VMware Cloud Community

Failed to start the VM - Cannot open the virtual disk

My building had an unexpected power interruption and my ESXi 6.0.0 host was shut down. After starting up, one of my VM won't boot up (the most important one). Here is the full error message:


Failed to start the virtual machine.

Module Disk power on failed.

Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/.../dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

The system cannot find the file specified

VMware ESX cannot find the virtual disk "/vmfs/volumes/.../dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk". Verify the path is valid and try again.


I look at Datastore Browser and I see files below"



dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk (very large size)









I'm fairly new to ESXi and I am not exactly sure where or how to start on this. I did some research and I think I have a missing virtual machine disk descriptor file. Any advice is much appreciated.

VM Version: 11

James C.

0 Kudos
7 Replies

Please show us

grep vmdk *.vmx
ls -lisa

The scheme of your filenames is a litte bit weird because the LARGE file is normaly named *-flat.vmdk and a *.vmdk for the small human readable descriptor file.  The reference to a _1 indicated that the VM have more than one vDisk.  The _1 is completly absent in your listing.


0 Kudos

Hi Joerg, thank you very much for your reply. You are correct. I do not have a flat file. That makes me even more confused because it is mentioned in a lot of discussions.

[root@host01:~] grep vmdk *.vmx

grep: *.vmx: No such file or directory

[root@host01:~] ls -lisa

total 581

      1      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Apr  1 12:39 .

      1      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Apr  1 12:39 ..

   4926      4 -rw-------    1 root     root          3444 Apr  1 15:18 .ash_history

   3091      4 -r--r--r--    1 root     root            20 May 17  2017 .mtoolsrc

   4916      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 19:01 .vmware

   4907      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Mar 22 19:00 altbootbank -> /vmfs/volumes/6922787b-e4d39237-b2ed-87bdf4075e63

     15      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 19:00 bin

   4906      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Mar 22 19:00 bootbank -> /vmfs/volumes/84684674-1f0ae5bf-0e28-4d84c73f0c50

   3090    324 -r--r--r--    1 root     root        331533 May 17  2017 bootpart.gz

      1      0 drwxr-xr-x   15 root     root           512 Apr  1 15:18 dev

      2      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 19:00 etc

      9      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 lib

      8      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 lib64

   4903     24 -r-x------    1 root     root         22350 Mar 22 09:01 local.tgz

   4910      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             6 Mar 22 19:00 locker -> /store

   3089      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 mbr

      3      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 opt

72016963044320    128 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        131072 Apr  1 15:18 proc

   4911      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            22 Mar 22 19:00 productLocker -> /locker/packages/6.0.0

   1494      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             4 May 17  2017 sbin -> /bin

   4909      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Mar 22 19:00 scratch -> /vmfs/volumes/569fa850-8e6f2b96-20dd-1418772726b0

   4908      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Mar 22 19:00 store -> /vmfs/volumes/569fa845-bd522e6c-2e5a-1418772726b0

      5      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 tardisks

      6      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 tardisks.noauto

  30401      4 drwxrwxrwt    1 root     root           512 Apr  1 15:01 tmp

     13      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 usr

      4      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 19:00 var

     14      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 vmfs

     12      4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           512 Mar 22 18:59 vmimages

   1501      4 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            17 May 17  2017 vmupgrade -> /locker/vmupgrade

and here are the actual size:



0 Kudos

ls -lisa

total 387983384

83887108      8 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          2240 Apr  1 12:33 .

      4   1024 drwxr-xr-t    1 root     root          1820 Apr 28  2016 ..

511706116   1024 -rw-------    1 root     root       6062592 Apr  1 12:33 dataserver.SouthBay.local-ctk.vmdk

92275716 387973120 -rw-------    1 root     root     397284474880 Oct 29 05:25 dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk

205521924   1024 -rw-------    1 root     root          8684 Aug 17  2019 dataserver.SouthBay.local.nvram

167773188      0 -rw-------    1 root     root           693 Aug 17  2019 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk

100664324      0 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan 21  2016 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmsd

88081412      8 -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          3158 Aug 17  2019 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx

595592196      8 -rw-------    1 root     root          3158 Apr 11  2018 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmxf

658506756   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         55850 Feb 13 19:24 vmware-50.log

692061188   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         56018 Mar 11 11:42 vmware-51.log

708838404   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         55849 Mar 22 19:01 vmware-52.log

742392836   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         55981 Apr  1 08:09 vmware-53.log

763364356   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         55896 Apr  1 08:19 vmware-54.log

780141572   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         55983 Apr  1 09:51 vmware-55.log

796918788   1024 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         55983 Apr  1 12:33 vmware.log

0 Kudos


The dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk file is missing

Can you share the contents of the .vmx file and the vmware.log file?

We can try and see if that file is meant to be on a different datastore or if it is gone, gone....

Do you have backups, as from your naming scheme it would appear that this VM is on local storage?

If you do not and it turns out that the file is lost, you may need to get a data recovery service involved, so limiting your writes to the datastore will be important...


0 Kudos

Thank you Fouad,

I looked at my .VMX where it shows the path to my missing file (dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk) is different from where my actual VM files are.

scsi0:1.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk" (This is from .VMX file and I can't find 5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0 under volumes directory). Any idea?

Here is the actual path to VM files and I did find the -flat file here.

[root@host01:/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local] ls -lah

total 387983384

drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        2.2K Apr  1 12:33 .

drwxr-xr-t    1 root     root        1.8K Apr 28  2016 ..

-rw-------    1 root     root        5.8M Apr  1 12:33 dataserver.SouthBay.local-ctk.vmdk

-rw-------    1 root     root      370.0G Oct 29 05:25 dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk

-rw-------    1 root     root        8.5K Aug 17  2019 dataserver.SouthBay.local.nvram

-rw-------    1 root     root         693 Aug 17  2019 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           0 Jan 21  2016 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmsd

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        3.1K Aug 17  2019 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx

-rw-------    1 root     root        3.1K Apr 11  2018 dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmxf

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.5K Feb 13 19:24 vmware-50.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.7K Mar 11 11:42 vmware-51.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.5K Mar 22 19:01 vmware-52.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.7K Apr  1 08:09 vmware-53.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.6K Apr  1 08:19 vmware-54.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.7K Apr  1 09:51 vmware-55.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       54.7K Apr  1 12:33 vmware.log


.VMX File

.encoding = "UTF-8"

config.version = "8"

virtualHW.version = "11"

nvram = "dataserver.SouthBay.local.nvram"

pciBridge0.present = "TRUE"

svga.present = "TRUE"

pciBridge4.present = "TRUE"

pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

pciBridge4.functions = "8"

pciBridge5.present = "TRUE"

pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

pciBridge5.functions = "8"

pciBridge6.present = "TRUE"

pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

pciBridge6.functions = "8"

pciBridge7.present = "TRUE"

pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

pciBridge7.functions = "8"

vmci0.present = "TRUE"

hpet0.present = "TRUE"

floppy0.present = "FALSE"

numvcpus = "4"

memSize = "7852"

sched.cpu.affinity = "all"

sched.mem.affinity = "all"

usb_xhci.present = "TRUE"

scsi0.virtualDev = "lsisas1068"

scsi0.present = "TRUE"

sata0.present = "TRUE"

ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000e"

ethernet0.networkName = "VM Network"

ethernet0.addressType = "generated"

ethernet0.present = "TRUE"

scsi0:0.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"

scsi0:0.fileName = "dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk"

scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"

sata0:0.startConnected = "FALSE"

sata0:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"

sata0:0.clientDevice = "TRUE"

sata0:0.fileName = "emptyBackingString"

sata0:0.present = "TRUE"

displayName = "Dataserver"

guestOS = "windows8srv-64"

disk.EnableUUID = "TRUE"

uuid.bios = "56 4d a6 01 2c 0d c5 3f-99 88 1b b3 4c 1e be 6c"

uuid.location = "56 4d a6 01 2c 0d c5 3f-99 88 1b b3 4c 1e be 6c"

vc.uuid = "52 d9 7e e8 fd f6 41 5d-4e 01 f0 dc a8 c3 64 8e"

virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"

sched.swap.derivedName = "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.vswp"

replay.supported = "FALSE"

replay.filename = ""

migrate.hostlog = "./dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.hlog"

scsi0:0.redo = ""

pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17"

pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21"

pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22"

pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23"

pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24"

scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "160"

ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "192"

usb_xhci.pciSlotNumber = "224"

vmci0.pciSlotNumber = "32"

sata0.pciSlotNumber = "33"

scsi0.sasWWID = "50 05 05 61 2c 0d c5 30"

ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:1e:be:6c"

ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

vmci0.id = "1277083244"

vm.genid = "-6583042147679458574"

vm.genidX = "343122209742188191"

monitor.phys_bits_used = "42"

vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "4194304"

vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize = "4194304"

cleanShutdown = "FALSE"

softPowerOff = "FALSE"

tools.remindInstall = "FALSE"

toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = "0"

toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = "4"

sched.scsi0:0.throughputCap = "off"

sched.scsi0:0.shares = "normal"

svga.guestBackedPrimaryAware = "TRUE"

tools.syncTime = "FALSE"

extendedConfigFile = "dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmxf"

scsi0:1.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"

scsi0:1.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk"

scsi0:1.present = "true"

scsi0:1.redo = ""

SCSI0:0.ctkEnabled = "true"

SCSI0:1.ctkEnabled = "true"

ctkEnabled = "TRUE"

usb_xhci:4.present = "TRUE"

usb_xhci:4.deviceType = "hid"

usb_xhci:4.port = "4"

usb_xhci:4.parent = "-1"

Vmware.log File

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Log for VMware ESX pid=536438 version=6.0.0 build=build-5572656 option=Release

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: The process is 64-bit.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Host codepage=UTF-8 encoding=UTF-8

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Host is VMkernel 6.0.0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.311Z| vmx| I125: VTHREAD initialize main thread 0 "vmx" pid 536438

2020-04-01T12:33:16.312Z| vmx| I125: Msg_SetLocaleEx: HostLocale=UTF-8 UserLocale=NULL

2020-04-01T12:33:16.312Z| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.312Z| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load /usr/lib/vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.312Z| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "//.vmware/config": No such file or directory.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.312Z| vmx| I125: ConfigDB: Failed to load ~/.vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.313Z| vmx| I125: 536438:VVOLLIB : VVolLib_GetSoapContext:383: Using 30 secs for soap connect timeout.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.313Z| vmx| I125: 536438:VVOLLIB : VVolLib_GetSoapContext:384: Using 200 secs for soap receive timeout.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.313Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-LIB: Objlib initialized.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/config": No such file or directory.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/config. Using default values.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "//.vmware/config": No such file or directory.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: PREF Optional preferences file not found at //.vmware/config. Using default values.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: PREF Unable to check permissions for preferences file.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file "//.vmware/preferences": No such file or directory.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.314Z| vmx| I125: PREF Failed to load user preferences.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.319Z| vmx| I125: lib/ssl: OpenSSL using FIPS_drbg for RAND

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=host01.southbay.local

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: IP= (lo0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: IP= (vmk0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: vmkernel build type: release

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: System uptime 840818743219 us

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Command line: "/bin/vmx" "-s" "sched.group=host/user" "-#" "product=2;name=VMware ESX;version=6.0.0;buildnumber=5572656;licensename=VMware ESX Server;licenseversion=6.0;" "-@" "transport=3;msgs=ui" "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Environment: "USER=root" "HOME=/" "SHELL=/bin/sh" "LANG=C"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Msg_SetLocaleEx: HostLocale=UTF-8 UserLocale=NULL

2020-04-01T12:33:16.321Z| vmx| I125: Transport socket: 3

2020-04-01T12:33:16.322Z| vmx| W115: CnxNeedScrub: Time to scrub dir /var/run/vmware

2020-04-01T12:33:16.380Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransport listening on fd 11

2020-04-01T12:33:16.380Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_Init 0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.381Z| vmx| I125: /vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx: Setup symlink /var/run/vmware/916873bca62226958633d4ff257a7ddb -> /var/run/vmware/root_0/1585744396321973_536438

2020-04-01T12:33:16.381Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:457]: VMAutomation: Initializing VMAutomation.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.381Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:754]: VMAutomationOpenListenerSocket() listening

2020-04-01T12:33:16.388Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.388Z| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.388Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.388Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=2, newAppState=1877, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.388Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=3, newAppState=1881, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.389Z| vmx| I125: FeatureCompat: No EVC masks.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID vendor: GenuineIntel

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID family: 0x6 model: 0x3f stepping: 0x2

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID codename: Haswell EP/EN/EX

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 v3 @ 1.90GHz

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000000, 0: 0x0000000f 0x756e6547 0x6c65746e 0x49656e69

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000001, 0: 0x000306f2 0x00100800 0x77fefbff 0xbfebfbff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000002, 0: 0x76036301 0x00f0b6ff 0x00000000 0x00c10000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000003, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 0: 0x1c004121 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 1: 0x1c004122 0x01c0003f 0x0000003f 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 2: 0x1c004143 0x01c0003f 0x000001ff 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 3: 0x1c03c163 0x04c0003f 0x00002fff 0x00000006

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000004, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000005, 0: 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000003 0x00002120

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000006, 0: 0x00000075 0x00000002 0x00000009 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x000037ab 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000008, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 00000009, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000a, 0: 0x07300803 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000603

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000006 0x00000201 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000c, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000340 0x00000340 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2: 0x00000100 0x00000240 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 5: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 6: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 7: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 8: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 9: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 10: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 11: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 12: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 13: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 14: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 15: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 16: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 17: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 18: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 19: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 1f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 20: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 21: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 22: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 23: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 24: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 25: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 26: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 27: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 28: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 29: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 2f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 30: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 31: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 32: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 33: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 34: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 35: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 36: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 37: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 38: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 39: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3a: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3b: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3c: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3d: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3e: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000d, 3f: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000e, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 0000000f, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000017 0x00000000 0x00000002

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000000, 0: 0x80000008 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000001, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000021 0x2c100800

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000002, 0: 0x65746e49 0x2952286c 0x6f655820 0x2952286e

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000003, 0: 0x55504320 0x2d354520 0x39303632 0x20337620

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000004, 0: 0x2e312040 0x48473039 0x0000007a 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000005, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000006, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01006040 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000007, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000100

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: hostCPUID level 80000008, 0: 0x0000302e 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID differences from hostCPUID.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 00000001, 0: 0x000306f2 0x02100800 0x77fefbff 0xbfebfbff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x00000002

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000006 0x00000201 0x00000002

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000002

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[1] level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000240 0x00000340 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 00000001, 0: 0x000306f2 0x04100800 0x77fefbff 0xbfebfbff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x00000004

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000006 0x00000201 0x00000004

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000004

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[2] level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000240 0x00000340 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 00000001, 0: 0x000306f2 0x06100800 0x77fefbff 0xbfebfbff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x00000006

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000006 0x00000201 0x00000006

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000006

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[3] level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000240 0x00000340 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 00000001, 0: 0x000306f2 0x08100800 0x77fefbff 0xbfebfbff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x00000008

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000006 0x00000201 0x00000008

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000008

2020-04-01T12:33:16.390Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[4] level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000240 0x00000340 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 00000001, 0: 0x000306f2 0x0a100800 0x77fefbff 0xbfebfbff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000b, 0: 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000100 0x0000000a

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000b, 1: 0x00000004 0x00000006 0x00000201 0x0000000a

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000b, 2: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x0000000a

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: CPUID[5] level 0000000d, 0: 0x00000007 0x00000240 0x00000340 0x00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: CPUID Maximum Physical Address Bits supported across all CPUs: 46

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR       0x3a =                0x5

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x480 =   0xda040000000012

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x481 =       0xff00000016

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x482 = 0xfff9fffe0401e172

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x483 =   0x7fffff00036dff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x484 =     0xffff000011ff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x485 =         0x300481e5

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x486 =         0x80000021

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x487 =         0xffffffff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x488 =             0x2000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x489 =           0x1767ff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x48a =               0x2a

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x48b =     0x7fff00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x48c =      0xf0106334141

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x48d =       0xff00000016

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x48e = 0xfff9fffe04006172

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x48f =   0x7fffff00036dfb

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x490 =     0xffff000011fb

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR      0x491 =                0x1

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR 0xc0010114 =                  0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: Common: MSR       0xce =    0x80c33f3811300

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: UTIL: Change file descriptor limit from soft 3412,hard 3412 to soft 4096,hard 4096.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: PTSC: using TSC + offset (-319636141172)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: PTSC: hardware TSCs are synchronized.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: PTSC: current PTSC=1595707505076906

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: VMIOP: Init started

2020-04-01T12:33:16.391Z| vmx| I125: MKSXlib: Initialized thread-safe Xlib

2020-04-01T12:33:16.392Z| vmx| W115: ObtainHardwareID unexpected failure: 22.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.392Z| vmx| W115: Hostinfo_MachineID ObtainHardwareID failure (Invalid argument); providing default.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.392Z| vmx| I125: [0x21373000-0x2252ABC4): /bin/vmx

2020-04-01T12:33:16.401Z| vmx| I125: changing directory to /vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.401Z| vmx| I125: Config file: /vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx

2020-04-01T12:33:16.401Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.401Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=2, newAppState=1878, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.447Z| vmx| W115: PowerOn

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1871, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: UNAME VMkernel host01.southbay.local 6.0.0 #1 SMP Release build-5572656 May 17 2017 16:56:29 x86_64 (uwglibc release: vmware, version: 2.12.2)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS /usr/lib/vmware/settings

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- NON PERSISTENT

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- USER PREFERENCES //.vmware/preferences

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- USER DEFAULTS //.vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS /etc/vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT                    libdir = "/usr/lib/vmware"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT           authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT        authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT   authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.463Z| vmx| I125: DICT      authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT            authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS /usr/lib/vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- NONPERSISTENT

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT               sched.group = "host/user"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- COMMAND LINE

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT               sched.group = "host/user"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- RECORDING

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT               sched.group = "host/user"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- CONFIGURATION /vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT            config.version = "8"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT         virtualHW.version = "11"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                     nvram = "dataserver.SouthBay.local.nvram"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        pciBridge0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT              svga.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        pciBridge4.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      pciBridge4.functions = "8"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        pciBridge5.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      pciBridge5.functions = "8"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        pciBridge6.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      pciBridge6.functions = "8"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        pciBridge7.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      pciBridge7.functions = "8"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             vmci0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             hpet0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           floppy0.present = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                  numvcpus = "4"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                   memSize = "7852"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        sched.cpu.affinity = "all"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        sched.mem.affinity = "all"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT          usb_xhci.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT          scsi0.virtualDev = "lsisas1068"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             scsi0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             sata0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000e"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     ethernet0.networkName = "VM Network"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     ethernet0.addressType = "generated"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT         ethernet0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        scsi0:0.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT          scsi0:0.fileName = "dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT    sata0:0.startConnected = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        sata0:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      sata0:0.clientDevice = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT          sata0:0.fileName = "emptyBackingString"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           sata0:0.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT               displayName = "Dataserver"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                   guestOS = "windows8srv-64"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           disk.EnableUUID = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                 uuid.bios = "56 4d a6 01 2c 0d c5 3f-99 88 1b b3 4c 1e be 6c"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             uuid.location = "56 4d a6 01 2c 0d c5 3f-99 88 1b b3 4c 1e be 6c"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                   vc.uuid = "52 d9 7e e8 fd f6 41 5d-4e 01 f0 dc a8 c3 64 8e"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT    sched.swap.derivedName = "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.vswp"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT          replay.supported = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           replay.filename = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           migrate.hostlog = "./dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.hlog"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT              scsi0:0.redo = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT  pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT  pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT  pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT  pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT  pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT       scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "160"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT   ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "192"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT    usb_xhci.pciSlotNumber = "224"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT       vmci0.pciSlotNumber = "32"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT       sata0.pciSlotNumber = "33"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             scsi0.sasWWID = "50 05 05 61 2c 0d c5 30"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:1e:be:6c"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                  vmci0.id = "1277083244"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                  vm.genid = "-6583042147679458574"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                 vm.genidX = "343122209742188191"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT    monitor.phys_bits_used = "42"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT  vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "4194304"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize = "4194304"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT             cleanShutdown = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT              softPowerOff = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT       tools.remindInstall = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = "0"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = "4"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT sched.scsi0:0.throughputCap = "off"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      sched.scsi0:0.shares = "normal"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT svga.guestBackedPrimaryAware = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT            tools.syncTime = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        extendedConfigFile = "dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmxf"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        scsi0:1.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT          scsi0:1.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           scsi0:1.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT              scsi0:1.redo = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        SCSI0:0.ctkEnabled = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        SCSI0:1.ctkEnabled = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                ctkEnabled = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        usb_xhci:4.present = "TRUE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT     usb_xhci:4.deviceType = "hid"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           usb_xhci:4.port = "4"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT         usb_xhci:4.parent = "-1"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- USER DEFAULTS ~/.vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS /etc/vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT                    libdir = "/usr/lib/vmware"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT           authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT        authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT   authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT      authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT            authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS /usr/lib/vmware/config

2020-04-01T12:33:16.464Z| vmx| I125: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS /usr/lib/vmware/settings

2020-04-01T12:33:16.468Z| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO 'windows.iso' for 'windows8srv-64' guest.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.469Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125: Host VT-x Capabilities:

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125: Basic VMX Information (0x00da040000000012)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   VMCS revision ID                  18

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   VMCS region length              1024

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   VMX physical-address width   natural

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   SMM dual-monitor mode            yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Advanced INS/OUTS info           yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   True VMX MSRs                    yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   VMCS memory type                  WB

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125: True Pin-Based VM-Execution Controls (0x000000ff00000016)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   External-interrupt exiting     {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   NMI exiting                    {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Virtual NMIs                   {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Activate VMX-preemption timer  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Process posted interrupts      {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125: True Primary Processor-Based VM-Execution Controls (0xfff9fffe04006172)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Interrupt-window exiting       {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Use TSC offsetting             {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   HLT exiting                    {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   INVLPG exiting                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   MWAIT exiting                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   RDPMC exiting                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   RDTSC exiting                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   CR3-load exiting               {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   CR3-store exiting              {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   CR8-load exiting               {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   CR8-store exiting              {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Use TPR shadow                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   NMI-window exiting             {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   MOV-DR exiting                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Unconditional I/O exiting      {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Use I/O bitmaps                {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Monitor trap flag              {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Use MSR bitmaps                {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   MONITOR exiting                {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   PAUSE exiting                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Activate secondary controls    {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125: Secondary Processor-Based VM-Execution Controls (0x00007fff00000000)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Virtualize APIC accesses       {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Enable EPT                     {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Descriptor-table exiting       {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Enable RDTSCP                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Virtualize x2APIC mode         {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Enable VPID                    {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   WBINVD exiting                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Unrestricted guest             {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   APIC-register virtualization   {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Virtual-interrupt delivery     {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   PAUSE-loop exiting             {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   RDRAND exiting                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Enable INVPCID                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Enable VM Functions            {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   Use VMCS shadowing             {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.477Z| vmx| I125:   RDSEED exiting                 { 0 }

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   EPT-violation #VE              { 0 }

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Enable XSAVES/XRSTORS          { 0 }

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: True VM-Exit Controls (0x007fffff00036dfb)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Save debug controls            {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Host address-space size        {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL     {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Acknowledge interrupt on exit  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Save IA32_PAT                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load IA32_PAT                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Save IA32_EFER                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load IA32_EFER                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Save VMX-preemption timer      {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: True VM-Entry Controls (0x0000ffff000011fb)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load debug controls            {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   IA-32e mode guest              {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Entry to SMM                   {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Deactivate dual-monitor mode   {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL     {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load IA32_PAT                  {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Load IA32_EFER                 {0,1}

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: VPID and EPT Capabilities (0x00000f0106334141)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   R=0/W=0/X=1                      yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Page-walk length 3               yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   EPT memory type WB               yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   2MB super-page                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   1GB super-page                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   INVEPT support                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Access & Dirty Bits              yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Type 1 INVEPT                    yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Type 2 INVEPT                    yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   INVVPID support                  yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Type 0 INVVPID                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Type 1 INVVPID                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Type 2 INVVPID                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Type 3 INVVPID                   yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: Miscellaneous VMX Data (0x00000000300481e5)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   TSC to preemption timer ratio      5

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   VM-Exit saves EFER.LMA           yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Activity State HLT               yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Activity State shutdown          yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Activity State wait-for-SIPI     yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   CR3 targets supported              4

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Maximum MSR list size            512

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Allow all VMWRITEs               yes

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   MSEG revision ID                   0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: VMX-Fixed Bits in CR0 (0x0000000080000021/0x00000000ffffffff)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Fixed to 0        0xffffffff00000000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Fixed to 1        0x0000000080000021

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Variable          0x000000007fffffde

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: VMX-Fixed Bits in CR4 (0x0000000000002000/0x00000000001767ff)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Fixed to 0        0xffffffffffe89800

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Fixed to 1        0x0000000000002000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Variable          0x00000000001747ff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: VMCS Enumeration (0x000000000000002a)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Highest index                   0x15

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: VM Functions (0x0000000000000001)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:   Function  0 (EPTP-switching) supported.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: hostCpuFeatures = 0x97d

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: hostNumGenPerfCounters = 8

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: hostNumFixedPerfCounters = 3

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: hostPerfCtrArch = 3

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: CPU0: PMC: IA32, Nehalem-C or later PMC: smmFrz (hw): (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:  [c:0 f:1 e:0]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: CPU1: PMC: IA32, Nehalem-C or later PMC: smmFrz (hw): (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:  [c:0 f:1 e:0]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: CPU2: PMC: IA32, Nehalem-C or later PMC: smmFrz (hw): (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:  [c:0 f:1 e:0]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: CPU3: PMC: IA32, Nehalem-C or later PMC: smmFrz (hw): (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:  [c:0 f:1 e:0]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: CPU4: PMC: IA32, Nehalem-C or later PMC: smmFrz (hw): (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:  [c:0 f:1 e:0]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: CPU5: PMC: IA32, Nehalem-C or later PMC: smmFrz (hw): (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125:  [c:0 f:1 e:0]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: MONITOR MODE: allowed modes          : BT32 HV HWMMU

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: MONITOR MODE: user requested modes   : BT32 HV HWMMU

2020-04-01T12:33:16.478Z| vmx| I125: MONITOR MODE: guestOS preferred modes: HWMMU HV BT32

2020-04-01T12:33:16.479Z| vmx| I125: MONITOR MODE: filtered list          : HWMMU HV BT32

2020-04-01T12:33:16.479Z| vmx| I125: HV Settings: virtual exec = 'hardware'; virtual mmu = 'hardware'

2020-04-01T12:33:16.495Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-VMFS  : "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk" : open successful (524309) size = 397284474880, hd = 0. Type 3

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-VMFS  : "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk" : closed.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-FILEBE : FileBEOpen: can't open '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk' : Could not find the file (393218).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: DescriptorOpenInt: failed to open '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk': Could not find the file (60002)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LINK  : "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk" : failed to open (The system cannot find the file specified). 

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-CHAIN : "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk" : failed to open (The system cannot find the file specified).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB   : Failed to open '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk' with flags 0x80015 The system cannot find the file specified (25).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.496Z| vmx| W115: DISK: Failed to open vmdk(/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk) - "The system cannot find the file specified" (25)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: OvhdMem_PowerOn: initial admission: paged    42422 nonpaged     4149 anonymous    14230

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: VMMEM: Initial Reservation: 237MB (MainMem=7852MB)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: MemSched_PowerOn: balloon minGuestSize 209715 (80% of min required size 262144)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: MemSched: properties ovhd: 0 mainmem: 0 pinned: 0 fpt: 0 ftCpt: 0 ls: 0 prealloc: 0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: numa: VCPU 0: VPD 0 (PPD 0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: numa: VCPU 1: VPD 0 (PPD 0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: numa: VCPU 2: VPD 0 (PPD 0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: numa: VCPU 3: VPD 0 (PPD 0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: numaHost: 1 virtual nodes, 4 virtual sockets, 1 physical domains

2020-04-01T12:33:16.497Z| vmx| I125: CreateVM: Swap: generating normal swap file name.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.498Z| vmx| I125: FTCpt: (0 unk) vmk overheads: 0 pages (0 MB)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.498Z| vmx| I125: Swap file path: '/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.vswp'

2020-04-01T12:33:16.498Z| vmx| I125: Disk_GetDigestDiskCount: numDigestDisks = 0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.520Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting sched.swap.derivedName = "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.vswp"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.528Z| vthread-8| I125: VTHREAD start thread 8 "vthread-8" pid 536444

2020-04-01T12:33:16.528Z| vmx| W115: VProbes facility is disabled.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.528Z| vmx| W115: VProbes facility is disabled.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.529Z| vmx| I125: Monitor64_PowerOn()

2020-04-01T12:33:16.531Z| vmx| I125: vmm64-modules: [vmm.vmm64, mmu-hwmmu.vmm64, vprobe-none.vmm64, hv-vt.vmm64, gphys-ept.vmm64, vmsafe-none.vmm64, callstack-none.vmm64, vmce-none.vmm64, vvtd-none.vmm64, videio-none.vmm64, ahci-ahci.vmm64, {SharedAreaReservations} .shared_per_vm_vmx:0x2540, {SharedInterVcpuVmxSection}, {SharedInterVcpuSection}, <MonSrcFile>, e1000Shared=0xfffffffffc0dac80, ahciShared=0xfffffffffc0da000, ahciRegs=0xfffffffffc0d9000, hvLoadedAsAddr=0x1, useNPTAsAddr=0x1, numVCPUsAsAddr=0x4, busmemFrameSizeLog2AsAddr=0x2, busmemFrameSizeAsAddr=0x4]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.531Z| vmx| I125: vmm64-vcpus:  4

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: KHZEstimate 1897802

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: MHZEstimate 1898

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: NumVCPUs 4

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: Guest OS (20501) not supported for replay debugging.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d a6 01 2c 0d c5 3f-99 88 1b b3 4c 1e be 6c

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: AIOGNRC: numThreads=1 ide=0, scsi=0, passthru=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=2 (3)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting replay.supported = "FALSE"

2020-04-01T12:33:16.540Z| vmx| I125: StateLogger::Replay State = 0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| I125: StateLogger::minDEThreshold: 115

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting replay.filename = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (4)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| I125: MainMem: CPT PLS=1 PLR=0 BS=0 BlkP=64 Mult=2 W=25

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| I125: MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| I125: MStat: Creating Stat vm.suspendTime

2020-04-01T12:33:16.541Z| vmx| I125: MStat: Creating Stat vm.powerOnTimeStamp

2020-04-01T12:33:16.542Z| vmx| I125: VMXAIOMGR: Using: simple=Generic unbuf=Generic

2020-04-01T12:33:16.543Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (4)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.544Z| vmx| I125: FTCpt: (0 unk) State transition FTCPT_UNSET -> FTCPT_NOT_CONFIGURED (0:1)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.545Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=16 (4)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.546Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: Creating new group with numThreads=1 (4)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.546Z| vmx| I125: MigrateResetStaleVMDBHostLog: Hostlog ./dataserver.SouthBay.local-cdc66893.hlog doesn't exist.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: MigrateBusMemPrealloc: BusMem preallocation complete.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 1595707802458047 @ 1897802000Hz -> 0 @ 1897802000Hz

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + -1595707802458047

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: Disabling TSC scaling since host does not support it.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: TSC offsetting enabled.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: timeTracker.globalProgressMaxAllowanceMS: 2000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vmx| I125: timeTracker.globalProgressToAllowanceNS: 1000

2020-04-01T12:33:16.548Z| vthread-9| I125: VTHREAD start thread 9 "vthread-9" pid 536445

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: Unable to find file /vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: Unable to find file /vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting scsi0:1.redo = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: DISK: OPEN scsi0:1 '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk' persistent R[]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: Unable to find file /vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-FILEBE : FileBEOpen: can't open '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk' : Could not find the file (393218).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: DescriptorOpenInt: failed to open '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk': Could not find the file (60002)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LINK  : "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk" : failed to open (The system cannot find the file specified). 

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| Worker#0| A100: ConfigDB: Setting scsi0:0.redo = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-CHAIN : "/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk" : failed to open (The system cannot find the file specified).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| Worker#0| I125: DISK: OPEN scsi0:0 '/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk' persistent R[]

2020-04-01T12:33:16.549Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB   : Failed to open '/vmfs/volumes/5731a2cb-f8eaf4d8-0b33-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local_1.vmdk' with flags 0xa The system cannot find the file specified (25).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.550Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-VMFS  : "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk" : open successful (10) size = 397284474880, hd = 5038414. Type 3

2020-04-01T12:33:16.550Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk" (0xa)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.550Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-LINK  : Opened '/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk' (0xa): vmfs, 775946240 sectors / 370 GB.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.550Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-LIB_BLOCKTRACK   : Resuming change tracking.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-CBT   : Initializing ESX kernel change tracking for fid 5038414.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-CBT   : Successfuly created cbt node 4ce14e-cbt.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-CBT   : Opening cbt node /vmfs/devices/cbt/4ce14e-cbt

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: DISKLIB-LIB   : Opened "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk" (flags 0xa, type vmfs).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: DISK: Disk '/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk' has UUID '60 00 c2 94 dc eb b5 69-c4 a7 4d b5 99 48 ad 68'

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: DISK: OPEN '/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmdk' Geo (48300/255/63) BIOS Geo (48300/255/63)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| Worker#0| I125: UTIL: Change file descriptor limit from soft 4096,hard 4096 to soft 4211,hard 4211.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| vmx| I125: DISK: Opening disks took 3 ms.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| vmx| I125: Module Disk power on failed.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| vmx| I125: VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.551Z| vmx| I125: SVMotion_PowerOff: Not running Storage vMotion. Nothing to do

2020-04-01T12:33:16.552Z| vmx| I125: scsi0:0: numIOs = 0 numMergedIOs = 0 numSplitIOs = 0 ( 0.0%)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.552Z| vmx| I125: Closing disk scsi0:0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.555Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-CBT   : Shutting down change tracking for untracked fid 5038414.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.555Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-CBT   : Successfully disconnected CBT node.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.578Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-VMFS  : "/vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local-flat.vmdk" : closed.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.580Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting replay.filename = ""

2020-04-01T12:33:16.580Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:1188]: VMAutomationPowerOff: Powering off.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.580Z| vmx| W115: /vmfs/volumes/569fb047-a3582fa7-359e-1418772726b0/dataserver.SouthBay.local/dataserver.SouthBay.local.vmx: Cannot remove symlink /var/run/vmware/root_0/1585744396321973_536438/configFile: No such file or directory

2020-04-01T12:33:16.581Z| vmx| I125: WORKER: asyncOps=2 maxActiveOps=2 maxPending=1 maxCompleted=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.588Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.588Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.588Z| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.588Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=0 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.588Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4331]: Error VIX_E_FAIL in VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished(): Unknown error

2020-04-01T12:33:16.594Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:4292]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=1 additionalError=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.594Z| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff

2020-04-01T12:33:16.594Z| vmx| I125: VMIOP: Exit

2020-04-01T12:33:16.598Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:843]: VMAutomation_LateShutdown()

2020-04-01T12:33:16.598Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [536438 mainDispatch.c:793]: VMAutomationCloseListenerSocket. Closing listener socket.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.598Z| vmx| I125: Flushing VMX VMDB connections

2020-04-01T12:33:16.599Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerCloseClient: Closing transport 32266760 (err = 0)

2020-04-01T12:33:16.599Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerDestroy: server destroyed.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.604Z| vmx| I125: VMX exit (0).

2020-04-01T12:33:16.605Z| vmx| I125: AIOMGR-S : stat o=5 r=6 w=0 i=1 br=98304 bw=0

2020-04-01T12:33:16.605Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.

2020-04-01T12:33:16.605Z| vmx| W115: VMX has left the building: 0.

0 Kudos

So this is the point where we need to investigate storage layer.

How is the storage presented to your host?

From the UUID I can tell it is block storage, so Fibre Channel, iSCSI or local physical drives...

each will have different troubleshooting next steps.



0 Kudos

The commands i told you have to run within the folder of your VM and not at / (root).

1. Now your listings showing a *-flat.vmdk

2. Your *.vmx use  absolute paths for  swap and vdisk which is not common. Normaly its absolute because the files stays withing $Home of the VM where your *.vmx is located.  Only if you store parts on a different Datastore the referrences use absolute addressing

3. In the *.vmx i can see different GUID for the datastores when looking to Swap/vDisk

4. The *.vmx only use one single vDisk and it referrers to a vDisk rather than vDisk_1


Do you have move/copy stuff around? Was there a problem with the Datastore or is this some kind of snapshot of a LUN/Datastore?

If this is the RIGHT *.vmx i would remove the vDisk and than add an existing vDisks (the 370GB one).


0 Kudos