VMware Communities

Mac Host shortcuts for Desktops don't work in Single Window view

I have assigned Cmd+1 ... Cmd+7 to 7 Desktops (Spaces) on my Mac:

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 08.23.27.png

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 08.24.07.png

I have selected the Windows 10 keyboard profile in Fusion:

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 08.26.04.png

Problem: When I press Cmd+2 (3, 4...) in Windows, I don't switch to the corresponding Desktop of my Mac Host. Instead, Windows intercepts the keyboard shortcuts and executes these actions:

Cmd+2 Starts Windows File Explorer
Cmd+3 Unhides Total Commander
Cmd+4 Opens Windows Settings
Cmd+5 Opens OneDrive

My configuration:

macOS Big Sur 11.7
VMware Fusion 12.2.4
Windows 10

Taken actions:

  • I've tried the Mac shortcut profile.
  • I've tried to add Cmd+1 ... Cmd+7 = Alt+1 ... Alt+2 to that profile to try to deactivate the interception by Windows.
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