VMware Horizon Community

Pool empty but unable to connect

I have 5 computers that I am using to connect to a pool of 5 linked clones. It's a persistent pool.

The computers that are connecting to the pool of linked clones are WYSE terminals that are on rolling carts. The carts are connecting to the pool wirelessly. I have 5 carts, so I created a pool of 5 linked clones.

The first issue I am having is that I am constantly getting calls that one of the carts cannot connect because all of the linked clones are already in use. I only have 5 ID's that can connect to the pool and no one else would try to connect to them (they have no need or use to). But if I ask someone to log out of the cart, the cart that couldnt connect will connect but now the cart that was connected cant connect.

If I go into the Desktop Sources tab of the pool the only ID I see connected is my domain ID but I am not logged into any of the clones. BUT the other clones show no user connected even though there are connections. The user box is blank but I know the clones are connected to and in use. It seems like for some reason that at one time when I logged into one of the clones that VMview is not releasing the session even though I am not logged in.

As I said they are connecting wirelessly so I dont know if that has anything to do with it either since they do sometimes lose there connection for a coupld seconds.

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2 Replies

are these presistant or non-persistant vm's?

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They are persistent.

The weird thing is I can log into the pool with my ID and I get right in. But when I logoff and then try to use one of the ID's that was created for the carts it states that there are no more vm's available at this time and my ID shows up in the view manager as being connected to one of the clones. I cant for the life of me get my ID off of it.

I've rebooted the clone, re-booted the view management server...and nothing...it's like the view administrator refuses to release my ID from the clone.

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