VMware Cloud Community

windows 20003 server dynamic disks vs basic

I have allocated 1.5TB on a LUN and give it to windows 2003 server as a data disks. I worry that in the near future the data will grow and I will need more than 2TB. What should I do? Should convert then to dynamic disk, get another LUN and extended it? How long will it take to convert basic disk to dynamic of this size? In anticipation to the patential grow I should start with dynamic disks?



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I am not sure of your config but you can't convert a windows system disk to dynamic so I would do something sooner rather than later if that is your config.

For your data drive I would setup it up as dynamic and then you can add subsequent virtual disks from any number of LUNS to grow your total disk space as needed.

We haven't dealt in disks this big but I can't think ot a downside to the above mentioned config.

Hope that helps!


Actually with Windows 2003 you can convert the system disk to a Dynamic disk. It iwll just require you to reboot the machine while it does the conversion.

Personally with a disk that big I would be considering multiple data disks (I currently do that in the physical world to stream data to the backup library faster as well as try and keep the disk sizes manageable (without going cray and having lots of disk).

You could then use RDM or Virtual disks....