VMware Horizon Community

Just downloaded the evaluation and I have a few questions

Shotgun approach to the scenario, sorry if it is blunt but I'd rather just get the info down correctly!

My Environment:

vShpere 4.0.1

View 4.0.1

  1. I am using a standard desktop and the View Client on XP

    1. Is there a way using PCoIP to get my desktop's serial,DVD-Burner, and all other hardware redirected to my VM?

    2. What is best practice for securing the underlying XP that is housing the View Client App?

    3. I have already noticed that if the underlying XP does not have a driver for a USB device it will not get redirected to the VM, is there a way around that?

  2. My institution is planning on getting the Dell FX-160 diskless clients which allows me to stream the OS to the client but not install an OS. How does this operate with the View Client? Or does it? If it does work with the View Client then all the questions above concerning the View Client on XP also apply here.


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3 Replies

Hi Mlind,

As a really quick to your request for information regarding the Dell hardware then please check the image provided.

Also just so you know for future checks you can use the following link to check compatibitlity for anything relating to VMware

VMware Compatibility Guide

I'm not in my office today and can not get access to the View installation to check on point 1 and 3 but you have options for 2 which I will give you a link to one solution below:

Sparko Design lock down

Its a very simple lock down of the end point machine but should give you a nice starting point.


If you found this helpful then please leave some points.

If you found this helpful then please leave some points.

AFAIK only USB devices can be redirected and they need to have a driver in the client OS for this to happen. A few other devices are redirected outside of the USB redirection such as mouse, keyboard and audio.



Thanks for the info.

I am just trying to get as much info and testing done as I can during my eval period.

A new question. I noticed from the info above, for a diskless client one would use either embedded XP or Suse Linux. I read up on the open client for View and with no USB redirection yet, I don't think I will look much further.

Has anyone imaged/managed the XP embedded thin client? Or could shed some light on how one would go about it?

Thanks Again!

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