VMware Cloud Community

Intel S5000PAL comes with no PCI. Which SAS PCIe PCIx controller to use?


I just bought an Intel S5000PAL: Pic of the board below from New Egg


What I didn't realize is that there are NO PCI Slots! I see PCIe and PCIx. I googled this info and looks like I have two choices for trying to find a SAS controller with either connector.

I am really confused here.

What would be a solid choice for my two SATA drives in RAID that are compatible with this mobo (mobo is on the HCL) and a SAS controller? The Intel RAID solutions seem to be insanely expensive if you buy them with the battery backup, around $600US! Ouch.

I would appreciate any info on a model with the compatible connector to the motherboard I bought.


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