VMware Communities

Database connections between two VM clients

I am running 8.5.10 Fusion.  I cannot upgrade due to limitations/age of my Mac Pro.  I have two clients (Centos7 Linux and Windows Server 2008).  These have been running smoothly since 2016.  On the Linux machine (called YODA), I am running Progress 4GL version 11.4 and storing and running the Progress Databases.  On the Windows machine (called FORCE), I am running Progress 11.4 and MSSQL.  The SQL database is stored and running on the Windows machine.

One of the Progress databases on the Linux machine is a schema holder that directly replicates the tables available on the SQL database on the Windows machine.  The product that allows this to happen is a special Progress product called "Dataserver", which is somewhat a special ODBC version.

Progress programs can be run on both machines and startup scripts from either machine use the identical and physical database startup parameters.

Everything has been running quite smoothly since 2016.  In January, due to some issues with my network, I replaced my Ubiquiti router USG with one of their Ubiquiti Dream Machines (UDM Pro).  ALL programs and ALL clients have been operating just fine, but I not tested the one customer as I had no work for them.  Recently, this customer has requested some modifications to their code, so I started up all of the databases (I should add here that I have numerous OTHER customers on these two machines that I have been working with NO issues).  This one customer is the ONLY customer that utilizes both Progress databases in conjunction with the SQL database through the Progress Dataserver.

With all of the databases running for this customer, I found that while I am able to run all previously tested code for this customer on the Windows machine, I cannot run the modified code that needs access to the SQL database from the Linux machine.

I have investigated possible issue with both Progress Support and Ubiquiti Support.  It is still on-going support with the two companies.  It was suggested to me that I should include VMware support to see if there might be something that they could add that might just resolve this issue.

I am a very small consulting person with only three employees (Me, Myself and I), so I have no VMware support contract as it would be financially burdening.  

I thought that maybe someone in this community might have some ideas.

The message that I am getting is as follows....

Connection failure for host FORCE port 5555 transport TCP.  DataServer connection failure.  Failed to connect to the MSS database.

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