VMware Communities

Fusion 6 on Mavericks - Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 - errors regarding ram size or harddrive size - SOLVED

Hi Everyone,

I'm currently testing Mavericks and tried to install Windows Server 2008 R2 on Fusion 6.

However I keep getting errors either that the pagefile for the ram is too big or that the harddrive quota is full or cannot be allocated.

I attached the collected data file, but just a small summary of my specs:

Macbook Pro middle 2012
OSX 10.9 Mavericks
8gb Ram
At this moment 250gb free (for Windows Server I only needed 40gb).

If anybody can help with this it is much appreciated.


I found my own answer. OSX Server was putting a quota on disk usage. By using quotaoff / in a Terminal with root access I removed the quota.

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