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Using VMware Converter with Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7

By xrysmu posted May 13, 2011 03:58 PM



My work environment is:

  • vSphere 4.1.0, build 345043 (you can find this info via the vSphere client tool at Help->About VMware Vsphere)
  • vCenter Converter 4.2.1 (integrated, not standalone)
  • various guest OSes (mainly Windows 2008, 2008 R2, and 2008 R2 SP1)

I ran into an issue where integrated VMware converter would fail on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 machine with an error "specified parameter was not correct"  (I tested it with a non-SP1 version as well and had the same issue and will assume the same issue for Windows 7).   This was referring to the hard drive/volumes of the source machine, which weren't detected by the tool.  The issue here appears to be with the agent deployed to the source machine not running within the administrative context which is prevented by the User Access Control (UAC) security function.  To workaround this issue I had to disable the UAC function (see this article for how to do that:  This requires a reboot of the machine so be aware.   This is required for physical machines.  If you are wanting to converter a VMware client I found powering it down had the same effect as UAC is not active, obviously, when the machine is powered down.

You'll find a reference to this buried in the release notes of the converter:

Please note that I believe you have to update to this version of vSphere to manage Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 clients, but am not absolutely sure.   This release provides full support for the latest Microsoft OSes (I also ran into an issue creating a template of a Windows 2008 R2 box until upgrading...machines deployed from the template would bluescreen after an initial reboot).  Also, note that the updated version of the vCenter converter is/was not installed for me when I updated my vCenter server and I had to install it independently (a bit of a pain as I would expect this to be bundled in with the upgrade).

Hope this helps someone get past the issue I had.


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