VMware Modern Apps Community

Application Service install failing

I am trying to install the Tanzu Application Service, and it is consistently failing with the following error:

Task 188 | 09:41:57 | L executing post-start: diego_cell/282d34d5-e50f-48ba-ac48-e69480ee8812 (2) (00:02:32)
Task 188 | 09:42:01 | Error: 'mysql_monitor/50e163f5-164d-4f71-aa76-87d1d0c0b815 (0)' is not running after update. Review logs for failed jobs: replication-canary

Task 188 Started  Tue Mar  7 09:23:45 UTC 2023
Task 188 Finished Tue Mar  7 09:42:01 UTC 2023
Task 188 Duration 00:18:16
Task 188 error

Updating deployment:
 Expected task '188' to succeed but state is 'error'
Exit code 1
===== 2023-03-07 09:42:02 UTC Finished "/usr/local/bin/bosh --no-color --non-interactive --tty --environment= --deployment=cf-ccfc8e50d7a06594822c deploy --no-redact /var/tempest/workspaces/default/deployments/cf-ccfc8e50d7a06594822c.yml"; Duration: 1146s; Exit Status: 1
Exited with 1.
Exited with 1.

When I check the logs for the run, I see the following for the mysql_monitor logs:

goroutine 1 [running]:
code.cloudfoundry.org/lager.(*logger).Fatal(0xc0000a22a0, {0x7b3a08, 0x1d}, {0x843a80?, 0xc00025fc50}, {0x0, 0x0, 0xc0000ca360?})
	/var/vcap/data/compile/replication-canary/replication-canary/vendor/code.cloudfoundry.org/lager/logger.go:162 +0x5dc
	/var/vcap/data/compile/replication-canary/replication-canary/main.go:87 +0x6fa
panic: Post "https://uaa.system.tanzu.traceablepoc.com/oauth/token": x509: certificate is valid for *.tanzu.traceablepoc.com, pcf.tanzu.traceablepoc.com, *.pcf.tanzu.traceablepoc.com, not uaa.system.tanzu.traceablepoc.com

I had provided the following domains in the list when configuring the uaa:


Any clues on what might be wrong or what to check to get to the bottom of this?

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1 Reply

You should double check the Alternate Names of the TLS certificate that you’ve submitted in Tanzu Ops Manager.

It seems to be still using an old version covering the *.tanzu.traceablepoc.com wildcard instead of the one properly covering the *.system.tanzu.traceablepoc.com and *.apps.tanzu.traceablepoc.com wildcards.


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