VMware Cloud Community

vSphere Clent could not connect to "the server". A connection failure occurred (Unable to connect to the remote server)

I have vsphere clent install unable to connect to vcenter.  here is the mesage

Could Not Connect

vSphere Clent could not connect to "the server".  A connection failure occurred (Unable to connect to the remote server)

vmware services a running vcenter

any idea anybody

I am to connect directly to vmhost  and see see the vm servers.

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1 Reply


The error message indicates connection failure between the client and the vcenter server.

This could be a network issue or a port issue. The required ports that needs to be open are 80, 443 and 902.

You can use telnet to confirm if the ports are open.

open command prompt.

tenet <vcenter address> 80

If this opens a blank screen then the port is open, if it fails then the port is blocked thus the port needs to be opened.

Disable the windows firewall on the VC machine and then check if you are able to connect.

Try using vsphere client from the VC machine itself, if its sucessfull then it is very much a network issue.

Here, I would assume that you have verified that the Vcenter service is running.

Hope it was informative.



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