VMware Global Community

Error: unable to create virtual machine <servername>


En el momento de darle al "finish" para que empezar hacer la virtualización, me salio el siguiente error: unable to create virtual machine <servername>

Después de varios cambios en la configuración y con el mismo mensaje de error, mire los logs del converter, pero no he sabido ver donde estaba dando el error.:smileyconfused:

Si alguien me pudiera ayudar estaría muy agradecido.

Muchas gracias.

0 Kudos
7 Replies

Dejo el log acontinuación:

Section for VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client, pid=14268, version=5.5.0, build=1362012, option=Release

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Logging uses fast path: false

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Handling bora/lib logs with VmaCore facilities

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Initialized channel manager

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Current working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] ThreadPool windowsStackImmediateCommit = true

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [13960 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [12904 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11768 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread pool on asio: Min Io, Max Io, Min Task, Max Task, Max Concurency: 2, 200, 2, 10, 2147483647

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [12812 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Using locale for help and translations 'es_ES'.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.367+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] Unable to load 'es_ES' translation.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.383+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Use GUI font 8 with correction 1.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [11620 info 'Default'] Vmacore::InitSSL: handshakeTimeoutUs = 20000000

2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterImpl'] Converter session created.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [11620 verbose 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterSessionImpl::Login - Connecting to local server.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [12812 info 'BaseServerConnection'] Connecting to server on pipeName \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap.

--> SSL:false

--> Path:/converter/sdk

--> VMODL version:converter.version.version5


2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [12812 info 'BaseServerConnection'] NOT using SSL to connect to VMOMI server \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap

2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [12812 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000000'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 20; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 20; maxConnectionAge = 0

2014-12-04T19:42:27.399+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Getting ServiceInstance contents

2014-12-04T19:42:27.414+01:00 [12812 verbose 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Yes, we connected to Converter Server.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.414+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterSession'] Logging in to Converter Server (Using Impersonate).

2014-12-04T19:42:27.414+01:00 [12812 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000001'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 1; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 1; maxConnectionAge = 0

2014-12-04T19:42:27.679+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter Server session established. (Session ID = "48958bca-367a-0055-703a-b438e4509968")

2014-12-04T19:42:27.679+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.913+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2014-12-04T19:42:27.913+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2014-12-04T19:42:28.199+01:00 [13428 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:28.199+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2014-12-04T19:42:28.215+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread[1] - (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    version = "1",

-->    filterSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) [

-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[48958bca-367a-0055-703a-b438e4509968]52eae740-97b8-49bf-57f9-f96a80f56b87',

-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [

-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                kind = "enter",

-->                obj = 'converter.task.TaskManager:TaskManager',

-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [

-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {

-->                      dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                      name = "recentTask",

-->                      op = "assign",

-->                      val = (ManagedObjectReference) [],

-->                   }

-->                ],

-->             }

-->          ],

-->       },

-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[48958bca-367a-0055-703a-b438e4509968]5229efef-4b06-2085-954e-e62144009da9',

-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [

-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                kind = "enter",

-->                obj = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobHistoryCollector:session[48958bca-367a-0055-703a-b438e4509968]5259af73-575e-ebf8-1800-f75320c6d08a',

-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [

-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {

-->                      dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                      name = "latestPage",

-->                      op = "assign",

-->                      val = (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) [

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-30",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-08-19T14:56:29.438137Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-08-19T15:10:24.04959Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-08-19T14:56:31.096303Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-08-19T15:10:23.894575Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-30',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-6584',

-->                                  uuid = "5005a091-3a61-fa44-0c08-fb7a8c95ea94",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "C:\Users\usuario\Downloads\openbravo-3.0PR14Q3-vmware-i386\openbravo-3.0PR14Q3-vmware-i386\openbravo-3-i386.vmx",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-29",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-06-11T13:15:44.245313Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-06-11T14:20:42.507869Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-06-11T13:15:45.824839Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-06-11T14:20:42.292869Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-29',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-6183',

-->                                  uuid = "50053219-eee8-38b2-1e98-657e01c85333",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "D:\usuario\VMs\TDExpress14.10_Sles11_40GB\TDExpress14.10_Sles11.vmx",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-28",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-04-25T09:04:19.45209Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-04-25T12:40:28.670303Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-04-25T09:04:21.349279Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-04-25T12:40:28.407276Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-28',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-3792',

-->                                  uuid = "5005eef1-1d72-56c3-2ce6-94cba4211533",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-27",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-04-03T14:20:19.092228Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-04-03T14:25:49.086225Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-04-03T14:20:20.744394Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-04-03T14:25:48.94121Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-27',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-2631',

-->                                  uuid = "5005385c-852e-caa2-d218-97d47753a32c",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-26",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-04-03T12:32:10.343992Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-04-03T12:37:44.580381Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-04-03T12:32:12.025504Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-04-03T12:37:44.394306Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-26',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-2630',

-->                                  uuid = "5005b7fe-c75a-a645-f921-fd187ef65158",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-25",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-28T11:59:19.816336Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-28T12:09:36.565004Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-28T11:59:21.206475Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-28T12:09:36.447993Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-25',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1346',

-->                                  uuid = "5005b335-ed89-cb60-01dd-ff1fcf781a89",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-24",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-28T09:10:07.358191Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-28T09:15:11.4696Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.fault.RequestCanceled) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                               msg = "The task was canceled by a user.",

-->                            },

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 1,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-28T09:10:08.855341Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-28T09:15:11.37059Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-24',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1345',

-->                                  uuid = "5005fe5f-cd46-b079-6985-645f26651730",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-23",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-27T17:06:57.386218Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-27T17:44:30.334218Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-27T17:06:58.723218Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-27T17:44:30.205218Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-23',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1341',

-->                                  uuid = "500553d2-77a8-2261-061b-4f5b36cf3335",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "\\Maquina-Virtual\Vm_Archive\Maquina-Virtual\Maquina-Virtual.vmx",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-22",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-27T08:57:24.687392Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-27T09:36:41.517051Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-27T08:57:25.947518Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-27T09:36:41.338033Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-22',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-960',

-->                                  uuid = "50059b32-01ff-0f1e-87b0-c91f280b244a",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "\\Maquina-Virtual\Vm_Archive\Maquina-Virtual\Maquina-Virtual.vmx",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-21",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-26T09:23:31.828112Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-26T10:06:15.359112Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-26T09:23:33.344112Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-26T10:06:15.130112Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-21',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-957',

-->                                  uuid = "50058c72-e4fe-7a8e-1cdd-e5df95981871",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "\\Maquina-Virtual\Vm_Archive\Maquina-Virtual\Maquina-Virtual.vmx",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-20",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-26T09:13:21.184112Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-26T09:18:58.964112Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-26T09:13:22.368112Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-26T09:18:58.842112Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-20',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-956',

-->                                  uuid = "5005c30f-275e-095a-029d-583074d12ca7",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-19",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-25T16:13:08.162258Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-25T16:18:47.903229Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-25T16:13:09.559398Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-25T16:18:47.693208Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-19',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-955',

-->                                  uuid = "50058eae-79ae-b751-90d4-73242b21b088",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-18",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-25T15:19:02.581733Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-25T15:26:59.008371Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-25T15:19:04.275902Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-25T15:26:58.839354Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-18',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-954',

-->                                  uuid = "50052b61-a606-2f55-5115-197b9c75fddf",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-17",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-21T14:40:55.13789Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T15:00:32.36289Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T14:40:56.26389Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T15:00:32.23989Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-17',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-547',

-->                                  uuid = "50059774-aae1-866c-af3b-adfbceeb8d79",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-16",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-21T14:08:26.997206Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T14:30:23.43589Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T14:08:28.293817Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T14:30:23.33589Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-16',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-546',

-->                                  uuid = "5005e532-d45b-c03a-2067-61b093753499",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-15",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-21T11:33:46.700454Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T11:57:08.931663Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T11:33:47.897573Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T11:57:08.785648Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-15',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-545',

-->                                  uuid = "5005e7a7-4b31-d79e-9eeb-5a1ab70392f4",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-14",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-21T10:34:00.995919Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T11:05:33.061107Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T10:34:02.612081Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T11:05:32.69507Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-14',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-543',

-->                                  uuid = "50050c95-f429-8f69-fb70-77b3c12c9729",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-13",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-20T14:56:27.487104Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-20T15:18:52.316129Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (converter.fault.CloneFault) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                               description = "cannot find initrd config file /mnt/p2v-src-Usuario-Admin/etc/modprobe.conf in target",

-->                               msg = "An error occurred during the conversion: 'cannot find initrd config file /mnt/p2v-src-Usuario-Admin/etc/modprobe.conf in target'",

-->                            },

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 1,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-20T14:56:28.664221Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-20T15:18:52.187141Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-13',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-515',

-->                                  uuid = "50053825-64e2-1901-04df-ecb3e19f0103",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-12",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-20T12:15:19.15032Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-20T16:07:55.79672Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-20T12:15:20.367441Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-20T16:07:55.585699Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-12',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-512',

-->                                  uuid = "50057902-fe16-d020-2e07-537d216acbbf",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         },

-->                         (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->                            dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                            key = "job-11",

-->                            owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->                            state = "deactivated",

-->                            activeTask = <unset>,

-->                            creationTime = "2014-02-20T11:38:10.016415Z",

-->                            lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-20T12:13:22.506657Z",

-->                            mostRecentError = (vmodl.fault.RequestCanceled) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->                               msg = "The task was canceled by a user.",

-->                            },

-->                            numConsecutiveErrors = 1,

-->                            lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-20T11:38:11.422555Z",

-->                            lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-20T12:13:22.314637Z",

-->                            nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->                            job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-11',

-->                            targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->                               dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                               location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->                                  dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                  vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->                                     dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                     hostname = "IP",

-->                                     port = <unset>,

-->                                     credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                                        dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                                        username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                                        password = (not shown),

-->                                     },

-->                                     verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->                                     sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->                                  },

-->                                  vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-511',

-->                                  uuid = "50058359-fd2e-eb00-5db8-4f50fa1a53e5",

-->                                  vmName = "Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->                               },

-->                            },

-->                            scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->                            source = "IP",

-->                            target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->                            editable = false,

-->                            descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

-->                         }

-->                      ],

-->                   }

-->                ],

-->             }

-->          ],

-->       }

-->    ],

-->    truncated = <unset>,

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-30",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-08-19T14:56:29.438137Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-08-19T15:10:24.04959Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-08-19T14:56:31.096303Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-08-19T15:10:23.894575Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-30',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-6584',

-->          uuid = "5005a091-3a61-fa44-0c08-fb7a8c95ea94",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "C:\Users\usuario\Downloads\openbravo-3.0PR14Q3-vmware-i386\openbravo-3.0PR14Q3-vmware-i386\openbravo-3-i386.vmx",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-29",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-06-11T13:15:44.245313Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-06-11T14:20:42.507869Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-06-11T13:15:45.824839Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-06-11T14:20:42.292869Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-29',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-6183',

-->          uuid = "50053219-eee8-38b2-1e98-657e01c85333",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "D:\usuario\VMs\TDExpress14.10_Sles11_40GB\TDExpress14.10_Sles11.vmx",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-28",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-04-25T09:04:19.45209Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-04-25T12:40:28.670303Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-04-25T09:04:21.349279Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-04-25T12:40:28.407276Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-28',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-3792',

-->          uuid = "5005eef1-1d72-56c3-2ce6-94cba4211533",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-27",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-04-03T14:20:19.092228Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-04-03T14:25:49.086225Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-04-03T14:20:20.744394Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-04-03T14:25:48.94121Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-27',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-2631',

-->          uuid = "5005385c-852e-caa2-d218-97d47753a32c",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-26",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-04-03T12:32:10.343992Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-04-03T12:37:44.580381Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-04-03T12:32:12.025504Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-04-03T12:37:44.394306Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-26',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-2630',

-->          uuid = "5005b7fe-c75a-a645-f921-fd187ef65158",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-25",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-28T11:59:19.816336Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-28T12:09:36.565004Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-28T11:59:21.206475Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-28T12:09:36.447993Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-25',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1346',

-->          uuid = "5005b335-ed89-cb60-01dd-ff1fcf781a89",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-24",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-28T09:10:07.358191Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-28T09:15:11.4696Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.fault.RequestCanceled) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->       msg = "The task was canceled by a user.",

-->    },

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 1,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-28T09:10:08.855341Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-28T09:15:11.37059Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-24',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1345',

-->          uuid = "5005fe5f-cd46-b079-6985-645f26651730",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-23",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-27T17:06:57.386218Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-27T17:44:30.334218Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-27T17:06:58.723218Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-27T17:44:30.205218Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-23',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1341',

-->          uuid = "500553d2-77a8-2261-061b-4f5b36cf3335",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "\\Maquina-Virtual\Vm_Archive\Maquina-Virtual\Maquina-Virtual.vmx",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-22",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-27T08:57:24.687392Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-27T09:36:41.517051Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-27T08:57:25.947518Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-27T09:36:41.338033Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-22',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-960',

-->          uuid = "50059b32-01ff-0f1e-87b0-c91f280b244a",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "\\Maquina-Virtual\Vm_Archive\Maquina-Virtual\Maquina-Virtual.vmx",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-21",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-26T09:23:31.828112Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-26T10:06:15.359112Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-26T09:23:33.344112Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-26T10:06:15.130112Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-21',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-957',

-->          uuid = "50058c72-e4fe-7a8e-1cdd-e5df95981871",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "\\Maquina-Virtual\Vm_Archive\Maquina-Virtual\Maquina-Virtual.vmx",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.V2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-20",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-26T09:13:21.184112Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-26T09:18:58.964112Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-26T09:13:22.368112Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-26T09:18:58.842112Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-20',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-956',

-->          uuid = "5005c30f-275e-095a-029d-583074d12ca7",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-19",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-25T16:13:08.162258Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-25T16:18:47.903229Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-25T16:13:09.559398Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-25T16:18:47.693208Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-19',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-955',

-->          uuid = "50058eae-79ae-b751-90d4-73242b21b088",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-18",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-25T15:19:02.581733Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-25T15:26:59.008371Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-25T15:19:04.275902Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-25T15:26:58.839354Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-18',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-954',

-->          uuid = "50052b61-a606-2f55-5115-197b9c75fddf",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-17",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-21T14:40:55.13789Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T15:00:32.36289Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T14:40:56.26389Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T15:00:32.23989Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-17',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-547',

-->          uuid = "50059774-aae1-866c-af3b-adfbceeb8d79",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-16",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-21T14:08:26.997206Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T14:30:23.43589Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T14:08:28.293817Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T14:30:23.33589Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-16',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-546',

-->          uuid = "5005e532-d45b-c03a-2067-61b093753499",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-15",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-21T11:33:46.700454Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T11:57:08.931663Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T11:33:47.897573Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T11:57:08.785648Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-15',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-545',

-->          uuid = "5005e7a7-4b31-d79e-9eeb-5a1ab70392f4",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-14",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-21T10:34:00.995919Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-21T11:05:33.061107Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-21T10:34:02.612081Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-21T11:05:32.69507Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-14',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-543',

-->          uuid = "50050c95-f429-8f69-fb70-77b3c12c9729",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-13",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-20T14:56:27.487104Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-20T15:18:52.316129Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (converter.fault.CloneFault) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->       description = "cannot find initrd config file /mnt/p2v-src-Usuario-Admin/etc/modprobe.conf in target",

-->       msg = "An error occurred during the conversion: 'cannot find initrd config file /mnt/p2v-src-Usuario-Admin/etc/modprobe.conf in target'",

-->    },

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 1,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-20T14:56:28.664221Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-20T15:18:52.187141Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-13',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-515',

-->          uuid = "50053825-64e2-1901-04df-ecb3e19f0103",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-12",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-20T12:15:19.15032Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-20T16:07:55.79672Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 0,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-20T12:15:20.367441Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-20T16:07:55.585699Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-12',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-512',

-->          uuid = "50057902-fe16-d020-2e07-537d216acbbf",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:28.246+01:00 [13428 verbose 'JobListDataProvider'] Adding job: (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "job-11",

-->    owner = "Dominio\usuario",

-->    state = "deactivated",

-->    activeTask = <unset>,

-->    creationTime = "2014-02-20T11:38:10.016415Z",

-->    lastModifiedTime = "2014-02-20T12:13:22.506657Z",

-->    mostRecentError = (vmodl.fault.RequestCanceled) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->       msg = "The task was canceled by a user.",

-->    },

-->    numConsecutiveErrors = 1,

-->    lastRunStartTime = "2014-02-20T11:38:11.422555Z",

-->    lastRunCompleteTime = "2014-02-20T12:13:22.314637Z",

-->    nextRunStartTime = <unset>,

-->    job = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJob:job-11',

-->    targetVm = (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       location = (converter.ComputerSpec.ManagedVmLocation) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          vimConnect = (converter.VimConnectionSpec) {

-->             dynamicType = <unset>,

-->             hostname = "IP",

-->             port = <unset>,

-->             credentials = (converter.VimConnectionSpec.LoginVimCredentials) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                username = "administrator@vsphere.local",

-->                password = (not shown),

-->             },

-->             verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->             sslThumbprint = "C7:F1:5F:DD:4F:86:7B:A0:61:52:F2:C2:83:8F:CD:B5:3C:1C:88:09",

-->          },

-->          vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-511',

-->          uuid = "50058359-fd2e-eb00-5db8-4f50fa1a53e5",

-->          vmName = "Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->       },

-->    },

-->    scheduledTask = <unset>,

-->    source = "IP",

-->    target = "IP/Maquina-Virtual.Dominio.es",

-->    editable = false,

-->    descriptionId = "Convert.P2V",

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterImpl'] Converter session duplicated.

2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [12812 info 'BaseServerConnection'] Connecting to server on pipeName \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap.

--> SSL:false

--> Path:/converter/sdk

--> VMODL version:converter.version.version5


2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [12812 info 'BaseServerConnection'] NOT using SSL to connect to VMOMI server \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap

2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Getting ServiceInstance contents

2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [12812 verbose 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Yes, we connected to Converter Server.

2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterSession'] Logging in to Converter Server (Using Impersonate).

2014-12-04T19:42:31.598+01:00 [12812 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000002'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 1; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 1; maxConnectionAge = 0

2014-12-04T19:42:31.849+01:00 [12812 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter Server session established. (Session ID = "e21b2d05-3293-343a-93c8-868d722dc47d")

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (0422d148) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'hi_IN' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'az_AZ' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'sr_SP' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'az_AZ' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'sr_SP' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'uz_UZ' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\ to locale map

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (de) removeable (false) resmap (04255fe8) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (0422d148) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (fr) removeable (false) resmap (04256038) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (ja) removeable (false) resmap (04256088) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resmap (042560d8) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\ to locale map

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (de) removeable (false) resmap (04255fe8) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (0422d148) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (fr) removeable (false) resmap (04256038) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (ja) removeable (false) resmap (04256088) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resmap (042560d8) extKeys (00000000) (

2014-12-04T19:42:32.108+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\ to locale map

2014-12-04T19:42:32.123+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] Locale subsystem initialized from C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\ with default locale en.

2014-12-04T19:42:32.123+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (0422d148) extKeys (00000000)

2014-12-04T19:42:32.139+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (0422d148) extKeys (00000000)

2014-12-04T19:42:32.139+01:00 [11620 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (0422d148) extKeys (00000000)

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.155+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2014-12-04T19:42:32.201+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/eventaux.vmsg', line 2629: Invalid message '               A virtual machine has a CPU, memory, and/or vFlash cache       reservation and no compatible host had enough resources to satisfy       the reservation(s).            </description>            <action>Decrease the virtual machine resource reservation</action>            <action>Add more host(s) to cluster</action>            <action>Bring online any failed hosts or resolve a network partition if one exists</action>            <action>If DRS is in manual mode, look for any pending recommendations             and approve them so that vSphere HA failover can proceed</action>        </cause>        <cause>            <description>       The cluster has vCloud Distributed Storage enabled, and one or more hosts that contribute storage               to the cluster is inaccessible, preventing vSphere HA from powering on the virtual machine.               This applies to virtual machines that have one or more files on a vCloud Distributed                Storage datastore.            </description>            <action>Bring online any failed hosts or resolve a network partition if one             exists that involves hosts that contribute storage to the vCloud Distributed             Storage cluster</action>        </cause>    </EventLongDescription>    "'

2014-12-04T19:42:32.264+01:00 [11620 warning 'Locale'] Key 'Internal.Tasks.SingleSpacedList' in module 'task' under 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/' was previously defined; ignored

2014-12-04T19:42:32.264+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterImpl'] Converter wizard created.

2014-12-04T19:42:32.264+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterLogic'] Initializing Converter::Logic::ServiceInstance ...

2014-12-04T19:42:32.279+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection SourceSelect

2014-12-04T19:42:32.279+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ManagedMachineDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection HyperVDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection DestinationSelect

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ManagedDestinationAttributes

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ManagedDestinationDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection DisksAndVolumesPlugin

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _defaultDatastore


2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _sourceStorageInfo


2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _sourceOsInfo


2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _currentCloningModes


2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _currentDiskCreateTypes


2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _defaultDiskCreateType


2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection DevicesPlugin

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection NetworksPlugin

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ServicesDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection GuestOsCust

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection HelperVMNetworkDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ThrottlingPluginDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ComputerInformationDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection WindowsLicenseDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection TimeZoneDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection NIC_CustomizedSettings

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection WorkgroupOrDomainDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection TaskSummaryDataConnection

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] FillPageContents(): currentPage is 0

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] subpages = 1

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 verbose 'wizardController'] Found data connection SourceSelect

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> DefaultPhysicalSource ( 1 )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> DefaultRemoteOS ( windowsOs )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> DefaultSource ( 0 )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> ShowServer20 ( False )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> ShowStandalone ( True )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> ThirdPartyHostedFilter ( <obj xmlns="urn:ConverterLogic" versionId="1.0" xsi:type="ArrayOfConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>microsoftVirtualPCVM</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Microsoft Virtual PC (*.vmc)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>parallelsVM</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Parallels Virtualization Products Image (*.pvs)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>livestateBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Symantec LiveState Recovery Image (*.sv2i)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>shadowProtectBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">StorageCraft ShadowStor Image (*.spf)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>acronisBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Acronis True Image Backup (*.tib)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>vmwareVCBBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">VMware Consolidated Backup (*.vmx)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair></obj> )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> VMwareHostedFilter ( <obj xmlns="urn:ConverterLogic" versionId="1.0" xsi:type="ArrayOfConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>vmwareVM</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">VMware virtual machine (*.vmx)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair></obj> )

2014-12-04T19:42:32.295+01:00 [11768 info 'wizardController'] FillPage()

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type microsoftVirtualPCVM not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type parallelsVM not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type vmwareVCBBackup not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type livestateBackup not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type shadowProtectBackup not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type acronisBackup not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type vmwareVM not found

2014-12-04T19:42:32.311+01:00 [11620 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildThirdpartyHostedExtVector 3rd party type vmwareVM not found

2014-12-04T19:42:48.607+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "Maquina-Fisica",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "Usuario-Admin",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "linuxOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:48.623+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "Maquina-Fisica",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "Usuario-Admin",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "linuxOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:48.623+01:00 [07364 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2014-12-04T19:42:48.623+01:00 [13960 error 'wizardController'] Must be administrator to access physical computer

2014-12-04T19:42:53.360+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "Maquina-Fisica",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "Usuario-Admin",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "linuxOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:53.376+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "Maquina-Fisica",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "Usuario-Admin",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "linuxOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2014-12-04T19:42:53.376+01:00 [07364 error 'wizardController'] Must be administrator to access physical computer

2014-12-04T19:43:18.262+01:00 [12904 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000002'] [RemoveConnection] Connection removed; cnx: <io_obj p:0x0414e9fc, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>; pooled: 0

2014-12-04T19:43:25.725+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "Maquina-Fisica",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "Usuario-Admin",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "linuxOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2014-12-04T19:43:25.728+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "Maquina-Fisica",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "Usuario-Admin",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "linuxOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2014-12-04T19:43:25.737+01:00 [07364 error 'wizardController'] Must be administrator to access physical computer

2014-12-04T19:43:30.008+01:00 [07364 verbose 'ManagedMachineDataConnectionLogger'] VimConnectionStore stopping keepalive

2014-12-04T19:43:30.008+01:00 [07364 info 'ManagedMachineDataConnectionLogger'] Scheduled timer canceled, StopKeepAlive succeeds

2014-12-04T19:43:30.008+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::ClearLastKnownSource - Clearing last known source.

2014-12-04T19:43:30.018+01:00 [11620 verbose 'wizardController'] VimConnectionStore stopping keepalive

2014-12-04T19:43:30.018+01:00 [11620 info 'wizardController'] Scheduled timer canceled, StopKeepAlive succeeds

2014-12-04T19:43:30.018+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Logging out of the Converter Server. (Session ID = "e21b2d05-3293-343a-93c8-868d722dc47d")

2014-12-04T19:44:18.388+01:00 [11768 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000000'] [RemoveConnection] Connection removed; cnx: <io_obj p:0x0414ef3c, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>; pooled: 0

2014-12-04T19:46:07.404+01:00 [11620 error 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Exception in Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::DestroyFilterObject - Failed to destroy property collector filter. Received SOAP response fault from [<cs p:02c4ca38, PIPE:\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap>]: destroy

--> The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created

2014-12-04T19:46:07.436+01:00 [13428 info 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread: RequestCanceledException

2014-12-04T19:46:07.436+01:00 [13428 verbose 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread: Stopped.

2014-12-04T19:46:07.951+01:00 [11620 error 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Exception in Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::DestroyFilterObject - Failed to destroy property collector filter. Received SOAP response fault from [<cs p:02c4ca38, PIPE:\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap>]: destroy

--> The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created

2014-12-04T19:46:07.951+01:00 [11620 info 'ConverterSession'] Logging out of the Converter Server. (Session ID = "48958bca-367a-0055-703a-b438e4509968")

0 Kudos


tengo algunas preguntas:

  • Estas usando el converter en una máquina windows para virtualizar un  linux remoto, verdad? Asegúrate de usar un usuario administrador en el windows y el usuario root del linux.
  • Por el error que te da, tal como comenta este KB de vmware, es posible que algún volumen en el linux no este gestionado por LVM. Tal como comenta el KB, pon por aquí la salida de los siguientes 3 comandos:
    • cat /etc/fstab
    • df -kh
    • fdisk -l

Un saludo,


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CONSIDER AWARDING any HELPFUL or CORRECT reply. Thanks!! Por favor CONSIDERA PREMIAR cualquier respuesta ÚTIL o CORRECTA . ¡¡Muchas gracias!! VCP3, VCP4, VCP5-DCV (VCP550), vExpert 2010, 2014 BLOG: http://communities.vmware.com/blogs/VirtuallyAnITNoob


Si, estoy ejecutando el converter en un Windows 7, pero lo ejecuto como administrador.

A continuación te dejo el resultado de los comandos que me has pedido.

[root@servername ~]# cat /etc/fstab


# /etc/fstab

# Created by anaconda on Tue Apr 10 18:46:11 2012


# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'

# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info


/dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_root /                       ext4    defaults        1 1

UUID=1a00ce8f-2a06-4132-874f-a5dafaec16ab /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2

/dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_opt /opt                    ext4    defaults        1 2

/dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_swap swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0

devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0

sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0

proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0

//FilerSystem1/SVN       /mnt/FilerSystem1        cifs    credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,uid=500,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,network  0  0

IPFilerSystem2:/mnt/Zvol01/backup   /mnt/FS2_Backup        nfs     defaults        0 0


[root@servername ~]# df -kh

S.ficheros            Size  Used Avail Use% Montado en


                       20G  4,1G   15G  22% /

tmpfs                 3,8G     0  3,8G   0% /dev/shm


                      485M   62M  399M  14% /boot


                      202G  171G   20G  90% /opt


[root@servername ~]# fdisk -l

Disco /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x0007ac13

Disposit. Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema

/dev/sda1   *           1          64      512000   83  Linux

La partición 1 no termina en un límite de cilindro.

/dev/sda2              64       30378   243495936   8e  Linux LVM

Disco /dev/sdb: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x0007ac13

Disposit. Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema

/dev/sdb1   *           1          64      512000   83  Linux

La partición 1 no termina en un límite de cilindro.

/dev/sdb2              64       30378   243495936   8e  Linux LVM

Disco /dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1: 249.9 GB, 249865782272 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30377 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x0007ac13

                    Disposit. Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema

/dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1p1   *           1          64      512000   83  Linux

La partición 1 no termina en un límite de cilindro.

/dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1p2              64       30378   243495936   8e  Linux LVM

Disco /dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1p1: 524 MB, 524288000 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 63 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x00000000

El disco /dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1p1 no contiene una tabla de particiones válida

Disco /dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1p2: 249.3 GB, 249339838464 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30313 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x00000000

El disco /dev/mapper/ddf1_250GBRAID1p2 no contiene una tabla de particiones válida

Disco /dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_root: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2610 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x00000000

El disco /dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_root no contiene una tabla de particiones válida

Disco /dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_swap: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1044 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x00000000

El disco /dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_swap no contiene una tabla de particiones válida

Disco /dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_opt: 219.3 GB, 219274018816 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 26658 cylinders

Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x00000000

El disco /dev/mapper/vg_servername-lv_opt no contiene una tabla de particiones válida


Muchas gracias por la ayuda.Smiley Wink



prueba a ejecutar el converter como administrador (botón derecho sobre el converter, y elige la opción "ejecutar como administrador").

Si así no se soluciona el problema, por favor vuelve a poner el log del converter de este último intento.

Un saludo,


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CONSIDER AWARDING any HELPFUL or CORRECT reply. Thanks!! Por favor CONSIDERA PREMIAR cualquier respuesta ÚTIL o CORRECTA . ¡¡Muchas gracias!! VCP3, VCP4, VCP5-DCV (VCP550), vExpert 2010, 2014 BLOG: http://communities.vmware.com/blogs/VirtuallyAnITNoob
0 Kudos

Hola Pablo,

Muchas gracias por la ayuda.

En todos los intentos que hice, lo probé con el botón derecho/ejecutar como administrador.

Durante estos días no podre probar, porque el servidor es de producción y ahora estamos un poco apretados de tiempo, si puedes decirme que más puedo probar, lo probaré el próximo día que no haya tanta carga en el servidor.

Muchas gracias.

0 Kudos


la verdad es que no se me ocurre nada más aparte de lo que ya te he comentado, lo siento :smileyconfused:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CONSIDER AWARDING any HELPFUL or CORRECT reply. Thanks!! Por favor CONSIDERA PREMIAR cualquier respuesta ÚTIL o CORRECTA . ¡¡Muchas gracias!! VCP3, VCP4, VCP5-DCV (VCP550), vExpert 2010, 2014 BLOG: http://communities.vmware.com/blogs/VirtuallyAnITNoob
0 Kudos

Buenos días,

Prueba a crear un usuario administrador en destino con el mismo nombre y contraseña que el origen.

Un saludo.

0 Kudos