VMware Cloud Community

Using VMWare-Mount on to mount snapshot VMDK on another PC


I'm using vmware-mount (v5.0) to try and mount a snaphot of a VM linux server that is having issues, and I need to explore the snapshot to get some data from it.

I have copied the VMDK file I want to mount from ESXi using the datastore browser to a local Win 7 PC and it is on here that I am trying to mount the file.

However when I run this:

vmware-mount z: C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\test-db-v01-flat.vmdk /m:n

I get this??

Unable to mount the virtual disk. The disk may be in use by a virtual

machine, may not have enough volumes or mounted under another drive

letter. If not, verify that the file is a valid virtual disk file.

This is despite the fact that this is being mounted on a PC that is not an ESXi host, so would have no way of knowing whether the VM linux server at present (which it isn't since it's screwed..)

The linux server would have been running at the time of the snapshot been taken though if this makes any difference.

Any ideas why this is happening and how I may get around this issue?



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