VMware Communities

Internet Explorer can't connect

On top of allmy problems with the Quicken 2004 (windows) B/U now I can no longer connect to Internet Explorer. Firefox is my browser of choice but occasionally I need IE. The message

I get is "Cannot find server Microsoft Internet Explorer" - I went to MS site and dl IE again but still no joy. I can't figure out what happened. I did access it one time after I installed Fusion but no more. I see it in programs but when I click on it I get the above message. any ideas would be welcome.

I am soooooo disappointed at the difficulties I am experiencing with vmware fusion and the lack of tech support... <sigh>

I should have gone to bootcamp I guess.

Can anyone help me with the IE issue?



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4 Replies

We need more information to be able to help - see . What do you mean "connect to Internet Explorer"? IE is a program, you normally use it to connect to other sites. Screenshot?

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I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. When I click on Programs -Internet Explorer in my vmware Windows XP I get a message that says "can't find server Mircrosofrt INternet Explorer". I tried re-downloading IE form the Microsoft site and still get the same message. Although FF is my default browser there are a few sites that require IE to work properly. I have downloaded the vmware update 1.1 and am using that. I don't know if that has anything to do with this problem. When I first installed fusion I did access the internet via INternet Explorer but it won't connect any more!

Any help would be appreciated , thanks....

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So FF works properly, it's just IE that's broken? This suggests a problem with IE, I would try standard Windows troubleshooting techniques first.


I gave up and dl "IE View" as an add-on to my FF. It works. Then I re-installed IE again (3rd time) from the MS update site. Seems to be working as we speak. HOpefully!!!

thx to all of you for your patience w/me. This is much more difficult than I thought. Am getting some help re. my Quicken issues,finally, from vm tech support via e-mail. However, Quicken 2004 (windows) will not not backup to DVD player - can't backup to Drive E - it tells me. I did manage with lottsa help to backup to a CD-RW on fusion. But still cannot copy the backup from the fusion Quicken file folder to the iMac. It should be just a matter of copy & paste but it won't drag and it won't copy anything to the iMac side of the computer.


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