VMware Cloud Community

vcbMounter.exe limitations?


I'm writing a script to run a backup of all vms from one of my ESXi hosts (1st argument) using vcbMounter.exe. I'd like to run multiple instances of the vcbmounter.exe tool in order to do the backups synchronously and speed up the backup (as opposed to doing them linearly)

Here's a sample of the script:

"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Consolidated Backup Framework\vcbVmName.exe" -h %1 -u vcbuser -p vcbpass -s Any | find "name" > backup_list.txt

for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in (backup_list.txt) do (

start /B "" "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Consolidated Backup Framework\vcbmounter.exe" -h %1 -u vcbuser -p vcbpass -a name:%%i -r D:\%1\%%i -t fullvm -M1 -m san >> %%i.log


Problem is some of the machines aren't able to create a snaphot and I get this error;

Error: Other error encountered: Snapshot creation failed: Operation timed out.

An error occurred, cleaning up...

Is this a limitation of vcbMounter.exe? Is it capable of only running so many instances at once?

Any help is much appreciated...

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Anyone have any ideas? Really I would just like to know some real-world examples of VCB running parallel backups, and how many...

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