VMware Cloud Community

Esxi 5.0 to 6.0 upgrade failed on HP server

I'm trying to upgrade my esxi 5.0 to 6.0 but on the upgrade process, I encountered the below error on 19% of the progress;

[Errno 39]  Directory not empty:  '/vmfs/volumes/xxxx/etc'

The KB; Upgrading a VMware ESXi host fails with the error: Cannot run upgrade script on host (2007163) | VMw... only mentioned about state.XXXX folder but instead of getting that, in my case it was the etc folder.

My question is - is it safe to delete the folder? if not, how can I proceed with the upgrade?

I have tried VUM but it failed too. haven't tried esxcli.

**i have tried 5.5 too but it comes out with the same error while on 24% of the progress

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3 Replies

Could you attach the log:


and I'll take a look for you

Graham | User Moderator | https://virtualg.uk
0 Kudos

grba this is the only info on the esxupdate.log

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: root: INFO: Command = profile.setacceptance

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: root: INFO: Options = {}

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/bootOption', '-rp']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-U', 'host-acceptance-level', '-G']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: imageprofile: INFO: Adding VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_5.0.0-2.26.914586 to ImageProfile (Updated) HP-ESXi-5.0.1-standard-iso

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-U', 'host-acceptance-level', '-G']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: root: DEBUG: Finished execution of command = profile.setacceptance

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: root: DEBUG: Completed esxcli output, going to exit esxcli-softwareinternal

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-q', '-g', '/UserVars/EsximageNetTimeout']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-q', '-g', '/UserVars/EsximageNetRetries']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-q', '-g', '/UserVars/EsximageNetRateLimit']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: root: INFO: Command = vib.list

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: root: INFO: Options = {'profile': None, 'nosigcheck': False, 'force': False, 'level': None, 'nomaintmode': False, 'downgrade': None, 'updateonly': False, 'proxy': None, 'viburl': None, 'dryrun': False, 'depot': None, 'nameid': None, 'noliveinstall': False, 'pending': None, 'oktoremove': False}

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/bootOption', '-rp']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-U', 'host-acceptance-level', '-G']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: imageprofile: INFO: Adding VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_5.0.0-2.26.914586 to ImageProfile (Updated) HP-ESXi-5.0.1-standard-iso

201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ esxupdate: vmware.runcommand: INFO: runcommand called with: args = '['/sbin/esxcfg-advcfg', '-U', 'host-acceptance-level', '-G']', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.

0 Kudos

seems that you are using vendor custom esxi image. check your esxi host acceptence level and try again. check below link for more info.

VMware vSphere 5.1


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