VMware Cloud Community

Powercli script which can find HBA and NIC details

Hi guys,

I am looking power cli script which can find Below information for 100 esxi host

1:- Network driver details ( Name , Model)

2:- HBA driver details

3:- Netwrok driver firmware version ( Name, Model)

4:- HBA driver Firnware version

5:- multipathing policy

6:- multipathing driver detials

7:-   VID

8:-   DID

9:-  SVID

10  SDID



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10 Replies

Hi Triyambak,

The cmdlets Get-VMHostHba and Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter give you a list of adapters to use. Some of the information you want can then be obtained using the ESXCLI functionality exposed through PowerCLI- For example this gets the driver info for vmnic0 on the host $MyHost.

PowerCLI C:\> $esxcli=Get-EsxCli -VMHost $MyVMHost

PowerCLI C:\> $esxcli.network.nic.get("vmnic0").DriverInfo | Format-List

BusInfo         : 0000:01:00.0
Driver          : tg3
FirmwareVersion : FFV7.8.16 bc 5720-v1.32
Version         : 3.129d.v50.1

or for the HBA details, use

PowerCLI C:\> $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.get('vmhba38')

Hope that helps get you started!


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I was looking for the same for some 200 ESXi hosts. But challenge is over 50% of them are not in vCenter.

If you can provide a wayout here ?

like :-

* fetch the list of ESXi from any .csv/txt file.

* login to each host ( all has same root password)

* fetch those details.

* report saved in any .csv/txt file.

***  no. of NIC cards attached attached to each host in UP state.

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Hi @MukeshSingh92 - the following !PowerCLI should help you here. Feed it a list of hosts- one per line- in a text file

#Declare an array to hold results


#Read in the file line by line

Get-Content hosts.txt |Foreach-Object {

#Create a VI Credential Item for this server - they all have the same root password

New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $_ -User root -Password MyPassword

#Connect to the Server

Connect-VIServer $_  -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose

#Count the Physical NICs which are connected

$NicCount=(Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Id -like "*PhysicalNic*" -and $_.BitRatePerSec -gt 0}).Count

#Disconnect from the server

Disconnect-VIServer -Force -Confirm:$false

#Add the results (hostname, NIC Count) to the array

$Results+=(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'Host'=$_;'NIC Count'=$NicCount})


#Display the results in a table

$Results | Format-Table

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hello chs1  this one works fine.  But can you tweak this script to get other details.

Like I need to get the details of each esxi's ( Version and Build).   from the same host.txt.

I have tried many option but it doesn't work out.

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Hello MukeshSingh92

Version and Build of an ESX host are available through the Get-VMHost cmdlet. After connecting to a host we can run this and get the details of the host- normally the default table view that is returned will restrict what we see but if we pipe the command into Format-List we see all the fields in the object. For example

PS> Get-VMHost | Format-List

State                 : Connected

ConnectionState       : Connected

PowerState            : PoweredOn

VMSwapfileDatastoreId :

VMSwapfilePolicy      : WithVM

ParentId              : Folder-ha-folder-host

IsStandalone          : True

Manufacturer          : Dell Inc.

Model                 : PowerEdge R720

NumCpu                : 16

CpuTotalMhz           : 41584

CpuUsageMhz           : 324


MemoryTotalMB         : 196562.4765625

MemoryTotalGB         : 191.95554351806640625

MemoryUsageMB         : 27905

MemoryUsageGB         : 27.2509765625

ProcessorType         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz

HyperthreadingActive  : True

TimeZone              : UTC

Version               : 6.0.0

Build                 : 4192238

.... etc

So we can take this information and add it into your previous script. Something like this (changes in bold, red):

#Declare an array to hold results


#Read in the file line by line

Get-Content hosts.txt |Foreach-Object {

  #Create a VI Credential Item for this server - they all have the same root password

  New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $_ -User root -Password MyPassword

  #Connect to the Server

  Connect-VIServer $_  -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose

  #Count the Physical NICs which are connected

  $NicCount=(Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Id -like "*PhysicalNic*" -and $_.BitRatePerSec -gt 0}).Count

  #Get the Host Version and Build



  #Disconnect from the server

  Disconnect-VIServer -Force -Confirm:$false

  #Add the results (hostname, NIC Count) to the array

  $Results+=(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'Host'=$_;'NIC Count'=$NicCount;'Version'=$HostVersion;'Build'=$HostBuild})


#Display the results in a table

$Results | Format-Table

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The Scirpt runs, takes credentials for each hosts one by one, and then disconnects. but doesn't produces any results. End with an error/exception I have provided as "attachment."

Can you do the changes below :-

1) Credentials is common for all, so enter the credentials once in beginning of programs > store that and use it for repeatedly.

2) produce the output in any csv/txt file.


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A Couple of Suggestions:

1-Have you replaced "MyPassword" in the script with your standardised host root password? If so, you shouldn't be getting prompted for credentials on each host

2-For the errors- Were you already connected to a vCenter before running the script? Try


   before running the script again to make sure there's no existing connections that would confuse it.

3-To output the result to a text file either use console redirection ( >myfile.txt) or you could use the Export-CSV cmdlet, something like

     $Results | Export-CSV myfile.csv

Hope this helps.


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# Yes. I tried with manually entering the password, still it gives a pop up for credentials.

# Was disconnected as well. didn't worked.

Now I tried the below editing, it just asked for password once and then silently continued, generated a CSV file as well. ... plz see the tweaking I did ( it works now perfectly).

If you got any suggested, Kinldy go ahead.

#Declare an array to hold results

$cred = Get-Credential


#Read in the file line by line

Get-Content E:\Mukesh\hosts1.txt |Foreach-Object {

  #Create a VI Credential Item for this server - they all have the same root password

  #New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $_ -Credential $cred

  #Connect to the Server

  Connect-VIServer -Server $_ -Credential $cred

  #Count the Physical NICs which are connected

  $NicCount=(Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Id -like "*PhysicalNic*" -and $_.BitRatePerSec -gt 0}).Count

  #Get the Host Version and Build



  #Disconnect from the server

  Disconnect-VIServer -Force -Confirm:$false

  #Add the results (hostname, NIC Count) to the array

  $Results+=(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{'Host'=$_;'NIC Count'=$NicCount;'Version'=$HostVersion;'Build'=$HostBuild})


#Display the results in a table

$Results | Export-Csv E:\Mukesh\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

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Hello chs1

need to write a fresh script to pull out all the VMs hosted on all the ESXi.
flow should be :-
1) take the list of esxi from any text file.
2) populate all the vMs per ESXi hosts. ( if some attributes like VM OS can extracted, that will be great )
3) get the details exported in an excel file.

# challenge I faced in the 3rd step. when the output becomes garbage as capturing the date in a perfect rows:column ratio become problematic.
How can make my csv file flexible enough to create "n" rows and stuff...etc etc.

# Lets work it out. Can you help me with a fresh script here.

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Hello chs1, Can we also fetch 2 things ( Lincense key and Lincense type ).  I tried a few ways, but they all failed.

in this same Script, can you suggest a few modification to get those 2 details per host.

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