VMware Cloud Community

VM gets rebooted but Virtual Machine doesnt restart

I deployed 2 vSphere 4.0 environemnts and in both i noticed when i restart a server from console or even using vmware shutdown guest the Virtual Machine never fully shuts down or resets. The screen on console goes shutting down and then all grey and just sits there. In logs it shows that vmware tools initiated shutdown but it doesnt complete.

anyone seeing this as well?

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1 Reply

The problem was found to be in GPOs. AD guy selected an option that clears out the pagefile on shutdown! So this naturaly writes 0s across the page file on shutdown. Most of my page files are 6GB and 64bit VMSs have far larger so you can imagine it would add some serious time!. Once I found this and disabled it everything was ok!

I am posting this so you guys know in case you see same problem as there was no responses to orignal thread.

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