace[10] ovftool[0x000C4E66]
--> backtrace[11] ovftool[0x000C612B]
--> backtrace[12] libdyld.dylib[0x0001ACC9]
--> backtrace[13] (no module)
--> [backtrace end]



However, if I add --diskMode/-dm parameter then the import is successful.


./ovftool -dm=twoGbMaxExtentSparse somefolder/ABC.ovf somefolder



Also, note that if I import another OVF which has a disk of size 1TB then I don't have to specify the --diskMode parameter while importing.

PS: This happens in workstation pro too.

Is this a Desktop Hypervisor bug or limitation ? 

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