VMware Cloud Community

Get VM's protection status

Has anyone been successful in getting the specific fault/error message from a VM under a protection group?

I'm trying to get the message shown in the UI via the API.

For Example,

I have a VM sitting on ABR storage - this is fine.

It's not yet protected and it's assigned to a network that is NOT mapped in SRM (This is by design as a test)

When I run the protectVM task via the API, it runs, but when I retrieve the error via the GetResult() method on the task, it simply says:

fault             localizedMessage                                           

-----             ----------------                                           

SRM01.MethodFault Unable to protect VM '<MY VM>' due to unresolved devices

I want the message that appears in the UI, which currently shows:

Mapping missing: Network 'THE MISSING NETWORK PortGroup NAME'

Does anyone know how I can get this information instead of the generic "unresolved devices"

Is it from the VM protection perspective or something on the protection group?

Thanks to all in advance!

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1 Reply

Ok, so I kept plodding along and I was able to get a solution, while not elegant, it does do the trick:

I'm using powershell for the main app I'm building, so this code is all powershell, running directly on the Protected Site SRM server. This is just the basic building block, I haven't worked out the loops to handle any VM's that are in a state that would require it.

The below code will pull out the reason (being network mapping missing) and what network mapping is missing

#Get Latest SRM DR Log

$srm_log = gci "C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\Logs" | where {$_.Name -like "vmware-dr*.log"} | gc

#Pattern for Missing Device - Target VM being checked

$pattern = "dr.replication.VmProtectionGroup.VmMirrorOptionResult(.*?)--> ]"

$t = [regex]::Matches($srm_log,$pattern)

#Parse log and convert data

$unresolved_device = ((((($t | where{$_.value -match "<VM NAME>"} | Select -Last 1).value -replace "\[ -->","") -split "-->") -replace '"',"") -replace ",","") -replace " ","" | ConvertFrom-String -Delimiter "="

#Create hash of Unresolved Objects - NON-DISK

$unresolved_device_hash = @()

$unresolved_device_hash += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

        VMName = ($unresolved_device | where {$_.P1 -eq "vmname"}).p2

        UnresolvedDeviceReason = (((($unresolved_device | where {$_.P1 -eq "faults"}).p2) -split "\.") | Select -Last 1) -replace "\){",""

        UnresolvedObjects = ($unresolved_device | where {$_.P1 -eq "networkname"}).p2 -join "/ "


The below code is to gather all VM disks that are not on replicated storage, hence flagging the VM is not fully replicated

#Get Latest SRM DR Log

$srm_log = gci "C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\Logs" | where {$_.Name -like "vmware-dr*.log"} | gc

#Pattern for Missing Disk - Target VM being checked

$pattern = "dr.replication.fault.DevicesNotResolved(.*?)\[context]"

$t = [regex]::Matches($srm_log,$pattern)

#Parse log and convert data

$unresolved_device = ((((($t | where{$_.value -match "<VM NAME>"} | Select -Last 1).value -replace "\[ -->","") -split "-->") -replace '"',"") -replace ",","") -replace " ","" | ConvertFrom-String -Delimiter "="

#Create hash of Unresolved Objects - DISK

$unresolved_device_hash = @()

$unresolved_device_hash += New-Object PSObject -Property @{

        VMName = ($unresolved_device | where {$_.P1 -eq "vmname"}).p2

        UnresolvedDeviceReason = (((($unresolved_device | where {$_.P1 -eq "unresolvedDevice"}).p2) -split "\.") | Select -Last 1) -replace "\){",""

        UnresolvedObjects = ($unresolved_device | where {$_.P1 -eq "label"}).p2 -join "/ "


Hope this helps someone else out in a similar situation.

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