VMware Cloud Community

No coredump target has been configured


I'm seeing the "No coredump target has been configured" message on one of my hosts after installation and it has local storage. I should have fixed this before it has VM's on it but I didn't..

So I check to see what it is currently set at...

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI>esxcli -s X.X.X.X  -h Y.Y.Y.Y system coredump partition get

Enter username: XXXXXXX

Enter password:

Not a known device: naa.6d4ae520a0be19001b76325c0ec1d22a

Then I list available partitions

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI>esxcli -s X.X.X.X  -h Y.Y.Y.Y system coredump partition list

Enter username: XXXXXXX

Enter password:

no configured dump partition found; skipping

My concern is accidentally initialising an active partition, how can I set the coredump partition and can it be done via the web client?

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Please check out this KB :

VMware KB: Configuring a diagnostic coredump partition on an ESXi 5.x host

1. Validate that something shows up in this list -  esxcli system coredump partition list

2. Set the coredump partition by :

  esxcli system coredump partition set --partition="mpx.vmhba2:C0:T0:L0:7"

  esxcli system coredump partition set --enable true

You can also try using :

esxcli system coredump partition set --enable true --smart

This will automatically set a partition.

Hope this helps.

New blog - https://virtualizeme.org/
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Solución al problema "no coredump target has been configured. host core dumps cannot be saved"

Mediante SSH, consultamos el estado de la partición de diagnostico (coredump).

# esxcli system coredump partition get

Not a known device *mi-anterior-identificador-de-disco*

# esxcli system coredump partition list

no configured dump partition found; skipping

El resultado muestra que esto no está funcionando, si es el caso, se necesita re-configurar la partición de diagnóstico.

# esxcli system coredump partition set --unconfigure

Listamos las particiones existentes

# esxcli system coredump partition list

Name Path Active Configured

-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------

naa.6005076040ab4c101d8314b335edd7a0:7 /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6005076040ab4c101d8314b335edd7a0:7 false false

naa.6005076040ab4c101d8314b335edd7a0:9 /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6005076040ab4c101d8314b335edd7a0:9 false false

Para seleccionar y activar automáticamente una partición de diagnóstico accesible, ejecutamos el siguiente comando:

# esxcli system coredump partition set --enable true --smart

Nuevamente consultamos el estado de la partición de diagnóstico y listo, problema resuelto.

# esxcli system coredump partition get

Active: naa.6005076040ab4c101d8314b335edd7a0:9

Configured: naa.6005076040ab4c101d8314b335edd7a0:9



Even if I don't understand spanish, I understood the command in Tyepez post and this was the solution for us after migration the boot into a new SAN we had these error on all our esxi host. Thank you for this information.

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I don't speak Spanish either but this fix worked for me too. Thanks.

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i am having issue because new ESXi hosts is storing its coredump file on different data stroe on SAN and some ESXi stroing on local disk.

i am trying to find out how ESXi pick to SAN (VNX)datastroe or local datastore to store its coredump file.

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we did not configured coredump target when we setup new ESXi6.5 hosts

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