VMware Communities

Shared folders with openSUSE 11.1 don't work?

Hi there,

I'm currently trying to get a linux VM working with Fusion.

I installed openSUSE 11.1 in Fusion and wanted the shared folders (or drag&drop for files) to work.

The open vm tools coming with openSUSE don't work for me, so I started to install the official VMWare tools. To get beyond the first error I uninstalled the open vm tools. Then the installer said that a certain lib won't work with my default kernel, and so I needed to compile this part. I installed gcc to compile it, but then the VMWare tools installer needed the kernel sources. So I installed them. After that I was told that I am needed to really compile my kernel so that the tools can compile. And now I'm lost.

I need this VM only to launch a mono executable and show that it works - and this .exe is on a shared folder.

So what is a fast and reliable way to get this running without the need to compile a kernel (which I never did).

A workaround would be to use another linux distribution that definetly works with VMware Fusion and where I can easily install mono in.

Thanks in advance,


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1 Reply

I've now run into this as well, and it’s a big problem for me...

Is there any resolution?

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