VMware Horizon Community

horizon powercli manual pool in machin user permission script

$Pool = "dedicated"
$new_pool = "test2"
$vms = Get-HVMachineSummary -PoolName $Pool
$results = @()
foreach($vm in $vms){
$machine = $null
$machine = Get-VM -Name $vm.Base.Name
$properties = @{
UserName = $vm.NamesData.UserName
MachineName = $vm.Base.Name
$results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties

$results | export-csv -NoTypeInformation -path c:\test1.csv

sleep 5

$list = import-csv "C:\test1.csv"

foreach($col in $list)

$um = $col.UserName
$mc = $col.MachineName

Remove-HVMachine -MachineName $mc -DeleteFromDisk:$false -confirm:$false

Add-HVDesktop -PoolName $new_pool -Machines $mc -confirm:$false



Testing has been completed until moving from the old pool to the new pool by executing the above script. However, after referring to Excel for user assignment of virtual machines assigned to the existing pool, we want to automatically assign them to the new pool. Could you please help on this part?


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Take a look at this thread: Assign user in Dedicated pool with Powershell - VMware Technology Network VMTN

Set-HVMachine -HvServer $vcs -MachineName machine.fqdn -User "domain\user"


Get-HVMachine -MachineName machine.fqdn | Set-HVMachine -User user@domain


Roderik de Block

Blog: https://roderikdeblock.com
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