VMware Cloud Community

Problem with Management Agent on ESXi 3.5 U2


I'm writing this post because I didn't find my answer on other posts...Since yesterday, I had a problem with my ESX. I saw some strange things on Graphs. I did some search using my VI Client which crashed some times... I have no idea why. I just wanted to restart the management agent on the server and I'm not able to make it works anymore... It seems I have a problem with hostd which generate the following error message when I try to start it (even manually) :

Stopped Proxy service

Accept on client connection failed: Operation was canceled

Stopped Proxy service

Proxy service stopped.

Accept on client connection failed: Operation was canceled

Exception: Assert Failed: "adapterServer != __null" @ /build/mts/release/bora-110271/bora/vim/lib/public/vmomi/server.h:1071


eip 0x10dbe57e

eip 0x10c816e9

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eip 0x81a635c

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eip 0x11251604

eip 0x10c34795

eip 0x10dead4e

eip 0x1000aff0

eip 0x112513ac

eip 0x1123dbf5

eip 0x81a2431

Anyone already experience this ?How can I fix this problem and make my VI Client working again ?

Last thing; How can I manage machines on the server without the client / web interface !? As command line are limited...

Thanks in advance

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2 Replies

I just saw my /etc/vmware/hostd/vmInventory.xml file is empty... Can this be a source of this prob ?

Should I populate it myself ?


0 Kudos

берем дефолтный environ.tgz с работающей системы и копируем его в файловую систему /vmfs/volume/Hypervisor1/environ.tgz

затем в консоли выбираем Reset System Configuratoin, перезагружаемся

устанавливаем настройки сети и перезапускаем управляющие сервисы.

у меня после этого VI Client заработал.


take on the default environ.tgz with a working system and copy it to the file system / vmfs/volume/Hypervisor1/environ.tgz

then in the console select Reset System Configuratoin, reboot

install the network settings and restart the managed services.

I then VI Client earned

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