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  • 1.  file server physical or vmware best practice

    Posted Jan 30, 2015 10:53 PM


    We are planing for file server in our environment, Please let me know which option is good for file server (Physical\Virtual) and why. I need to share recommendation to our client. Thanks in advance for your suggestion.

  • 2.  RE: file server physical or vmware best practice

    Posted Jan 31, 2015 12:58 AM

    Your case here would be based on the benefits of virtualisation in general rather than best practices for a file server. File servers do not to tend to be seen as resource intensive and requiring special configuration in a virtual environment as opposed to a physical. You should sell the HA, backup and disaster recovery benefits of virtualisation over physical implementations.

    What are the customers stance on physical/virtual and their concerns? what does the file server/s mean to their business i.e. are they critical? why are they reluctant to virtualise?