VMware Cloud Community

I have created a few snmp extension scripts. Any other way to do this?

I have created a few bash scripts that get data from esxtop (batch mode) and returns them to snmpd. This way I'm getting some memory statistics that I did not get before (swap used, total ballooning, the clock on the esx host (to be sure this is correct) and most importantly for me "commands per second" on the sw iscsi vmhba.

The results are polled every minute (crond), and the results are written to a local file where snmpd read the results. If snmpd should run the actual esxtop grabbing script, the command would time out the snmp polling (delay in esxtop). The commands per second script also polls every minute, but it stores the numbers between the snmp pollings, so I get the average between the snmp gets.

What I'm wondering about is: Is it possible to get stats like this (snmp) using builtin featues in vSphere? . I do not get such stats when snmp walking the host OR vCenter. I prefer snmp for this as we have an existing monitoring solution (Solarwinds). I know vCenter can give me these stats, but I want to log them in Solarwinds.

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