VMware Cloud Community

Help Getting a live linux box onto a vm

Looked into vm converter and it seems like a bust - box is running softaware raid.

Can't do cold convert as I don't have physical access, and can't get the down time.

So any ideas on how to pull this of?

I have tried - installling the base OS onto the vm then tarball the fs of the live box onto it, but the kernel panics so I am not sure whats up with that route.

So any pointers would be great.

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4 Replies

I had some success with the "tarball everything, move to bare system, run bootloader config, modifiy mountpoints" approach.

Did you modifiy the linux config files after unpacking your tarball on the VM? When did the KPanic occur?


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It panics right at the start.

I did change the configure.

I have read some were about a red hat bug with the lsi driver but can't find any more details

Erro I am getting is

uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel.

Red Hat nash version 4.2.15 starting

reading all physical volumes. this may take a while...

mount: error 6 mounting ext3

error opening /dev/console!!!

I have tried rebuilding every kernel I can find for the system, but they all panic. So not sure what i have messed up.

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Looks like the Kernel doesn't find the root filessystem. You have to modify "/etc/fstab" and "/boot/grub/menu.1st"

You said that the system orignaly had a softraid. Then maybe it tries to boot from a "md" device. Look into the files above and change all that to the correct path.

I don't have much experience with redhat, but my suse systems have root on /dev/sda1.

Good luck!

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I have changed both to point to /dev/sda1 where the root fs is

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