VMware Cloud Community

Unable to Locate Vmware Folder in the path : /etc/opt/vmware

This might be an lame question, however I need to make a change to the vpxa.cfg file, and I cannot find the VMWARE folder for the path: /etc/opt/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg

I am accessing the console remotely via SSH, the server is an ESXi4.1 host.

The following is an output from the syntax of my terminal session:


ls -a

. bin            lib64          productLocker  usr

.. bootbank       local.tgz      sbin           var

.emptytgz dev            locker         scratch        vmfs

.vmware etc            opt            store          vmimages

altbootbank lib            proc           tmp            vmupgrade

~ # cd /etc/opt

/etc/opt # ls -a

.   ..

/etc/opt #

/etc/opt # find /etc/opt -name "vmware"

/etc/opt #

/etc/opt # cd vmware

-ash: cd: can't cd to vmware

I also tried using WinSCP with the same results, nothing to be found in the OPT folder.  How is this possible?  I tried using GREP to search for hidden files and folders but that did not work also, could this be due to the fact that I am accessing the host via SSH?

Would greatly appreciate some direction, I'm sure it is something simple that I am overlooking.

Thank you.

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2 Replies

Welcome to the communities, /etc/opt/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg will be created, if your Host is added to any VC first.


Thank you very much for clarifying this, for some reason I had a hell of a time getting an answer!

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