VMware vSphere Health Check Report v5.1.0

VMware vSphere Health Check Report v5.1.0

Table of Contents

  • Author

  • Description

  • Sample Report

  • Requirements

  • Usage

  • Setup

  • Supported Use Cases

  • Additional Commandline Options

  • Custom Report Configuration

  • Setup & Run Health Check Script on Windows

  • Change Log


William Lam



This script generates a health check report similar to that of vmwareHealthCheckScript but for the new vSphere release of VMware ESX(i) 4.x/5.x and VMware vCenter 4.x/5.x and it's managed entities. User's can now fully customize the report based on the categories that are of importance to their operating environment, including selecting specific set of ESX(i) hosts and/or Virtual Machines.

The script reports on the following:

  • New vCenter Information including InstanceUUID and hostname
  • New Storage DRS Configuration
  • New FDM/HA Heartbeat Policy and State
  • New Host details (Host Agent, iSCSI, FCoE, Source Packages, Capablities, SMC Hardware, Host Cache, DVS)
  • New Virtual Machine details (HW Version, Firmware, Overhead Memory, Swap, State, Snapshot Consolidation, HA Protection, EZT Disks)
  • New updated Color mappings for mulitpath states
  • New Support for Standalone ESX(i) hosts without vCenter Cluster
  • New updated Color scheme for HTML Report
  • DRS GROUP/VM Rules
  • HA Configuration Issues
  • COS VMDK Information
  • Storage I/O COntrol Information
  • Host Authentication Services
  • VM count per datastore
  • VM count / VM-to-Host Ratio in Cluster Section
  • Report is now completely modular in which categories to display via a configuration file

  • Report can be configured to output as printer friendly format

  • Ability to specify specific ESX/ESXi host to query

  • Ability to specify specific Virtual Mchines to query

  • vCenter HA Advanced Runtime information

  • vCenter HA Configuration (primary/secondary and node states)

  • vCenter HA Advanced Configurations

  • vCenter DRS Advanced Runtime information

  • vCenter Resource Pool CPU/MEMORY shares

  • vCenter Plugin information

  • ESX/ESXi IP/HOSTNAME of vCenter Management IP

  • ESX/ESXi Newly improved Hardware and System Health Stuats information

  • ESX/ESXi Advanced Configurations

  • ESX/ESXi NUMA information

  • ESX/ESXi Datastore VMFS block size + version

  • ESX/ESXi Host capabilities

  • ESX/ESXi Lockdown Mode information

  • VM UUID,Bootime,Resource Statistics, Fault Tolerance, Thin provisioned and NPIV information

  • VM Resource Allocation information

  • VM Device information

  • Supports multiple email recipients

  • vCenter VPX Configurations summary

  • VMware Applications running in a VM

  • vCenter Managed IP per ESX(i) host

  • vCenter User/Group Permissions

  • Added Host & SCSI LUN Model attribute

  • Added Host boottime

  • Additional LUN Mapping information including Datastore,VolumeUUID,DiskName and DeviceName

  • VM portgroup + dvportgroup mapping

  • Performance Stats for both Cluster + Hosts (cpu/mem avg + %)

  • Performance Stats for VM (cpu/mem avg + %, ready & ballon)

  • Email report capability

  • Added additional command line options for including Cluster,Host and VM Performance stats (default: off)

  • New licensing format/summary

  • EVC Enabled information

  • Cluster VM monitoring

  • Cluster Host monitoring}

  • # off VMotions within a cluster

  • Datastore uncommitted info

  • CPU power management info

  • VM info (FT, Record/Replay, Clean Poweroff)

  • Host IPv6, FT, SSL Thumbprint

  • Host Profiles

  • vApp information

  • Distributed vSwitch information}

  • vCenter Build/Release

  • Active Sessions

  • ESX/ESXi Build/Release

  • Cluster(s) Name/Statistics (Hosts,CPU and MEM availabity, HA,DRS and DPM enabled, Resource Pools, Health)

  • ESX/ESXi Hardware configuration (NICs/HBAs)

  • ESX/ESXi Hardware Health Sensor via CIM

  • ESX/ESXi State

  • ESX/ESXi Configurations (for detailed information, use detail-hosts option)

  • ESX/ESXi Multipathing Info (only available in host or detail-hosts option)

  • ESX/ESXi Datastore summary

  • ESX/ESXi LUN summary

  • ESX/ESXi Portgroup summary

  • ESX/ESXi Hostd logs

  • CDP Summary

  • Recent Tasks

  • Virtual Machine summary

  • VM Storage summary

  • VM Network summary

  • VM w/Snapshots

  • VM w/Snapshot delta age

  • VM w/RDMs

  • VM w/NPIV enabled

  • VM w/connected CD-ROMs

  • VM w/connected Floppys

Sample Report

For more details, please take a look at the following sample report: here

Issues/Feature Request

Please join the vSphereHealthCheck Group to post comments/discussions



[vi-admin@scofield ]$ ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl
Required command option 'type' not specified.

Synopsis: ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl OPTIONS

Command-specific options:
      The name of a vCenter cluster to query
   --clusterperformance (default 'no')
      Enable Cluster Performance gathering [yes|no] (Can potentially increase your runtime)
      File containing Host and VM specific configurations to output
      The name of a vCenter datacenter to query
   --demo (default 'no')
   --email (default 'no')
      File containting list of ESX/ESXi host(s) to query
   --hostperformance (default 'no')
      Enable Host Performance gathering [yes|no] (Can potentially increase your runtime)
   --logcount (default '15')
      The number of lines to output from hostd logs
   --printerfriendly (default 'no')
      Whether the html output will be printer friendly [yes|no]
   --report (default 'vmware_health_report.html')
      The name of the report to output. Please add ".html" extension
   --type (required)
      Type: [vcenter|datacenter|cluster|host]

      File containting list of VM(s) to query
   --vmperformance (default 'no')
      Enable VM Performance gathering [yes|no] (Can potentially double your runtime)

Common VI options:
   --config (variable VI_CONFIG)
      Location of the VI Perl configuration file
   --credstore (variable VI_CREDSTORE)
      Name of the credential store file defaults to <HOME>/.vmware/credstore/vicredentials.xml on Linux and <APPDATA>/VMware/credstore/vicredentials.xml on Windows
   --encoding (variable VI_ENCODING, default 'utf8')
      Encoding: utf8, cp936 (Simplified Chinese), iso-8859-1 (German), shiftjis (Japanese)
      Display usage information for the script
   --passthroughauth (variable VI_PASSTHROUGHAUTH)
      Attempt to use pass-through authentication
   --passthroughauthpackage (variable VI_PASSTHROUGHAUTHPACKAGE, default 'Negotiate')
      Pass-through authentication negotiation package
   --password (variable VI_PASSWORD)
   --portnumber (variable VI_PORTNUMBER)
      Port used to connect to server
   --protocol (variable VI_PROTOCOL, default 'https')
      Protocol used to connect to server
   --savesessionfile (variable VI_SAVESESSIONFILE)
      File to save session ID/cookie to utilize
   --server (variable VI_SERVER, default 'localhost')
      VI server to connect to. Required if url is not present
   --servicepath (variable VI_SERVICEPATH, default '/sdk/webService')
      Service path used to connect to server
   --sessionfile (variable VI_SESSIONFILE)
      File containing session ID/cookie to utilize
   --url (variable VI_URL)
      VI SDK URL to connect to. Required if server is not present
   --username (variable VI_USERNAME)
   --verbose (variable VI_VERBOSE)
      Display additional debugging information
      Display version information for the script



1. Download the packaged script vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.tar.gz and transfer it to your vMA host

2. Extract the contents:

[vi-admin@scofield ~]$ tar -zxvf vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.tar.gz

3. You should now have a directory called vmwarevSphereHealthCheck and the script is located inside with a sample configuration file

4. If you decide to create a custom user to run this script, ensure the user has a minimum of the following permissions:


Supported Use Cases:

1) This will collect information about all cluster(s)/host(s) providing vCenter Server:

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter

2) This will collect information about a specific datacenter provided with vCenter Server:

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type datacenter --datacenter DATACENTER_NAME

3) This will collect information about a specific cluster provided with vCenter Server:

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type cluster --cluster CLUSTER_NAME

4) This will collect information about a specific host provided with ESX/ESXi Server:

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server ESX_ESXi_SERVER --username ESX_ESXi_USERNAME --password ESX_ESXi_PASSWORD --type host


Additional Commandline Options:

Use a configuration file

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --conf healthCheck.conf

Please take a look at the sample healthCheck.conf configuration file attached down below

Specify specific ESX/ESXi hosts to query

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --hostlist hostlist

where hostlist can be any filename that contains the display name of a ESX/ESXi separated by a newline


[vi-admin@scofield ]$ cat hostlist

Specify specific Virtual Machines to query

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --vmlist vmlist

where vmlist can be any filename that contains the display name of a Virtual Machines separated by a newline


[vi-admin@scofield ]$ cat vmlist

Email report

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --email yes


Ensure that you have all the email variables configured either within the script or in the external configuration file, else the report will not be sent.

Hostd Log

To specify the number of the latest lines in the hostd logs, use --logcount \[number_of_lines\]


./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --logcount 20

Cluster Performance Stats

To collect basic performance stats from all Clusters, note that the duration of the script may potentially increase. Only use if you need and by default it's disabled.


./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --clusterperforamnce yes

Host Performance Stats

To collect basic performance stats from all Hosts, note that the duration of the script may potentially increase. Only use if you need and by default it's disabled.


./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --hostperformance yes

VM Performance Stats

To collect basic performance stats from all VMs, note that the duration of the script may potentially double. Only use if you need and by default it's disabled.


./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --vmperforamnce yes

Output printer friendly format

This will update the CSS in the html report to allow you to print the report in a friendly format

./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server VC_SERVER --username VC_USERNAME --password VC_PASSWORD --type vcenter --printerfriendly yes


Custom Report Configuration

There are 54 parameters that can be configured to display various categories of the health check report. By default, everything is set to "yes" except the following 4:





as these can potentially increase the amount of time the report takes to generate.



# yellow < 30%
# orange < 15%
# red < 10%


# yellow > 15 days
# orange > 30 days
# red > 60 days


## DVS








## VMware Apps ##



Setup & Run Health Check Script on Windows

Here are instructions on configuring vSphere Health Check Script to run on Windows with PowerCLI submitted by user whinshaw


Note: For comments/inquires about this intergration, please refer to the author of the post.

Change Log


02-17-2013 - v5.1.0


  • Updated to support vSphere 5.1 and minor fixes


12-29-2011 - v5.0.2


  • Permission validation was recently added but had several unforeseen   issues when logging in with domain accounts. For now, this has been   removed. The documentation has been updated with the minimum permission   set required to the run the script.
  • Added --debug flag for troubleshooting


  • Minor fixes in validation of output


06-19-2011 - v5.0.0


  • vCenter Server Instance UUID
  • vCenter hostname
  • Storage DRS Configuration (Maintenance Mode, Stats Aggregation, Stats Collection for Datastores)
  • FDM/HA Heartbeat Policy + Datastore
  • FDM/HA State
  • Host Agent Settings
  • Host New iSCSI Configuration/Information
  • Host FCoE HBAs
  • Host Source Packages for ESXi Services
  • Host ESXi Capabilities
  • Host SMC Hardware Information regarding OSX Support
  • Host Updated Firewall Rules (direction, port type, port, protocol and allowedIPs)
  • Host Cache SSD Datastore details
  • Host DVS IPFIX Details + NIOC
  • Virtual Machine Virtual Hardware Version
  • Virtual Machine Firmware, Initial overhead memory + swap
  • Virtual Machine State
  • Virtual Machine Snapshot consolidation + HA protection
  • Virtual Machine Detailed Disk Type (zeroedthick,eagerzeroedthick and thin)
  • Updated color mappings for multipath states
  • Support for standalone ESX(i) hosts without vCenter Clusters
  • Updated color scheme for HTML report


04-18-2011 - v4.1.9


  • Included vCenter Server in title of report

  • Included time stamp in title of report


  • VM ratio count issue resolved

  • Can't locate object method "group" via package "ClusterConfigInfoEx"

  • Compressed memory metric display issue resolved


01-23-11 - v4.1.6


  • Resolved CSS display issues with Chrome & Safari, report now should be compatible with Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari


01-03-11 - v4.1.5


  • Minor fix on cluster info that causes the following error "Undefined subroutine &ClusterVmHostRuleInfo::vm called"


10-16-2010 - v4.1.4


  • VM count per cluster displayed in Cluster Summary tab

  • VM-to-Host ratio displayed in Cluster Summary tab


  • Minor fix on cluster info

  • Added VMware/3rd Party Application Section (some reason the code was missing during one of the updates)


10-10-2010 - v4.1.3


  • VM count per datastore


  • Fixed logic for checking SIOC for non-VMFS volumes


07-22-2010 - v4.1.2


  • Updated script to support running on both vMA 4.0 and vMA 4.1. If you're managing ESX(i) or vCenter 4.1 hosts, you must use vMA 4.1


07-13-2010 - v4.1.0


  • DRS Affinity Rules

    • In Compliance

    • Mandatory

    • User Created

  • DRS GROUP Rules

    • Host group

    • VM group


  • HA Configuration Issues

  • Host capabilities

    • Storage IORM

    • VM Directpath G2

    • vStorage Hardware Acceleration

  • Host Datastore

    • SIOC State

    • Congestion Threshold

  • Host Configurations

  • Feature specific version information

  • Host State

    • Uptime

    • Standby mode

  • VM State

    • Uptime

  • Host Authentication Services

    • Local

    • Active Directory

  • VM Config

  • App Heartbeat

  • VM Stats

    • Compressed memory

  • Host LUN

    • vStorage/SIOC capable

  • Host Advanced Configuratoins

    • VMFS3.HardwareAcceleratedLocking

    • DataMover.Hardwar eAcceleratedMove

    • DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedInit


06-05-2010 - v4.0.8


  • Added two new configuration options VMW_APP and VPX_SETTING

  • Added vCenter VPX Configuraton tab (only available when connecting to vCenter)

  • Added VMware Application tab (only available when connecting to vCenter)

  • Updated HA cluster failover policy display


  • Resolved minor html mis-match tags


04-28-2010 - v4.0.7


  • Resolved issue with HA configuration policy failover


04-02-2010 - v4.0.6


  • Added VMFS blocksize + version in Datastore output

  • Added param to output printer friendly format


04-01-2010 - v4.0.5


  • Added VM Devices section (VM_DEVICE)


03-27-2010 - v4.0.4


  • Changed "Cluster Statistics" to "Cluster Summary" (CLUSTER_SUMMARY)

  • Added Table of Contents for Cluster Tab

  • Changed Cluster Performance "mem.usage.average" to "mem.consumed.average"

  • Added CLUSTER_SUMMARY as configurable property

  • Added DRS Current and Target balance information

  • Added VM list to Affinity Rules

  • Added CPU/MEMORY Shares info in Resource Pool under Cluster + CPU/MEM Units per VM

  • Added Lockdown Mode informaiton (applies to ESXi only)

  • Added 8 addtional Advanced Host Configuration including (NFS + TechSupport Mode configurations)

    • NFS.MaxVolumes

    • SendBufferSize

    • ReceiveBufferSize

    • Net.TcpipHeapSize

    • NFS.HeartbeatFrequency

    • NFS.HeartbeatTimeout

    • NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures

    • VMkernel.Boot.techSupportMode

  • Added Host Capabilities section (HOST_CAPABLITIY)

  • Added VM Resource Allocation (shares/limits/etc) section (VM_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION)

  • Added vCenter Plugin information (SYSTEM_PLUGIN)


  • Resolved a few bad HTML tags

Known Issues:

Big thanks goes out to Raphaël SCHITZ for providing some feature suggestions + extensive testing of the script!


03-21-2010 - v4.0.1


  • Email report now supports multiple email recipients


  • Thanks to user arjaysam1 for noticing there was some bad math going on with the hardware numeric sensor values, this has now been fixed so properly display the values (e.g. 48 C instead of 4800)

  • Thanks to user Altix for suggesting adding addtional padding to the CSS style for the scrollbar at the bottom for better visiblity


03-18-2010 - v4.0.0



  • HA Advanced Runtime information

  • HA Configuration (primary/secondary and node states)

  • HA Advanced Configurations

  • DRS Advanced Configurations


  • IP/HOSTNAME of vCenter Management IP

  • Newly improved Hardware and System Health Status information

  • Advanced Configurations

  • NUMA information

Virtual Machine

  • UUID

  • Bootime

  • Resource statistics

  • Fault Tolerance information

  • Thin provisioned information

  • NPIV information


02-28-2010 - v1.5.3


-Added additional command line options to specify whether or not to includ Cluster,Host or VM performance stats, the default is to not display this information as it can increase the runtime of the script depending on the size of your environment


-Updated email functionality to have the report as an attachment


02-13-2010 - v1.5.0


-Added email report capablity


-Finally resolved performance data issue for VMs (Thanks to Raphael Schitz for reporting the initial problem and verifying the fix)


01-21-2010 - v1.4.1


-Performance data was not properly displaying and now have been fixed for all 3 entity levels (cluster,host and vm)


01-17-2010 - v1.4


-Host configurations now includes vCenter managed IP Address

-Summary of User and Group permissions for vCenter server

-Host summary now includes Host & SCSI LUN Model attribute

-Host state summary now includes boottime

-Host LUNs now include additional information including Datastore,VolumeUUID,DiskName and DeviceName

-VM network summary now includes portgroup information from both standard vSwitches + distributed vSwitches

-Performance statistics (cpu/mem AVG+%) for both vCenter clusters and host

-Performance Statistics for VM (cpu/mem avg + %, ready & ballon) is optional.


Enabling VM performance stats gathering can potentially incrase the script execution up to 2x. From the sample execution in our envrironment, the report went from 46secs to 1.3min. By default this feature is disabled and you'll need to specify param --vmperformance 1 to enable at runtime.


11-23-2009 - v1.3


-Fixed snmp output, small typo in the script


05-24-2009 - v1.2


-Minor fix in nDVS that was causing script to halt


05-04-2009 - v1.1


-Display additional VM Storage details (committed,uncommitted and unshared)


Strange, so this has nothing to do with the service account ... unless it does not have the correct set of permissions? Can you double check that your account & the service account has the same level of privileges? I'm wondering if that's the real issue.

If the error was around what I initially thought, that snippet of code should have worked.


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".

Thanks again for the help and your stellar work with the script for the community, and yes you're absolutely correct! When I changed the role in our vCenter to give this service account the administrator roles it runs without a hitch. I had created a role previously which I had assigned very restrictive permisionns or rather permissions to only view and no modify/change. This was done in case the account was compromised.

That being said I wonder whats changed permission wise so may need to conduct some further testing and figure out what the basic rights are needed for this account

HI William,

Apologies for being too keen to try out w/o reading the doc. I have tried turn on the 3 perform switches and they worked good.

I wonder if future release would have the "Powered-on VMs to Hosts ratio" per cluster?

Would be nice to have:

1) VM-to-Host ratio added to the current Clusters Summary

2) Top 10 (confgurable) VMs with most CPU/RAM usages - per cluster (would be good), with average values listed (stat samples taken over last 7 days (configurable)

3) Top 10 (confgurable) Hosts with most CPU/RAM usages - per cluster (would be good), with average values listed (stat samples taken over last 7 days (configurable)

Can (1) be easily done ie, short "hot-fix" addition lines? With (1) in place would make the report almost perfect for me, for now.

thanks again.

I have used the script many times in the past. It is great. However, I have an issue.

I am using vCenter 4.1 on Windows 2008 R2 Standard in a VM with four ESXi 4.1 hosts. When I run the script, I get the error below. Thanks for the help!

Can't locate object method "group" via package "ClusterConfigInfoEx" at C:\temp\vmwarevSphereHealthCheck\vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3784.

I have the same problem as sammyvm and would like to use a restricted readonly user for the vifp/vcenter stuff, but the script failed. With the administrator role it runs fine.

Thanks! Assigning these permissions resolved my issue.


Thanks for the feedback, I'll go ahead and update the script so it checks for these permissions before proceeding, this way the user knows what the issue is.



William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".


I believe I've located the problem, we'll update in the next release and you should see a fix come out pretty soon.



William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".

I'm running the script (which is wonderful, by the way) but things like the mem reservation, cpu reservation, etc. are all showing up as N/A. Now, a lot of our VM's do not have memory/CPU reservations, but we want to find out which ones do.

Is there something special I need to do to see real numbers here?



I'll look into #1 as a possibility, though #2 and #3 is something that's beyond the scope of the report, I don't want to start adding all these custom reports which can make the overall report bloated. If you're interested in those statistics, you're more than welcome to add those changes but it will not be something I'll be doing.



William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".


If there are memory/cpu reservations configured for a VM, you should see the field being populated, unless you turned off the reporting option which I believe is controlled by VM_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION. By default this information is enabled for reporting


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".

Well, I definitely have reporting enabled (tried using the config file as well as omitting it) and came up with the same result each time. Is there anything on the VMware side that might be causing a problem? I'm running the script with the same credentials that I use to manage VMware so it shouldn't be a permissions thing.


changed line 3765 from

my $listOfVMs = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->vm, properties => );


my $listOfVMs = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->{'vm'}, properties => );

and now it works like a charm.

Interesting discovery with 4.1.4 and RDMs

This all relates to the "VM tab"

The RDM count is "off" for a pair of Microsoft Cluster members in the

"VM Storage"

section (that gets the pretty color codes) - one shows 10 disks (correct) the other only 2. NOTE that all RDMs


display correctly in the "VM RDMs" section

Is this possible because the RDMs are shared resources? (my guess) There are actually 12 RDMs between these two machines (which jives with the "total drive count" above), with 7 of them being fully shared resources


hostlist doesn't seem to work for me.

I am specifying --server and --hostlist hostlist.txt but it only queries the host under the --server parameter.

I could just run the script for each host, but would be nice to get it all under one report.

Any ideas?

The --hostlist is only valid when using in conjunction with vCenter server which is specified using --server parameter. If you to query individual ESX(i) host, you can run through a simple for loop on the vMA shell or wherever you're executing the script and just rename the output file to match the individual host


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".


So when using --hostlist, it will create separate HTML files anyway? I just wanted a single report including all hosts. Is this possible? Thanks.


No, it's still a single HTML document but it'll only capture data based on the hostlist, this is used in case you only care about certain ESX(i) host and do not want all hosts in your vCenter server.


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

If you find this information useful, please award points for "correct" or "helpful".


OK thanks for the info. I don't use vCenter so it there any way to gather data for several hosts in a single HTML file?

No, to aggregate the data for multiple hosts, you must be using vCenter. If you have individual hosts, you'll only be able to generate individual reports.


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

vGhetto Script Repository

Getting Started with the vMA (tips/tricks)

Getting Started with the vSphere SDK for Perl

VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

VMware Developer Community

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I'm using 4.1.4 an had the same problem as Markus Jaekel with line 3791, but only since I defined Host-VM DRS affinity rules.

I tried to change the line from:

my $listOfVMs = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->vm, properties => );


my $listOfVMs = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->{'vm'}, properties => );

The script now completes but I got 4 of the following warnings and no email:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /home/vi-admin/scripts/healthcheck2/vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3798.

Scratch that with no mail, it just hung in some queue on the way orz.


Is there any way to force a refresh of the data on VSphere? For example when I run the health check, it reports the free space on the datastores as seen in VSphere and does not refresh the data. Problem is that VSphere does not automatically refresh this data.

You could probably modify the script to run an esxcfg-rescan on all HBAs - but one issue I could foresee is the time it takes to complete. By way of example the last 8 node, dual-HBA, 8 path cluster I canned took about 2 minutes for all nodes to complete.

It's a great idea, but may be hard to put into practice given the above and the requirements to pass the interface name (but default names would likely cover 99.99% of us)


Doesn't rescan scan for new storage? Do you know which CLI command VSphere uses to refresh the storage space data?

Is it possible for this script to send a separate email if any alarms are raised? Such as low disk space, high CPU/Mem usage etc?

Hello all,

I had some problems running this script as I was constantly getting the following output:


D:\scripts>D:\scripts\vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl -server IP_address -username

user -password passphrase -type datacenter -datacenter "Datacenter_name" -report D:\scripts\vmware_health_check.html

Generating VMware vSphere Health Report 4.1.4 "D:\scripts\vmware_health_check.html" ...

This can take a few minutes depending on environment size.

Get a cup of coffee/tea and check out http://www.virtuallyghetto.com

Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at D:\scripts\vmwarevSphereHe

althCheck.pl line 468.


I have created new role for this script purpose giving the following permissions to it and a test account assign to this role:





but I didn't help and i still got the same problem.

After changing credentials to admin account the script ran without any problem, generating report file. What's weird to me is that after i created a copy of admin role and assigned my test account to it, it still generates error on line 468. Have anyone encountered any similar issue ?

Also after generating report on my administrator account i did notice that tabs VMware/3rd Party Applications, Cluster, Host and Virtual Machines are blank is there any additional option needed to get content of that tabs?

VMware vCenter Server 4.0.0

vSphere 4 Enterprise esxEnterprise

ESXi 4 Single Server esxBasic

vCenter Server 4 Standard vc

script is run from machine with powerCLI and vSphere SDK for Pearl installed.


Great script.

But I got the following error message the second time I execute the script :

$ ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --server vcenter41.enneade.local --username xxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxx --type vcenter --conf healthCheck.conf

Generating VMware vSphere Health Report 4.1.4 "vmware_health_report.html" ...

This can take a few minutes depending on environment size.

Get a cup of coffee/tea and check out http://www.virtuallyghetto.com

Wide character in print at ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 532.

Undefined subroutine &ClusterVmHostRuleInfo::vm called at ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3791


From that moment it doesn't work anymore ...

Any idea ?

Thanks a lot



I had the same problem please see my comment above how to resolve it with version 4.1.3.

I think it will work if you change the corresponding lines in version 4.1.4

yes Markus that works !

Thanks for you help

is there any indication available for why all VM affinity rules show as compliant : NO and colored red?


@fbroussey @Markus Jaekel

What change was made? I'll add this to the fixes for a future release.



William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


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I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this? Can you provide a screenshot of the report with regards to affinity rules?



William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

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All of our Affinity rules are marked as red and non-compliant.

The below example is configured to keep two VM's separated on a 3 host cluster, which they currently are.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us


It looks like per the API documentation - http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk41pubs/ApiReference/vim.cluster.RuleInfo.html the property inCompliance which is being used to generate the value is not actually being used by the server. This may just be a default value of false since it's not being used by the system and that is how the color is being generated.

You can ignore this as being false positive, looks like VMware introduced the property but may not be actively useing it.


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009,2010

VMware VCP3,4


VMware scripts and resources at:

Twitter: @lamw

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VMware Code Central - Scripts/Sample code for Developers and Administrators

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understood, thanks again.

changed line 3765 from

my $listOfVMs = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->vm, properties => );


my $listOfVMs = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->{'vm'}, properties => );

Hello -
Thanks so much for this fantastic script.  We had this running a month ago when our vCenter was running version 4.0 on a Windows 2003 machine. In this configuration, we were running the healthcheck from a Windows box with the necessary CLI\PERL components installed. 

We have since built out a new vm with Windows 2008 R2 upon which vCenter 4.1 is now running.  I have set up the VMA 4.1 and am trying to run the healthcheck against the new vCenter.  I am getting the Can't locate object method "group" via package "ClusterConfigInfoEx" error and am at a loss as to how to correct this.  Any help anyone could provide would be appreciated beyond words, as I am frustrated with myself and and am mentally exhausted.
Thanks so much in advance -


Thanks for the prompt feedback.  I had been under the impression that the SDK install was only necessary if you were running the script from Windows.  I had thought that the VMA had everything that was needed out the box.  Is this not the case?



This is actually a bug that you're hitting in the script and it will be fixed in the next release. Sorry for the inconvience, you have not done anything wrong. As and FYI, if you download and install vMA 4.1, you will have the latest vSphere SDK for Perl 4.1 which is installed along side vCLI 4.1 as it is relied upon. If you wanted to run the script in a Windows platform, you just need to ensure you have the latest vCLI 4.1 installed which will include the vSphere SDK for Perl.

Keep an eye out for the minor release to resolve the bug. If you can not wait, please take a look at the reply from *fbroussey* on Dec 3, 2010 11:40 AM, you just need to make that minor edit and the script will proceed through



I just updated the script to the latest version which should be v4.1.5. Please download the latest version and let me know if you're still having issues


Thank you so much!  I am going to take a break for a couple hours but will definitely apply this tonite and let you know.

Hi -
I couldn't walk away, so downloaded the file from this page, went thru the config steps, and once again got the error.  To confirm - the download should be pulled from the link on this page, correct?  I tried looking at the properties of the .gz file but was not able to locate any 4.1.5 identifiers.  Perhaps I've done something wrong on my end.  Would it be wise to extract the file on a different directory on the VMA host?  I am currently using \Home\vi-admin, where the previous version had already been extracted.
Thanks again so much for taking the time to help.

You can confirm the version by running the following:

[vi-admin@tancredi scripts]$ ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl --version
vSphere SDK for Perl version: 4.1
Script 'vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl' version: 4.1.5

You should see that the version of the script is at 4.1.5


I did the version check and it is in fact 4.1.5.   The exact language of the error is as follows:

Can't locate object method "group" via package "ClusterConfigInfoEx" at ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3817.


The support of this script on a Windows platform is more of a side effect than on purpose, support for the script will only be provided if you execut this on VMware vMA and/or Linux system with vCLI installed. Though in general, it should work just as well on Windows, I do not test nor qualify for that platform and YMMV. In the past users have had problems if their Windows system has older/newer version of Perl installed and probably something is not setup correctly.

Regarding the current issue your'e seeing, I have an idea where the problem lies. If you can download the latest version and re-run using vMA so I can track down the problem, that would help me try to identify the issue.

I left you a private message, let's see if we can get this resolved.

is am using powercli 4.1 on windows2008r2 with esx 4.1 and vc 4.1 but getting error on line 3785.

also when i turn the feature of in .conf file. i use the report.txt as mentioned in myvmland.com the error is

Can't locate object method "inCompliance" via package "ClusterAffinityRuleSpec"
at C:\scripts\vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 3785.

If you're using PowerCLI, then there's something very wrong Smiley Wink, the script probaby would not even run.

I'm assuming you meant vCLI? Can you confirm it's in fact vCLI 4.1? This error can be pretty general and could be the case if you're running an older version of vCLI and you're trying to access a newer environment such as vSphere 4.1

yeah i am sorry, i am into powercli lately.

it is vcli 4.1 indeed so it should work.

I currently have limited access to my lab due to hardware failure on my home system. I'll have to take a look when I'm able to rebuild my system probably in the next week or so. I've seen this issue in the past and thought I had resolved it. Are you currently using any type of affinity rules in your vSphere Cluster? I also assume you're using the latest version of the script?

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1 of 1
Last update:
‎04-21-2009 11:24 PM
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