VMware Cloud Community

Choosing VMware tools version

Hello all,

I know that this might not be the subforum to ask this, but I don't know where this would belong. So here it goes:

We have here a farm consisting both of ESX 4.0.0, 398348 and ESXi 4.1.0, 433742 . It is not administered by me, so I don't know what other details I could give you.

I want to have the VMware tools on the linux (RHEL5) guests up to date, using RPM's.

Now, if I the guest is presently running on an ESX host, I see the RPM on the cd that Install VMware Tools mounts.

However, if the guest is running on an ESXi, the cd contains only a perl install script.

That would'n be a problem, since I plan to deploy the RPM from the Satellite server anyway, but the questions remains:

what version of VMware tools RPM should I choose?

I hope that I created a clear picture of what the question is. If not, please feel free to bash me.


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