VMware Cloud Community

VcHostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec filter with match pattern?


the VcHostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec scriptable object has an attribut "matchPattern", see: https://www.vmware.com/support/orchestrator/doc/vco_vsphere55_api/html/VcHostDatastoreBrowserSearchS...

Where can I apply this attribute, if I want to look for a specific folder on the datastore or look for a pattern in the file name? Or do I have to parse the actions output (string array) to filter out the values I need?

Here's the code, sorry for not formatting it properly, but I somehow can't access the advanced formatting options:

input: datastore and matchPattern (string)


var result = new Array();

var fileQuery = new Array(new VcIsoImageFileQuery());

var querySpec = new VcHostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec();

querySpec.query = fileQuery;

var task = datastore.browser.searchDatastoreSubFolders_Task("[" + datastore.name + "]", querySpec);

var searchResults = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.basic").vim3WaitTaskEnd(task,false,5);

for (var i in searchResults) {

     for (var j in searchResults[i].file) {

          result.push(searchResults[i].folderPath + searchResults[i].file[j].path);



for each (var output in result) {



return result;


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