VMware Cloud Community

Cloned VM's cannot access http or linux updates

It all began when I cloned an original VM, started up the clone without network, changed IP, generated new MAC adress, removed eth0, and renamed eth1 to eth0 through /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. First a physical machine couldnt ping the VM even though they were on the same LAN, but that we managed to fix in some way, now the VM can ping real WAN adresses, but cant get updates for linux or open web pages. Any Idea why this is happening? Is there a special procedure when cloning linux VM's`? The original source VM works perfectly.

P.S there are no firewalls involved.

More maybe usefull info.

We tried to copy the VM, instead of cloning,, and now everything works. What is the difference between those to ways? Copy can be thone when the server is shut down, and it can be cloned while it's live.. I'm a bit confused...

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