Passed VCP Exam

Passed VCP Exam

Sat for and passed (with an 89) the VCP 310 exam on October 30th.

Wow - what a challenge! I work with VI3 every day and I'm in the middle of a massive implementation. However, I still found it necessary to study for about 40 hours in preparation for the exam.

I studied all of the recommended manuals (resource, sysadmin, install, install), the configuration maximums, and the available vcp quiz questions from the VMTN community. I also found it helpful to prepare detailed study notes using the VM install and configure class guide.

Good, challenging exam with lots of questions that really got me thinking.


Totally agree with you.

I passed mine today (Nov 15) with 92% lets see how its going to benefit me.

today i cracked VCP-310 exam....I scored 94. I was disappointed by the level of difficulty or lack of it.

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‎11-04-2007 08:41 AM
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