VMware Cloud Community

Tasks that cannot be cancel & fastSCP copying to void?

One frustrating issue I had with ESX(i) is that some extremely time consuming tasks cannot be cancel. The cancel option is gray off. So I either have to wait for hours or I have to force shutdown the ESX(i) because the task takes forever. Any workaround regarding this frustrating issue?

Also, when copying a thin provision VM folder (120GB using 10GB storage) into another folder, Veeam FastSCP was copying 120GB instead of 10GB, making it a SlowSCP. Is this because FastSCP could not recognize thin provision disk?

A weird issue is that when FastSCP crashed while the copying process was done halfway, the process continued and was shown in VI Client where it just cannot be cancel as well (cancel option is gray off). Even when I remove the destination folder, it was still copying. Where is it copying to when the destinated folder is no longer there???

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