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Tools Uninstall hangs/what is Tools manual removal process for Windows

I was hoping 2.02 would fix this as I had a similar problem with 1.x release that was eventually resolved with an update.

Updating VMware Tools in Windows XP Pro is slow but works. I've had this problem for many months.

Attempts to uninstall first eventually get stuck with 4 seconds remaining but never finish. I have to cancel and restart. Attempts to then install report an aborted installation and I'm asked to fix it. Eventually after enough time, Tools is installed again.

I'd really like to fully and completely uninstall Tools so I can get a clean install of it. I don't know what's causing the problem but I don't (and haven't) had a warm fuzzy feeling about Tools for a long time. Sometimes I have performance problems that I can't explain. I would really like to try a fresh, clean install/uninstall/install in the hope of getting to a point where it can be done smoothly and quickly in the hope my mysterious performance problems will dissapear.

Related to this, sometimes when I boot there's a red circle/slash around the Tools icon in the task bar. The system runs slow at this point, but if I wait 5 minutes, usually the system comes fully up and Tools shows a normal status. (I'm speaking of 2.01, etc.)


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