VMware Communities

VM Ware won't start - disc repair ?

I am contacting you to ask for help to get my system going again.

I am asking for assistance to fix this problem that occurred when I had filled my allowable disc space, but after installing extra hard drive capacity, I am unable to get VM Ware to co operate.

Things may have stopped due to filling the 20 GB allowed for the Windows application being nearly filled. I was asked on the screen to make space by deleting or removing files to be able to continue, at which point I closed the computer to visit my Apple store to have the 500 GB Seagate drive fitted.

When inspecting through Finder, I can see on VM Ware settings that the hard disk SCSI disk is 22.91 GB. This figure is larger than settings number.

The screen message when things went wrong is :

"Cannot open the disk '/ Users / john bradley / Documents / Virtual Machines / Windows XP Professional. vmwarevm / Windows XP Professional - 000011.vmdk ' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on .

Reason : The specified virtual disk needs repair "

I have deleted all snapshots, as I have backed up with Time Machine and an external drive. When I attempt to expand the disc size in VM Ware settings, I am advised to do a disc cleanup, which I have tried and done several times. This has deleted files and has lasted only a 2 - 3 seconds, so there is not much to do.? The print in the hard drive screen in settings is in grey and has not been in black print.

I have since thought I should do a rollback to the date of 13 June when I did my last snapshot and all was ok. Would this have been successful if I had not deleted this snapshot ?

I don't know what to do next, can you assist ?

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3 Replies

Others may have some ideas, but I'd restore from a backup and keep going. Unfortunately, Time Machine is VERY unreliable when backing up Virtual Machines - it's better to copy the files somewhere by hand (with the machine shutdown - not suspended).


Thank you dlhotka for your response. Obviously I have a difficult problem to fix and am awaiting a response from VM Ware Fusion support. I am now aware of having to make a better back up system.

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can you explain ? - you say you deleted all snapshots but the file that is corrupt is a snapshot.

Did you have "auto-corrupt" .. eh "autoprotect" enabled ?

Can you shows us a filelisting and the latest vmware.logs ?


VMX-parameters- WS FAQ -[ MOAcd|http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html] - VMDK-Handbook

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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