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My Parallels .pvm is greyed out, can't import


I'm following the instructions on the video to import a Parallels image ... I have a brand new install of Fusion, and currently have no virtual machines in place at all ... so I'm starting from scratch.

I have a fully functioning "Microsoft Windows XP.pvm" environement that I'm using in Parallels 4.0 ... and that's what I'd like to import for use in Fusion.

Per instructions in the tutorial video, I go to "File > Import"

It opens a file window, and it's already in my /Documents/Parallels/ directory, but the "Windows XP.pvm" file is greyed out, and cannot be selected.

What am I doing wrong?

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9 Replies

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Thanks, Woody -

Honestly, I'm still going back and forth here .. so, if I do what the release notes suggest, will it render my Parallels .pvm useless in Parallels?

Also, how do you uninstall parallel tools, I can only find the "install" option ... and it only installs, doesn't give an uninstall option .. doh, never mind, found that info already here in the forums.

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Here is what I would do...

1. Make a backup copy of the Parallels Virtual Machine.

2. Uninstall Parallels Tools in the Virtual Machine.

3. Install VMware VMware Converter (Starter Edition) and as you walk through the Wizard to create the Virtual Machine act as if the Source was a Physical Machine even though it's a Virtual Machine.

Note: Read the Documentation: VMware Converter 3.0.3 User's Manual (PDF)

The after you're done with the modified Virtual Machine delete the original Parallels Virtual Machine and copy the backup copy to use as the Working Parallels Virtual Machine under Parallels then it's will be as if you didn't do a thing to the Parallels Virtual Machine and you will have a VMware Virtual machine to use in Fusion.

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Thanks for your patience, the support here is great.

OK, I feel like a dunce here .. but here's my issue now ...

When I try to convert the machine, I have to save the new configuration somewhere ... but, since I've REMOVED Parallels Tools, none of my Mac OS discs are showing up (not even my firewire drive plugged into the Mac or my home folder).

Though in the Parallels menu, all these devices are checked to be "shared', I assume they aren't showing up because Shared folders must require the tools ..

So, I get to the point in the converter where I'm supposed to save this machine, and have no where to save it, except the source drive (c:). ON the tutorial video, they save it to a USB thumb drive - not an option for me, I need to save it over on the Mac side, where a normal one would be saved, assuming I started from scratch.

Hope this makes sense.


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I have personally use VMware Converter in a Parallels 4 Virtual Machine with Parallels Tools uninstalled and had no problem setting the destination for the converted Virtual Machine to the Mac's Hard Drive or a USB Drive or another Share on the Network. You have to use Standard OS Based File Sharing not the Shared Folders feature of Parallels as it does require Parallels Tools be installed and you do not what them installed in the converted Virtual Machine so you really need to uninstall them while running under Parallels. Standard OS Based File Sharing is not dependent on Parallels Tools and the Virtual Machine's Network Adapters works in the Parallels Virtual Machine without Parallels Tools installed so this is quite doable.

In others word you can set a Share in OS X and then map that Share in Windows to a Drive Letter or access it using UNC and write the converted Virtual Machine to that Share.

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Thanks, but that's a bit over my head. What do you mean by "create a share in os X".

I mean, I've created a folder called "Fusion" in my /Documents/ folder ... I've done the Apple-Info and checked off thte box that says "shared" ... so I assume, I've created a "shared" folder? But I still can't figure out how to map it, or have Parallels (Win XP) see it. I've set my entire firewire drive up as "shared" (assuming that's what you mean, checking off the "shared" box in the get-info tab of the drive or folder), but when I go back into XP ... My Computer, I only have Shared Documents, Owner's Documents, Local Disc (C:), them the default floppy and CD drive.

When I try "My Network Places", it doesn't see anything - an in workgroups, it sees my Mac, but only shows the printers. I even found the "Map Network Places" area on XP, but of course, I couldn't find the folder in the Mac OS side to map.

Could you be so patient and gracious as to give me a play-by-play as to how to do this - for dummies?

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This is covered in both the OS X help Files as well as the Windows Help Files and it is just like connecting to a share on two physical machines even thought one happens to be a Virtual Machine.

OS X Help File: Finder menu bar > Help > Mac Help > Index > S > Sharing Files > Setting up a Mac computer to share files with Windows users

In Windows Help: Start > Help & Support > Search > connect network resource

0 Kudos

Thanks, Woody -

I made it that far, but now when I attempt to convert it (it says it was created with an older version), I get permisson errors. I keep it as is, and then can't open it because of permission errors. I've spent a half hour or more reading all the "insufficient permission to access file" threads and documents. I've opened up my /Virtual Machines/VMWare Windows XP Home Edition package contents .. it shows these files:


VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmsd

VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmx

VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmx.lck (folder)

VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmxf

I've changed permissions so that myself and "Everyone" has read/write permissions. Then, inside the folder, I've also done the same for the single M19228.lck file - read/write. Still get the same error.

At this point, I'm throwing in the towel, lost a days work yesterday trying to get this to happen, and can't miss out on getting to our orders to ship this AM - so, reinstalling PTools and going back to P4 ... maybe I'll try this again sometime.

0 Kudos

I made it that far, but now when I attempt to convert it (it says it was created with an older version),

"when I attempt to convert it" convert what, what is "it"? "it says it was created..." again "it" what it "it"? Sorry but in the context of that sentence it this or it that means nothing. I have no idea why VMware Converter would be giving you a message like that.

I get permisson errors. I keep it as is, and then can't open it because of permission errors. I've spent a half hour or more reading all the "insufficient permission to access file" threads and documents. I've opened up my /Virtual Machines/VMWare Windows XP Home Edition package contents .. it shows these files:


VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmsd

VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmx

VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmx.lck (folder)

VMWare Windows XP Home Edition.vmxf

VMware Converter does not create Packages line a normal file based Fusion Virtual Machine and besides this from the list of the files you are showing you don't have a Virtual Hard Drive. In other words no files ending in ".vmdk". Didi you manually make a Package out of the Folder the files that make up the converted Virtual Machine ar in by adding the .vmwarevm extension (which is what some pr\people do to make it like the normal Fusion Virtual Machines?

I've changed permissions so that myself and "Everyone" has read/write permissions. Then, inside the folder, I've also done the same for the single M19228.lck file - read/write. Still get the same error.

First of all you shouldn't be changing permission when a .lck folders/files are present. Only change permission when a Virtual Machine is not running and Fusion is closed.

As to where or why your having permission issues without listing from Terminal using "ls -al" on the Folder or Package I can tell you anything.

At this point, I'm throwing in the towel, lost a days work yesterday trying to get this to happen, and can't miss out on getting to our orders to ship this AM - so, reinstalling PTools and going back to P4 ... maybe I'll try this again sometime.

That's probably best because it should be this difficult. I had no problems whatsoever using VMware Converter to create a VMware Virtual Machine from a Parallels 4 Virtual Machine. Is was as simple as...

1. Make a backup copy of the Parallels Virtual Machine.

2. Uninstall Parallels Tools in the Virtual Machine.

3. Install VMware VMware Converter (Starter Edition) and walk through the Wizard to create the Virtual Machine acting as if the Source was a Physical Machine even though it's a Virtual Machine.

Then after I was done with the modified Virtual Machine I deleted it (the original Parallels Virtual Machine) and copied the backup copy to use as the Working Parallels Virtual Machine under Parallels.

I then added the .vmwarevm extension to the folder the files created by Converter were in to make it a Package and then double clicked the Virtual Machine Package and it was up and running and installed VMware Tools and it was a done deal.

No hassles, no fuss it just worked plain and simple so why you're having all theses difficulties and problems I can't say because I don't have enough information however I'd suggest having someone that knows what they are doing do this for you when your ready to give up on Parallels or maybe by then a newer release of Fusion will be able to Convert/Import a Parallels 4 Virtual Machine.

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