Checking the VirtualDisk is physcialMode or virtualMode problem

Checking the VirtualDisk is physcialMode or virtualMode problem

We want to add some checking under below script, but don't add in which line.  Who can help?

Checking the VirtualDisk is physcialMode or virtualMode



# PowerCLI Script for collecting the details of storage connected to a cluster.


# This PowerCLI scritpt will help to identify how the disks/LUNs connected to the host are presented(RDM,VMFS or None).


# v1.1


# File Name : Get-DiskDetails.ps1

# Author : Sreejesh Damodaran

# Requires : PowerCLI 5.1 Release 2 or above, vCenter 5.1 or above, Powershell 3.0 or above


# This script posted in:


#   Get-DiskDetails.ps1



# VMware VirtualCenter server name, #

#Cluster Name and output file(csv) #


Connect-VIServer ttmg-vctr1

$outputFile = "c:\script\DiskRep.csv"

$cltName = "ttmg-cmgt1"

new-variable -Name clusterName -Scope global -Value $cltName -Force

new-variable -Name LUNDetails -Scope global -Value @() -Force

new-variable -Name LUNDetTemp -Scope global -Value @() -Force

new-variable -Name LUNDetFinal -Scope global -Value @() -Force


#Function to creeate objects and insert into array.#


function insert-obj(){












$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject

$object | Add-Member -Name 'Cluster' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $global:clusterName

$object | Add-Member -Name 'Host' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $esxHost

$object | Add-Member -Name 'DatastoreName' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $dsName

$object | Add-Member -Name 'VMName' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $vmName

$object | Add-Member -Name 'CanonicalNames' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $cnName

$object | Add-Member -Name 'LUN' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $rnName.Substring($rnName.LastIndexof("L")+1)

$object | Add-Member -Name 'Type' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $Type

$object | Add-Member -Name 'CapacityGB' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $CapacityGB

if ($ArrayName -eq "LUNDetails"){

$global:LUNDetails += $object


elseif($ArrayName -eq "LUNDetTemp"){

$global:LUNDetTemp += $object




#Collect the hostnames in the cluster#


$Hosts = Get-Cluster $clusterName | Get-VMHost | select -ExpandProperty Name


#Collecting datastore, RDM and LUN Details.#


foreach($vmHost in $Hosts) {

Write-Host "Collecting Datastore details from host $vmHost ...."

get-vmhost -Name $vmHost | Get-Datastore | % {

$naaid = $_.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent | select -ExpandProperty DiskName

$RuntimeName = Get-ScsiLun -vmhost $vmHost -CanonicalName $naaid | Select -ExpandProperty RuntimeName

insert-obj -esxHost $vmHost -dsName $_.Name -cnName $naaid -rnName $RuntimeName -Type $_.Type -CapacityGB $_.CapacityGB -ArrayName LUNDetails


Write-Host "Collecting RDM Disk details from host $vmHost ...."

get-vmhost -Name $vmHost | Get-VM | Get-HardDisk -DiskType "RawPhysical","RawVirtual" | % {

$naaid = $_.SCSICanonicalName

$RuntimeName = Get-ScsiLun -vmhost $vmHost -CanonicalName $naaid | Select -ExpandProperty RuntimeName

insert-obj -esxHost $vmHost -vmName $_.Parent -cnName $naaid -rnName $RuntimeName -Type RDM -CapacityGB $_.CapacityGB -ArrayName LUNDetails


Write-Host "Collecting Free SCSI LUN(Non-RDM/VMFS) details from host $vmHost ...."

(get-view (get-vmhost -name $vmHost | Get-View ).ConfigManager.DatastoreSystem).QueryAvailableDisksForVmfs($null) | %{

$naaid = $_.CanonicalName

$DiskTemp = Get-ScsiLun -vmhost $vmHost -CanonicalName $naaid

insert-obj -esxHost $vmHost -cnName $naaid -rnName $DiskTemp.RuntimeName -Type FREE -CapacityGB $DiskTemp.CapacityGB -ArrayName LUNDetails


Write-Host "Collecting details of Unallocated LUNs from host $vmHost ...."

Get-ScsiLun -VmHost $vmHost | %{

$naaid = $_.CanonicalName

$naaidTemp = $LUNDetails | select -ExpandProperty CanonicalNames

If ($naaidTemp -notcontains $naaid){

insert-obj -esxHost $vmHost -cnName $naaid -rnName $_.RuntimeName -Type UNKNOWN -CapacityGB $_.CapacityGB -ArrayName LUNDetTemp



$global:LUNDetails += $global:LUNDetTemp

$global:LUNDetFinal += $global:LUNDetails





#Export output to CSV file #


$global:LUNDetFinal | Sort-Object Host,{[int]$_.LUN} |

select Cluster,Host,CanonicalNames,Type,LUN,DatastoreName,VMName,CapacityGB  | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation  $outputFile


Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-22-2014 02:06 AM
Updated by: